Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Your edits! BECOME A VOLUNTEER! Donation Bioneerile Wind Day Bike Tour 2013 will explore and experi

Your edits! BECOME A VOLUNTEER! Donation Bioneerile Wind Day Bike Tour 2013 will explore and experiment with Bioneer Visit ökopoode! Serial: serial Hazardous substances in consumer cold room doors products: cold room doors Life on land, unemployed. Serial: Sustainable Enterprise
While deserts are some of the harsher and less populated places on the planet, cold room doors they have a good Test field at the same time the latest green technology. For example, in Jordan recently announced that a couple of years ago, began the grandiose Sahara Forest Project, which combines renewable energy, freshwater and agricultural production, eventually became a green light. cold room doors
Sahara Forest Project (Sahara Forest Project) aims to create three birds with one stone: it has to produce renewable energy, fresh water and food, and to contribute to the development of local agriculture. And all this in the wilderness! Given the ever-emerging global food prices was certainly one of the most important deciding factor when deciding the project to mitigate the potential for water and food shortages, wrote Greenprophet.
, 2008. In the beginning of a project combines two innovative technologies - solar concentrating (Concentrated Solar Power, CSP), and seawater greenhouses (Seawater Greenhouses). These solutions, converts seawater and freshwater seeks to ensure sustainable energy production and agricultural developments inhospitable desert environment. King's initiative
Norwegian authorities will implement a project funded by the Jordanian coastal city Aqabas. The original cold room doors building site is approximately 200,000 square meters (upper mall about four times larger), but the future is planned to expand the area of two square kilometers.
Situated on the Red Sea in Aqaba was chosen as the location primarily because the project cold room doors requires large quantities of salty seawater pumping aggregating devices, and solar greenhouses that make unsalted water. Some fresh water diverted for the cultivation of fresh vegetables, but the part is heated by the sun's rays through the hot heat as steam and passed through the turbine, which produces electricity.
Jordan grabbed cold room doors an exciting project closed in 2010. year after the country's King Abdullah II was met in Oslo on the idea of the authors. Sahara Forest Project is biological mimicry created by architect Michael cold room doors Pawlyn seawater greenhouse designer Charlie Paton and structural engineer Bill Watts. The initiative is supported by the Norwegian environmental organization Bellona Foundation.
Project developers planned to conduct a feasibility study into this year, and next year will be built and tested demonstration center. The full construction cold room doors is planned to start later than in 2015. year.
Sahara Forest Project architects claim to be born of two innovative technologies in collaboration with the synergy that will make both solutions to work more efficiently. Since the system will work across a multitude of fresh water, according to the authors, this idea will help contribute to the gradual reforestation of deserts, and in the atmosphere of carbon sequestration in soils for plant growth, and renewable. If all goes according to plan, it is an excellent example of how to make a desert oasis. How seawater greenhouse work?
Seawater Greenhouse invented in order to be able to grow crops in arid coastal cold room doors regions. Glasshouse piped through the salty sea water that evaporates and condenses on the support of the heat and freshwater convince "raining down from the ceiling." This solution helps inverted conventional industrial greenhouses around the buttress effect of desertification.
The latter occurs because cold room doors the plant is used for irrigation in greenhouses up to five times more water than is offered piirkoona average rainfall. Seawater Greenhouse is based on imitating the natural water cycle - evaporation of sea water is heated, cooled down, and it reaches the ground as rain, fog or dew. How to concentrate the sun's energy? cold room doors
Concentrating solar power (CSP) is currently regarded as one of the effective tools to harness energy from our nearest literally. As seawater kasvuhoonegi, CSP works best in hot, dry conditions, with the sun very well "heats". Mirrors collected via the sun's rays directed to the central manifold, which flows through the water evaporates and makes steam turbines cold room doors employ electricity to grind. CSP is a world-leading cold room doors user of technology in Spain. cold room doors How Sahara Forest cold room doors Project is working?
Concentrated solar power and seawater greenhouses can most effectively work together in many parts of Africa, and the northern coast of the Red Sea, ideally, should these sites be located below sea level, the water pumping should not have to spend a lot of energy and money. Sahara "forest" is actually kind of greenhouses Hekinan designed to offer the greenhouses located outside shade and wind protection for plants.
Solar heaters are placed at intervals long "kasvuhoonehekki," which reflects the sun's rays onto a central collector. Greenhouses produced five times more V

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