Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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Pierre's Blog Igluprojekt Gulme 2012 New Building Site
After the initial frustration I felt it in the coming days in the lowlands barely. The first weekend after the crash was weather is concerned so bad that I had to wait and see one weeks again. how to make a room colder On 29 January, I packed my stuff and then again rose to the Gulme. The conditions were not exactly top. Foggy and cold, but a lot of fresh snow. From our original shell was nothing more to see. All blown over. Since the base also was not very good, I even climbed the last few meters to the summit and ran a few yards further to the construction how to make a room colder site, I actually had the very beginning in the eye. The snow level was perfect, the snow at the low temperatures anyway and also the lower layers appeared to be quite compact here. This was the perfect place: Fantastic panoramic how to make a room colder view: Alpstein, Churfirsten and all the Glarus Alps in sight! Wunderbar.
So angestampft quarry, construction site intended for igloo and sawed the first blocks for the foundation wall. Alone again, the work is more complex and so I made it to 16 clock, just time to put a solid foundation wall, then grabbed my stuff together and went off again.
For the third day to the Gulmen and the second construction day of the new location, I then took my next Friday off. The weather forecast was not bad, except that the cold spell just reached its peak. But I did not care and I thought to myself: "Versuchste simply times how it's done. If it gets too cold, kannste cancel. "Well packed backpack and shortly after nine, I started in Arvenbühl to Ascension. Of course, all traces how to make a room colder of the previous day's rise were blown out again and so the climb was quite difficult, but beautiful. After the steep climb I broke through the blanket of fog and was completely how to make a room colder blown away by the icy wonderland up here. The foundation walls from last weekend how to make a room colder were still so I could continue building my little house for a good hour excavation and cleanup. The work brought me despite icy temperatures below freezing sweat, how to make a room colder so the cold was quite bearable. how to make a room colder As the fog against four then teased again, the Bise moved back to strong and the weather changed within minutes to. I had to hurry me to escape this harsh storm.
The fourth day on the Gulme, was a magnificent, but icy. After I had not come even on the previous day so far with the construction work, as I had imagined, I went next day, right back on the road. Great advancement in the sunshine. The thermometer showed -16 C. in Arvenbühl already on top of the summit then warens probably still a few degrees less, but warms work. Against 14 clock then came Corinne still high, because they, too, in the lowlands almost vergitzelte and wanted to see how and where the new igloo came to stand. The two of us were still good 2 hours in the building work and before the weather how to make a room colder changed again to 16 clock, the construction was down to a few last stones almost done. The entrance was already dug, the form fit, the stones kept fantastic. The descent was stunning. Red all around, bright mountain peaks. The work was almost completed.
The next Saturday I used then in order to complete my work. After a week off my quarry was of course again completely blown over and I had to dig times and a half hours until everything was ready again. The temperatures were still icy and the Bise also still blew. The last stones how to make a room colder then also needed again for a while until they were sitting. Ne is quite Friemelei and in the end it is custom work to close the remaining gaps and to have a clean hole for the end block. This is then inserted how to make a room colder like a cork from above. In the early afternoon, the work was then completed and the roof. The rest of the time I spent to seal the igloo and to stuff the larger cracks how to make a room colder from the outside. My Gspänli of Capricorn how to make a room colder was also presented itself again and good for photo and film shoot ;-) Good things then I packed up my stuff half-past four, presented still a low wall in front of the quarry around him to better protect something against how to make a room colder drifts and descended the valley. The night in the igloo could come :-)
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