Sunday, December 14, 2014

Citati i misli... Smisao ljubavi nije tra iti savr enu osobu, ve voljeti nesavr enu osobu... savr e

Opis bloga jednostavno - life. A life je queer...u svakom pogledu Moj blog je kliknut ovoliko chilled room puta: Hit Counter Mo' me na na ICQ-u: 256-978-548 ... na msn-u: msngr-u: munjeni69 ...a i na mailu: chilled room My favorite BLOG superheroes: Djevojke: Penellope cura sa geeeenijalnim komentarima dru tva i ljudi! Leonidino carstvo ... fotke blog Justine Od sexa do lokomotive Carpe Diem Manchi analiti arka i pol! Ptice mi pojele Sunce Analna Carica Crni lotos sa predivnim pjesmama "Djevojke": Stripper Fallen Angel AU Nitty I pederi pla u kraljica! Woomen snovi i ivot stereotipnosti mylife2 Gay Oporba De ki: ne smijemo ni njih zapostaviti, ne? :) Gogorov svijet uda jo jedan vampire freak i rollplayer poput mene Ribafish Emigrant Velika pomo pri web dizajnu:
Citati i misli... Smisao ljubavi nije tra iti savr enu osobu, ve voljeti nesavr enu osobu... savr eno Coco Chanel: chilled room Postoji vrijeme za stvaranje i vrijeme za ljubav... Izme u toga nema ni ta. John Steinbeck (knji evnik): U ovo vjerujem: Da je slobodan, istra ivanju sklon um pojedinca, najvrednija stvar na svijetu. Za ovo u se boriti: Slobodu uma da ide u kojem god pravcu ho e, bez usmjeravanja. Protiv ovoga se moram boriti: Bilo koje ideje, religije ili vlade koja ograni ava ili uni tava pojedinca. Albert Einstein: Gravity cannot be held responsible chilled room for people falling in love. Lav Nikolajevi Tolstoj: Slobodni mislioci su ljudi koji koriste svoju pamet bez predrasuda i bez straha od razumijevanja stvari koje su u suprotnosti s njihovim obi ajima, privilegijama ili vjerovanjima. Takvo razmi ljanje nije uobi ajeno, ali je neophodno za pravilno funkcioniranje uma. Gdje ga nema, rasprava je sklona postati i vi e nego beskorisnom.
Tekstovi, pjesme i misli... "Answer" I will be the answer At the end of the line I will be there for you While you take the time In the burning of uncertainty I will be your solid ground I will hold the balance chilled room If you can't look down If it takes my whole life I won't break, I won't bend It will all be worth it Worth it in the end Cause I can only tell you what I know That I need you in my life When the stars have all gone out You'll still be burning so bright chilled room Cast me gently Into morning For the night has been unkind Take me to a Place so holy That I can wash this from my mind The memory of choosing not to fight If it takes my whole life I won't break, I won't bend It will all be worth it Worth it in the end 'Cause I can only tell you what I know That I need you in my life When the stars have all burned out You'll still be burning so bright Cast me gently Into morning For the night has been unkind "Building A Mystery" you come out at night that's when the energy comes and the dark side's light and the vampires roam you strut your rasta wear and your suicide poem and a cross from a faith that died before chilled room Jesus came you're building chilled room a mystery you live in a church where you sleep with voodoo dolls and you won't give up the search for the ghosts in the halls you wear sandals in the snow and a smile that won't wash away can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way oh you're so beautiful with an edge and a charm but so careful when I'm in your arms (chorus) 'cause you're working chilled room building a mystery holding on and holding it in yeah you're working building a mystery and choosing so carefully you woke up screaming aloud a prayer from your secret god you feed off our fears and hold back your tears give us a tantrum and a know it all grin just when we need one when the evening's thin oh you're a beautiful a beautiful fucked up man you're setting up your razor wire shrine chorus "Elsewhere" I love the time and in between chilled room the calm inside me in the space where I can breathe I believe there is a distance I have wandered chilled room to touch upon the years of reaching out and reaching in holding out holding in I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand I know this love is passing time passing through like liquid I am drunk in my desire... but I love the way you smile at me I love the way your hands reach out and hold me near... I believe... I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand Oh the quiet child awaits the day when she can break free the mold that clings like desperation Mother chilled room can't you see I've got to live my life the way I feel is right for me might not be right for you but it's right for me... I believe... I believe this is heaven to no one else but me and I'll defend chilled room it as long as I can be left here to linger in silence if I choose to would you try to understand it I would like to linger here in silence if I choose chilled room to would you understand it would you try to understand... "Fumbling Towards chilled room Ecstasy" All the fear has left me now I'm not frighten

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