Thursday, December 4, 2014

See also: What do Chinese people in IKEA stores View feminine beauty: fotošopa masters from 25 coun

A popular street food in different countries
We all know how important a healthy diet and regular. But sometimes, bread drawer the temptation to eat some "tasty" and unhealthy, but really very tasty. Sometimes, however, you could eat lunch on the way. In today's bread drawer collection you will see a selection of popular "street" food from different countries.
Jars filled to the brim with mint and sugar with a lot of waiting for the preparation of the famous Moroccan tea METs. Refreshing drink during hot day in Marrakech, bread drawer but this is more than a drink. Preparing and drinking tea is an integral part of Moroccan culture and the mandatory experience, which must be obtained every tourist. (Cezary Wojtkowski)
At the heart of the night markets Miaokou is an old temple. Yellow lights on the market illuminate tables with traditional Taiwanese bread drawer delicacies. Here you will find spicy soup with noodles, omelette with oysters, snails and sticky rice. Taiwanese and tourists alike agree that a visit to the market is not complete without dessert ice bubbles of prunes. (Neil Wade)
Strainer with noodles on an open fire takes all the attention bread drawer cook in Chinatown Bangkok. Many passersby simply can not resist the temptation of local flavor and try masterpiece of these street chefs. (Dean McCartney)
Philippine street vendors have created this dish, which is chicken guts on skewers. Innards marinated and then roasted on the grill. Usually bread drawer this "tasty" dish served with sweet, sour or spicy sauce. (June Aviles)
Chinese street bread drawer vendors like to eat this "bouquet" of grasshoppers on skewers, which is always a surprise for western tourists. However, the use of insects for food purposes is no longer such a rarity in our days. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations says that people around the world regularly consume about 1400 species of protein-rich insects. (Boaz Meir)
Vietnamese street saleswoman with a smile served the rest of the colonial past. Banh Mi Sandwiches are made of baguette filled with a delicious mixture of meat and vegetables. (Tim Hall / Photo Library)
On the table are only the best types of sausages. Fans of street food in Germany (especially at festivals and fairs) is pleased to eat Bratwurst, Bockwurst sausage and other delicacies with a glass of delicious German beer. (Olivia Sari)
The chef prepares ceviche in the seaside town of Máncora bread drawer in Peru. Ceviche is a dish popular throughout Latin America, it is cooked bread drawer with orange or lemon juice, in this case, lime juice, which is a mixture of marinated raw fish and other seafood. (Abraham Nowitz)
Tourists do not need to know the language of the city, in order to understand a menu bar street in Phnom Penh. By the way, pork is one of the most common types of meat that you eat anywhere in the world. bread drawer In the first place after consumption of pork in the world, Austria, followed by Spain and Denmark. (Mark Zikina)
See also: What do Chinese people in IKEA stores View feminine beauty: fotošopa masters from 25 countries Top 20 original designs of restaurants, cafes and bars drunken Japanese businessmen Photo-reportage from the prisons of Sao Paulo
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