Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ok let me start our first trip to India. We departed from LCCT Airport, Kuala Lumpur at 630 pm, tim

Alhamdulillah, today I and my friends arrived safely to our beloved country to fly Air Asia X, which is filled with the smell of human piper and vomiting. The time difference between Malaysia and India is two hours late.
"Kari Adventures On Earth" begins after a long planning zombie cookie jar we do. Alhamdulillah, Allah simplify all the effort we made to track the earth India.Sepertimana indicated in the previous entry, all sorts of things need to be resolved before departure, such as visa arrangements, holidays, itinerary and so on. Not forgetting also supplies both mentally and physically, everything must be accounted for.
Ok let me start our first trip to India. We departed from LCCT Airport, Kuala Lumpur at 630 pm, time tu very heavy rain! Also worried lest the flight delay. But thank God, everything went smoothly.
The journey from KL to New Delhi takes about 5 hours and a half. He could play the shot-firing in flight arrival zombie cookie jar .... And fill form .... And eat nasi briyani not my taste .... huh .... (kekeke I did not eat nasi briyani e) trip from Kuala Lumpur New Delhi, India takes about 5 hours and a half. We arrived at the Indira Gandhi International Airport at 930 pm local time. Indira Gandhi International Airport is a really very big, about KLIA too. But the arrival she got how many seats are available.
Pound toilet no pictures zombie cookie jar of men and women cantek! The original plan just want to hang out at the airport since the day pon dah night, but after getting a recommendation from a Polish citizen zombie cookie jar on a student hostel nice and cheap, we finally agreed to pounds overnight at the hostel.
Note: Hostel Smyle Inn is close to Arakashan zombie cookie jar Road, New Delhi and nearby also with New Delhi Railway Station (walk approximately 5 to 10 minutes). The exact location of Smyle Inn is the following address: zombie cookie jar -
We take a prepaid taxi to charge Rp 400 to Smyle Inn. (First contingent expenses). Thus began my first observation about the capital New Delhi. zombie cookie jar What can I conclude is (initial observations), crowded, dusty highest level (if lighter nose can senang2 large ore), dirty (rubbish is equally zombie cookie jar so unattainable sense of thinking) and drivers (whether cars, trucks, buses, taxis and tuk-tuk) they are not systematic and helter-skelter. What could be heard was the sound of horns in vehicles everywhere. May sound vehicle horn is how they attract each other? God knows ....
Note: Driving like "road that has no" is a system in India. Do not be surprised if that vehicles can suddenly turn in opposite directions or squeeze-nyelit in the crevices of the space between other vehicles. In short, in order Acha Saptriasa has radion tu pon could not wear ...: Do not cilok mencilok zombie cookie jar !!!!
Showing shocked bile taxi driver took us to a deserted zombie cookie jar area, many dogs and confining. Inwardly, each giving long dah .... Really this place? Indeed betol betol child-millionaire chose ni hard way!
Any stop je sure there are beggars come beckon ... beware ya. Our taxi driver did not know where to pound the actual location of Hostel Smyle Inn ni. Saturated he also asked people on the street and thank God. ... Finally met too. Smyle Inn is located in a narrow lane on the edge of the road. Nak ago tu lane unbelievable stench and filthy ... je la submission. This is our first challenge.
Note: Price is per night for a room is RP 290 (approximately RM 21 per person). Indeed damn cheap but comfortable. zombie cookie jar The location is also near Delhi railway station (walk in 5-10 minutes) and breakfast is provided. According to students Polland said that we encounter in the airport yesterday, during the six months he sat at Smyle Inn and he is satisfied. Hmmmm for us, located not attract and confining.
We woke up early tu nak roam the earth with the spirit of Delhi. after a shower and get ready, we tried to contact Ajanta Hotel, where we had made reservations of Malaysia, but not successfully contacted. After breakfast (simple breakfast, mango juice, toast and butter + banana) we climbed to the main road near the train station and find the location zombie cookie jar of Ajanta Hotel. According to the people we asked, the hotel location not far from the railway zombie cookie jar station. Here is the complete address of the Hotel Ajanta:
Tel: + 91-11-29562097 / 41764563 Mob: + 91-11-9810668881 Fax: + 91-11-46011606 E-Mail: grouse, scroll down and read the actual distance. Saturated also ask people here and there ... many je nak cheat. That culture oran

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