Monday, December 16, 2013

The original plans of the church made provision for a hall and Sunday school, but it was never comp

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Home News building project in 2013
The original plans of the church made provision for a hall and Sunday school, but it was never completed. In 2007 we were fortunate to be able to Sunday cold stores school building. We have already mentioned that we have a larger building project in mind, but that it would be in phases cold stores over and that we would not start until the first phase (Sunday school) are not paid. This local has just been paid and, in the light of our great need for more space, we keep the next building project to the congregation:
The conference hall can be used for the following: We want to focus much more on equipping members in groups and therefore such a small room very much. We may offer features / rent it out for smaller functions. We can use this as a "work area", eg at the Fair (our current cold stores cold room will be at the venue for the processing of meat). We can hire companies to weekdays and as a service to the community.
The Hall will be planned as follows: Floor: Tiles Storage for tables and chairs, small kitchen bedieningsluike inside and outside, a covered walkway between current commitment as "main" kitchen and the hall's kitchen. The current cold room in the hall fit; hall is therefore also used for meat processing. The hall and office complex is linked. The hall is accessible from the grass-entertainment area. There will be no ablution facilities built since we have adequate facilities.
How does it affect your offerings? We currently have 857 checkpoints. Below are scenarios in case of all features that contribute less or checkpoints cold stores that contribute. Experience tells us that the third scenario most likely will be. 857 checkpoints @ R47-00 each p / m for 60mde = R 2820-00 per visit point about 5 years 600 checkpoints @ R67-00 each p / m for 60 mnths = R 4020-00 per visit point about 5 years 400 checkpoints @ R100-00 each p / m for 60mde. = R 6000-00 per visit point about 5 years
The Church Council has decided to create a memorial cold stores wall to set up for people who have loved ones as a nissie at church want. There will be a total of 400 nissies cold stores available. This wall will also be built in phases. All nissies will be available at a fixed price. Granite with inscriptions at their own costs are, according to specific specifications TWV uniformity.
The Reformed Church in Bethulie want a memorial wall erected. Because we only have 90 members is the Memorial Wall as initially contains 50 niches. The feeling is that there may be added on later if needed. Do you have any information and / or plans, etc., it will be valuation. Greetings Dolf

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