Wednesday, December 18, 2013

O ja, die verkoelers werk baie goed in dro gebiede. Moenie naby die kus gebruik nie. Hoe laer die h

... The 4x4 Pub Off topic chat area, from the latest to IT questions may be posted here. Please keep it clean and family orientated, or your post WILL be deleted. Joke and funny picture threads are not welcomed, and will be removed without notice.
Somebody is interested in building a old fridge on their farm and asked me for advice. So being a youngster a need some advice so that I can help. They have a large box made with fine wire mesh. What do you put between the two wires to create the wall of the fridge? How much water do you drip on the "wall"? Do you think this fridge works? Where do you get the stuff to create the wall? Thanks for the help, I suggested that they buy a gas fridge but no, they want an old wind fridge. thanks for the help. __________________ Adriaan
Ek owl cookie jar hoop jy verstaan Afrikaans. Jy kan houtwol gebruik, houtwol word ook in verdampings verkoelers gebruik. Hulle gebruik dit ook om sommige vrugte te verpak mee. Hoe nater die houtwol, owl cookie jar hoe beter werk jou cooler. Julle moet nie wonders owl cookie jar verwag van die cooler nie!! __________________ No one ever ruined their eyesight by looking at the BRIGHT side!!
Ek hoop jy verstaan Afrikaans. Jy kan houtwol gebruik, houtwol word ook in verdampings verkoelers owl cookie jar gebruik. Hulle gebruik dit ook om sommige vrugte te verpak mee. Hoe nater die houtwol, hoe beter werk jou cooler. Julle moet nie wonders verwag van die cooler nie!! dankie baie, waar kry mens houtwol? __________________ Adriaan
This is a simple evaporative cooler. Most of the commercial units use wood shavings (hout skaafsels, nie saagsels nie), wrapped in shade net. Then you simply add a fan to promote airflow though the wood shaving panels. Water flow should be enough to keep the the shavings wet. __________________ SWAMBO 2009 Suzuki Grand Vitara 3.2i V6 Auto Me 2003 Ford Focus 2.0 Eurard: For T=2; T=1 but, 1/2T=
dankie baie, waar kry mens houtwol? VAn Houd Skape! Sorry couldn't resist __________________ Rob Stock SS Agencies website: Tel: (041) 379 2495 Fax: 086 529 3495 Cell: 082 905 4738 OK, OK, motorists hate cyclists and cyclists hate motorists. I am both, what a dilemma, guess I'll have to just tolerate myself for sanity's sake!
Yes, it must be a double wall outer. Then you fill it with burnt out coal. Like you would get out of the old steam loco's. It you can't get that, then charcoal will do. You need a drip irrigation system. You don't want running water. You just want the charcoal to be wet. __________________ LC 78 Troopie 1HD-FTE
O ja, die verkoelers werk baie goed in dro gebiede. Moenie naby die kus gebruik nie. Hoe laer die humiditeit van die ambient lug, hoe meer is die verdamping, hoe meer is die verkoeling. owl cookie jar Ek kan eerlikwaar nie dink aan iets wat jy in die ding gaan kan sit om te bewaar nie. Hy verkoel net. Dis nie 'n yskas nie. Melk, vleis, owl cookie jar groente, vrugte ens, sal net effens langer hou in hom, as buite in gewone kamer temperatuur. Bier en water sal koeler wees, maar nie koud nie. __________________ SWAMBO 2009 Suzuki Grand Vitara 3.2i V6 Auto Me 2003 Ford Focus 2.0 Eurard: For T=2; T=1 but, 1/2T=
I remember the "koelkamer" my grandparents had on the farm. (mid 70s). If I remember correctly, it was something like boiler ash they used between two brick walls. The walls were build with half-brick size holes, every second brick. (looked like a chequer board). There were some wire mesh in there as well. (to stop the ash from falling out the big holes.) Not sure how they got it in there. Maybe they did the wire mesh first, filled it with the ash, and then build te brick walls for stuctural strength. I think the mesh only will start to bulge when you fill it up. (Don't quote me on the above..... it was many years ago.) Edit: Die koelkamer was onder groot bome.... nooit 'n kolletjie son op hom geskyn owl cookie jar nie. Die ding was groen van die mos. Hulle het hom net gebruik om die kannetjies met room in te b re. __________________ Kobus '96 Nissan Hardbody DC V6 . .
Die ou coolers wat die mense op die plase gebruik het was gebou met steune, dan het 'n Watertank bo gestaan en soos hy oorloop het die water oor die Kole of as geloop. Die wind wat deur dit waai het verdamping veroorsaak, vandaar die verkoeling. __________________ No one ever ruined their eyesight by looking at the BRIGHT side!!
Die mobiele tipe het hulle ook n 'Safe' genoem in die 1800's. Julle moet nie daai ou modelle onderskat nie,ek dink die koudste temp aangeteken is -15 of so iets. Die ou boere het inelkgeval van die Kaap tot in Natal hulle vlies koud gehou vir maande.
Steenkool wat uitgebrand het werk ook goed vir die mure One het so ding op dei vorige owl cookie jar plaas gehad en dit het baie goed gewerk Plaas gewone besproeiings druppers so 15cm uit mekaar rondom die ding laat hulle bo-op die steenkool drip. Maak die mure so 25cm wud - span fyn ogies draad en vu

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