Friday, July 11, 2014 Aprendan el Criollo KJV dentro de Una Samana Aprendan el Standard KJV dentro de Una Sam

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Oh Obedecer - Obey OBRA - artwork, art Observar - Observe Ocupado - busier ekonomski institut zagreb Ofrecer - Departamento Offer - buwo, desktops, office Oiga! - Listen Oír - Listen Ojo - Eye / Eye Operación - Operations Opinion - Opinion ekonomski institut zagreb Ordenar - ordering, order Oreja - Ear Otro - Other P Paciencia - Patience Paciente - Patient ekonomski institut zagreb Padre - Father Pagar - Pay Pagina - page País - Country PAJARO - Bird Palabras - Words Palacio - Palace Pan - bread Panadería - Boulanjeri, bakery Pañuelo ekonomski institut zagreb - handkerchiefs father - father Papas - potatoes Papel - Paper Papelito - cept paper Paquete - Bunch Par - Fear Parada - Parade Paralítico - paralyzed Pardo - brunettes Parecer - Assemble; (Surprisingly had appeared? What do you think about that?) Pared - MU, panels Pareja - Couples, ekonomski institut zagreb pairs Pariente - Parents, family PARQUE - Where public Párrafo - Paragraph Parte - Part; (Por todas partes - toutkote) Participar - Participate Partido - Match, from encounters - Part Pasajero ekonomski institut zagreb - Passengers Pasar - Pass buen than Tiempo - Amuze you Surprisingly le recourse to UD? Reached Your Bag? Surprisingly recourse? What happens? Pasta dentífrica - Patadan Paseo - Walk; Dar un PASEO - Make a small trekking Patatas ekonomski institut zagreb - spud Patio - Backyard Patria - motherland, country Pedir - Ask Peinarse - groomed Peligroso - dangerous Pelo - hair Peligroso - dangerous Pelota - Ball Perder - Losing Perdóneme / Con permiso - Ekskuze me Permison - Permission Perezoso - seemed peso - Currency Mexican characters - Characters ekonomski institut zagreb Piedra - tables ekonomski institut zagreb Piloto - Pilot Pierna - Ever Pintura - Pentu Pipa - Pip Pimienta - Purely Pizarra - Playa board - Pluma beach - Plum Poco - Small Pluma - featherweight Poner - Place Por favor - Please Practicar - Practice Preferir - Preferred Preguntar - Suppose Problema - problems, ekonomski institut zagreb problems Producir - Garden Pronunciar - pronounced Q Surprisingly le recourse to UD? -What happens to you? Surprisingly recourse? What happens? What's going on? Surprisingly filming? How things are going? How is everything? Surprisingly viene? What next? Quedar - Stay Querer - Want, Love (Love someone - Querer the una persona) Querer decir - Signifye, signified Surprisingly quiere decir? What Is This the signifye? Queso - cheese Quitarse - Remove R Rabo - That Radio - Radio Rapido - Quick / Hurry Raro - strange Rascacielos - Large house high (skycraper, english) Recepcionista - Receptionist Receta - Prescription Recibir - Receive Recoger - Take, collected ekonomski institut zagreb Refrescarse - Refresh Regalo - Gifts Regla - Rules Regresar - Back Regreso - Return back Reír - Street Repetir - Repeat Remoto - far Reloj - Watches Respirar - Breathe Representar - Represents Responder - Respond Respuesta - Response Reunirse - Reuni Revista ekonomski institut zagreb - final review Rico, Rica - Rich Rincon - Corner Río - River Risa - Street Ritmo - rhythmic Robar - Stealing Rojo - Red, Red Ropa - Clothing Ropa Interior - Underwear S Sábado ekonomski institut zagreb - Saturday Saber - Know Sabor - Taste Sacar - Remove Sacar Photos - Photographing Sacar una nota - Take Scores Room - Salt Sala - Salon Sala de clase - classroom lesson Salgan uds. - Output Saltar - Skip Salud - Health Saludar ekonomski institut zagreb - embraced Sastre - People ekonomski institut zagreb made clothing is - I know it hace ado - L-making ekonomski institut zagreb should / Night is coming; Sun sunset Secreto - Secrets SED - Thirst; Tener SED - Thirst SEDA - Silk Seguir - Follow Samana - Week Sentarse - Sitting ekonomski institut zagreb Sentido - Sense, feelings Señor - Mr. Senhora - Ms. Ser (Es hora de Comer's - It's time for our food) Serio, The - Serious Serpiente - Snakes Servicios - Service Servilleta - Moisture Siempre - always ekonomski institut zagreb Silla - Chairs Sillón - Sitio couch

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