Saturday, September 21, 2013

Before going into detail, it is necessary to explain a little to the reader treasure craft cookie j

Chorus resounded over half a century, made even more rulers believe their leadership is a natural thing - as can be given to the creator, is a unique position - can inherit from internal generation to generation, as a "hereditary" treasure craft cookie jars as the feudal lord. In the eyes of the powerful, People out there just like sheep expressive language ability to "be a friend" for life on the surface to be "shepherd", or as the students with disabilities, "education" throughout decades, but still not quite up to be, forever is not enough to test the intellectual level, deserve the right to freedom and democracy, but the world still considered the minimum rights ...
Chorus also increased sleep thinking of the People's slave, making millions with their fate, endure all things absurd. Many people still are not blind to the well recognized real benefactor: Obviously itself is receiving charitable gifts of the people, but the response by saying, treasure craft cookie jars "Please thank the government party."
A state of social paralysis, suppressed by the abuses of dominance from the misperception, and mesmerized in the midst of ignorance in the party. Disastrous consequences that we should take the time to swap the bottom of the well.
Before going into detail, it is necessary to explain a little to the reader treasure craft cookie jars that the writer from arbitrary treasure craft cookie jars spelling. In party mode, sometimes just mention a word "party" treasure craft cookie jars is sufficient to understand treasure craft cookie jars that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), it may be acceptable shorthand so. Then this long, mainstream practice is capitalized word "Party". Why? According to the rules of grammar to capitalize proper nouns. But the word "party" (single) is not proper nouns. On the contrary, it is a common noun of the Vietnamese, only a party to any of the many different treasure craft cookie jars parties and will survive. If appropriated the word "party" for dedicated VCP, it can be seen as "Vietnamese corruption" treasure craft cookie jars with the engine of self-interest. It is not only reckless in language, but also arbitrary thinking, accidentally or intentionally for that: In Vietnam, it is obvious that only a single party exists. If you disagree with a view "independent existence" that is not necessarily accomplice in the "party ownership" treasure craft cookie jars of the word "party" - what the actually "public ownership".
"This Constitution establishes the regime of political, treasure craft cookie jars economic, cultural, social, defense and security, fundamental rights and duties of citizens, the structure and principles of organization and operation of the agency State, to institutionalize the relationship between the Party leadership and people employed, state management. "
That one of the main purposes of this Constitution is to institutionalize the leadership of the Communist Party for the People and the State. Thereby, the location - as in a relationship "gods" of the Communist Party for the People and the State are constitutional. Although the "subjects" are labeled "People make all", but the fact is enough to show that: It is a term of the artificial political and historical irony in thinking people nation. The nominal "ownership" does not disguise his identity be treated well.
"Congress can not enact legislation treasure craft cookie jars to establish a national religion or prohibit the freedom of belief, or restrict freedom of speech or freedom of the press, or the right of the people to peaceful assembly and petition government treasure craft cookie jars repair of grievances. "
"In the light of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, of the Program for nation-building in the period of transition to socialism, the people of Vietnam vow to unite as one, ... done way ... "
So all of the Vietnam People's secularists forced, and he thought that credo, though those things are newly formed and deformed over the years, not consistent and stable long as the bible of the traditional treasure craft cookie jars denominations. Who does not want to have to accept, "not allowed to rise another heart" - Y chang some characteristics of religion: "You must not worship other gods!" Only difference "little" is: The Catholics generally had a choice, and "Party", the Vietnam People all have to follow. The message "not be deflected" nature "ultimatum" was hidden in the aesthetic good-looking terminology flavor concentration moral is that "unite as one" of course "light" was to "make the Program "and" make way "of CPV. The dictator also flavor from the word "pray" - which is used to describe the free will of the people. Alas, even the will of the people as well as "the party". They did not even consult the whole population, even deliberately ignore or distort the will of the People, treasure craft cookie jars and for imposing monopoly wishes the People "party created" through constitutional procedures treasure craft cookie jars ... alone that spot-

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