Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In the country

How weird is not it! We are celebrating the 67 th Republic Day in India, the world's largest military force in the country, calling the chief guest at the US We show the same weapon, it will show the exhibition of aircraft purchased. What is it then? It is better that you reflect their culture and traditional arts. 67 years after India's independence, everything is intact. Government of the Republic Day and Independence Day just know when to celebrate. It does not matter if people were when she was freed or when the Constitution of India was created? Come face to face with you and get 26 such problems which we are very backward.
But of course there was some improvement in the poverty of the country which is not much progress should have been. The number of poor in all states of the country have seen very much. Bihar, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal states, poverty is found.
The country is unfortunate that there are millions of tons of waste which may decay but also many poor families do not have all the meals. Many people are forced to eat rotten in restraints. Many people work day and night, but the food is not denied in the name of hardtack.
It was so nice to say that the number of young people in India is 75 per cent. But for the youth of the country to the stigma is anathema. After that young people convenience foods do not have jobs, people are wandering convenience foods degree.
Anywhere you go out in the country, you have someone who is talking to you, of course, is to ask-who you cast? This question is much lower than other countries pushes us. Racist because we are very backward.
You will be in even Hindu-Muslim-Sikh-Christian books to read, the brothers together. The sentence is just for books, real life is not possible here. Pichha today to free everyone from the real truth in the name of religion is your driving. Kashmir politics or of Uttar Pradesh! Religion is everywhere at primary level.
The country is not only women but also of Goddess worship is given. Start your day and night with people convenience foods in the worship of his home by beating women. Women in the name of security is the custom of the girls off at homes. Balatkar or flirting with girls, men of the people understand their rights and masculinity. Have shown no change in the mindset of the people yet.
You may not assume that many villages in India where child marriage is recognized. If you will try to get there a little change, you will become an enemy to that place. Uttar Pradesh Chief Guest of such programs are politicians, government and the media are just console.
That is to say, we can say zamindari system in India has completely exhausted but still in states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka dominates. Many of our ancestors debt forced laborers are still not able to finish and are bonded labor.
In the country's development in the country Manuwadi thinking is hampered. Today, women and men increasing decline. Why girls in Haryana convenience foods and Rajasthan, many households have been not as multi. Haryana has become an election issue in today to get married.
Everyone today is corrupt. If it be said in the context of today would not be wrong. Which is to get as much as he is being robbed. Aces are some stray prevent themselves from corruption. Everyone in the country is as rough as Brstachar. This is a very serious subject, corruption convenience foods is corruption within the society you will have to imagine.
The market is a simple RIGHT. You will be the same as the demand in the market will be equally, the demand in the market such goods hide corrupt try to earn more profits. Gina is going to be very difficult for poor people.
65 per cent of India's agriculture is concerned but we still have quite Piecd. We use advanced machines are avoided. The contribution of agriculture convenience foods to GDP is only 15 per cent of India. It is very striking thing, the people of this country convenience foods is dependent on agriculture convenience foods should think about the development of the agriculture.
China just behind us in terms of population, and in the coming Dinen we can move beyond China. Due to the population are not able to get our sustainable development. Through government convenience foods programs should tell people that there is destruction of population growth.
Asking you to go to any rural village or city government plans Name 5. Probably do not know the answer would be. In fact it is the problem of people not the government's problem. 10 such projects makes it to the people there, but it went directly reaches officers and representatives.
Breaking News Srinagar: Fisrt death in valley of 30 year old youth due to Swine Flu. Swine flu deaths continued unabated as the toll crossed 620 till February convenience foods in country. Patna: Bihar Assembly Speaker Uday NarayanChaudhary called a meeting of leaders of all political parties today to discuss convenience foods arrangements for the February-20 confidence vote. Ghaziabad: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal to hol

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