Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How do you make biltong with premix teddington people spices. must you use vinegar. must you use wor

15-03-13, 08:40 PM
Do those ready-mix spice packets state the contents ? Vinegar is used to 'dissolve' and spread the dry spice mix over the meat, also to add taste. I'd go slow with worcester sauce. Basically salt is the only real "essential" biltong spice, maybe add a bit of black pepper, teddington people but the rest is largely teddington people up to the biltong maker's taste. __________________ Johan Mitchell, Swambo teddington people : Marthie. My beste kennis is di oor my eie onkunde ' 96 Colt DC V8 ... Safari Camper ... '88 Fleetline L '88 Ballade 150,
Bertus, hul se gewoonlik hoeveel gram per kilogram vleis. Asyn - baie baie liggies gesprinkel en koeksoda help as dit baie vogtig teddington people is, dit voorkom muf van die vleis. Lekker biltong maak.! Nooi my as dit droog is, ek sal kom proe! __________________ Elize en ry saam met SarelF in VW AMAROK MET BLINKGATCAMPER: My Platkar:- Peugeot 208 Kyk gerus by Vir enige aluminium produkte,canopy's, campers kontak gerus Sarel 0828209413 Vir Tuinpotte en pavers - Kontak gerus Liza's Garden Decor - 082 926 6653 (Boksburg)
How do you make biltong with premix teddington people spices. must you use vinegar. must you use worcestorsauce. must you use baking soda? Or simply teddington people just put the spices on. You read the instructions on the packet to see the amount of spice needed per kg of meat.(I use Freddy Hersch spices).What I do is cut the meat to required size,lenght place in a bowl (buy yr own or yr partner will not be happy if it leaves a stain/taste ) add the measured spice required to the meat,mix spice into meat (stir/mix it altogether like you are making dough).Place it in the fridge and leave for a day or 2 ( in this period there will be a lot of meat juices and spice,just re mix juices and meat up together ie just restir every now and again)after a day or two take out bowl and remove excess moisture off meat with a cloth ie pat dry,then hang or you can just take the meat out the bowl and hang but you may make a mess of yr drier.Once biltong dried you can send some samplesmy way. __________________ Isuzu STD 2.5d 4x2 rear diffy lock 2x spotlight,2x fog lights 215/80/R15c tyres 1 x great humourous driver GPS,Bluetooth Bull bar to make 4x4's cry. Craig
"Dip" net elke stukkie in bruin asyn voordat jy speserye oorstrooi - speserye volgens vleisdikte en hoeveelheid vet, maar oppas vir te veel! So na die derde biltongmaak gaan jy weet hoeveel! teddington people __________________ Real 4x4's don't have curved windscreens!! Jeep TJ 4l Sahara 33' Suzuki Samurai 'Coily' Honda Steed 'Cruiser' + 2 topless platkarre! + some serious toys!!
"Dip" net elke stukkie in bruin asyn voordat jy speserye oorstrooi teddington people - speserye volgens vleisdikte en hoeveelheid teddington people vet, maar oppas vir te veel! So na die derde biltongmaak gaan jy weet hoeveel! Yip that's the way we do it as well. Dip each slice in the vinegar (we use cider vinegar) then shake off the excess, then coat with spices (Freddy Hirsch teddington people is awesome) I usually just leave in the fridge for 12-24 hours, then hang. I once tried putting the spiced meat on a grid over a bowl in the fridge instead of it sitting in the juice overnight, but it made no detectable difference. __________________ 2006 D3 TDV6 tuned, intercooled, etcetera... 2007 RRS TDV8 working towards 900nm 2010 FFRR 5.0 s/c perfectly standard Buy directly from our website! Sense of humour always welcome
We teddington people usually put a layer of bilton topped with spices sprinkled by hand and worcestorsauce lightly sprinkled and cider vinegar, also sprinkled. Repeat until no more biltong. Close lid and put container teddington people in dry cold place, leave until next day. Repack everything in another container but by turning the biltong teddington people around, so the biltong that was on top will be at the bottom. Leave till next day and then hang to dry. Also use Freddy Hirsch spice, teddington people it's the best! __________________ Chris "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing" Helen Keller 2005 Landrover Defender 110 D/C TD5 197? Landrover Series III 109" Project Ex:1999 Discovery II V8 Ex:1999 Freelander 1 Tdi
Ek gebruik Crown net omdat daar nie 'n Freddy Hirch naby my is nie. Wat ek doen is ek gebruik 50% spice 25% sout 25% swart peper. Ek spuit die bodem van my bak met 'n Worchester en bruin asyn mengsel nat, strooi dan my spesery teddington people mengsel dat jy so 50% "coverage teddington people op die bodem van die bak het. Dan pak ek 'n laag biltong, doen dieselfde hoeveelheid spesery en asyn mengsel vir elke laag tot die bak vol is, hoe meer lae jy kan pak hoe beter. Laat dit dan staan vir 3 tot 4 dae in die winter, in die somer hou dit in 'n koelkamer of yskas, draai(meng )die vleis elke dag en hang op, ek verkies ook om dit natuurlik droog te maak indien moontlik, droeers droog die buitekant te vining en dan is jou biltong hard buite voor dit net lekker rooi binne is. Indien teddington people jy Bruin Druiwe asyn gebruik maak jou Worchester minder in jou asyn mengs

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