Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anonymous frico cargo comments

How to solve the wishes of employees to promote new ...
Zhang Jingwei blog

Since 2008, annual sales of instant noodle industry has continued to decline 4. The number of firms also continued to decline. According to statistics, in 2000, more than 1,800 domestic instant noodle makers, 2003 statistics almost 800 in 2010, a sharp decline to less than 200, enter 2013 is less than the normal production of enterprises 100. Even alive but also significantly reduce enterprise operation rate, many companies throughout the year, half of the production line is idle. After September 2012, even worse, wheat price increases, from 1.1 yuan per kilogram rose 1.3 yuan / kg, or up to 18%! Even worse, many corporate marketing staff to reflect: laying down does not move off the goods, as the market seems to have suddenly come to a halt. People keep asking: how the noodles? Instant noodles can not do?
Instant noodles are also watching from the industry innovation and development, but only surface smoothness degree block, color and shape changes, as well as an increase in material package, taste increases, the lack of substantive innovation. Consumers have even said: "instant noodles frico cargo is trickery. Beef noodles see beef, chicken noodle see chicken, shrimp fish, shrimp and fish can not see the board." The 10-year frico cargo average house prices rose 143 Chinese %, or 520% of Henan noodle, frico cargo even popsicles are rose 1 yuan from 0.05 yuan a; may face high retail price of just Tingyi from 1.5 yuan to 2.5 yuan. 10 years from the original path of consumer spending fed to eat, eat to eat healthy and personality. The price of instant noodles due to restrictions, the whole industry profitability is low, resulting in inadequate investment in research and development, Forced cost reduction, product quality can not be effectively improved, product upgrades slow, did not upgrade the speed to keep up with consumer demand, can not meet consumer demand, cause severe declining consumer groups and some consumers continue to be abandoned. Instant noodle industry has been self-comforting to say to consumers with affordable products. You are public sector do? Not! The most critical is that not all cheap poor quality, frico cargo consumers really need is value for money products.
Competition aims and common development, not get rid of competitors. Instant noodle industry can attack each other on the pinch is basically the norm. Fried and non-fried battle, Master and unity who is Japanese-funded enterprises of the dispute, and Jinmailang big white elephant bone surface of the dispute. What is more business in order to grow their own interests at the expense of the entire frico cargo industry. 2005 Baoguo endorsement "grain Dojo", a "denial of fried keep healthy," the advertisement industry mainstream products frico cargo will be pushed to the fried instant noodles cusp of public opinion, a time-fried instant noodles on the topic of sexual health in the country caused by the media big discussion. In order to negate the development of non-fried noodles fried whole disk. Since then, instant noodles and junk food is associated. There waste oil, acrylamide, preservatives, irradiation of food, people within the industry, oil events are "artificial hype" cause instant reputation getting worse. Instant noodles image in consumers' minds like a roller coaster development, roughly map as follows: Noble Food Food civilians junk food. Everyone loved the convenience foods become one of the top ten junk food. Almost all parents educate children, eating instant noodles.
First, the lack of leadership based business, leadership style entrepreneurs. Every entrepreneur is responsible for their own business, no one can be responsible for the development of the industry. The top four every enterprise wants boss, but the boss does not understand how to do? Boss not only have size and strength, but also have the ability to let the younger brother followed, "food to eat, drink, has the meat", so we naturally recognize you do boss. From the perspective of scale and brand influence: frico cargo Master undoubtedly boss, a market share of over 50%, in absolute market dominance. Tingyi product innovation can really flattered, product and price upgrades are completed in the prices of raw materials after the passive. Behind the lack of innovation in SMEs, are following the Master to go, virtually Tingyi prices become the industry-voltage lines, which is called the price of repression. In fact, in the final analysis is to insist on product innovation and promotion is not enough, not pierce the price ceiling Tingyi frico cargo due.
I often encounter severe ever consumers frico cargo are now eating instant noodles. The reasons are worth eating instant noodle industry enterprises reflection: frico cargo they say that instant noodles frico cargo without frico cargo the original delicious. They miss the most interesting year 2000, instant noodles taste. I put this question back to the R & D engineers after they feel wronged. Instant noodles to add more and more raw materials, (state allows to add) how will increasingly high cost of not delicious. I think this is precisely the main reason for not tasty noodles. 80s make a package surface is not more than 15 kinds of raw materials, and now faces a pack of almost 28 kinds of raw materials. Some enterprises in order to increase the chewy noodles, add chewy agent, frico cargo plus edible gum. In order to look good dough, add lemon yellow, sunset red. Some companies also produce vegetables, noodles do not have any vegetable juice, food coloring that is out of tune. For powder packets contents frico cargo even more, in order to increase spiciness frico cargo with Capsicum, vegetables wrapped in soy called beef is done imitation beef. There sauce packets, in Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and other places, there is no sauce packet of instant noodles, to the Chinese in order to increase color, flavor and add sauce packets, the problem is product frico cargo prices do not increase, frico cargo in order to save costs, many companies products sauce packet is palm oil plus cattle ointment. Only the "palm oil sauce packet" to increase the cost, consumer after eating the stomach and esophagus is not comfortable. Why do we eat a few thousand noodles do not bother, why eat instant noodles for decades many people eat greasy? Because there is no face instant noodles taste, flavors and spices on the left! All entrepreneurs, R & D Engineer: Do you know what consumers like to eat in the end?
Henan, a major enterprise has a distributor of instant noodles agent eight years ago, in order to make the product into the school, over the wall into the school public relations. Or the annual sales of more than 600 million distributors in 2012 suddenly notify the manufacturer to give up power of attorney. There are a large number of customers enterprise frico cargo inventory, found that the business did not increase the number of customers a year but fewer than 300 dealers. This is all because of instant noodles pathway profit is too low. Similarly the agent business, dealer agent other products Maori are generally above 10%, while the agent of instant noodles is generally about 5%, operating costs rising, more low-profit, dealers enthusiasm for instant frico cargo noodles and more low , was abandoned on the dealer reasonable. Large enterprises rely on brand pull, SMEs do not have the brand, channel profit is inadequate, channel customers without enthusiasm, SMEs fall one by one is also reasonable.
2008 back to life after the reunification of instant noodles is because the old altar pickled surface frico cargo unified promotion. frico cargo Unity old altar pickled hot sales force speaking from the product to solve one thing: to see the old altar pickled sauerkraut, delicious visible! 2012 many companies fall, many companies call in trouble, there are still several companies live gusto, they obtained through product innovation contrarian up, they are rarely concerned Henan bamboo industry, frico cargo Nanjie, Chinese reunification, Jin Ziyang, etc. They solve a problem: Let the noodles return to nature, to do single-sided block material package. Their real actions frico cargo for the industry lit the lamp of hope. But these enterprises' innovation can only solve their own problem of existence, can not promote development of the industry. Development of the industry must address the problem of product frico cargo upgrades, innovation and upgrading, upgrade the quality, frico cargo the price to upgrade to make value for money products.
1 category innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy. Category innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy frico cargo belong frico cargo subversive innovation. 30 years ago, to say that we drink water, beverage industry frico cargo now have water, tea drinks, sports frico cargo drinks, fruit juice, milk, milk drinks, carbonated frico cargo drinks. Everyone thinks can not grow, Wong Lo Kat herbal tea, Red Bull drinks, six walnuts, etc. to give us a good lesson. Even water, also divided purified water, mineral water, soda water, ground water, water, frico cargo snow water, distilled water, etc., the price is from 1 yuan to 20 yuan per month. frico cargo Even more interesting is that the lowest price on the supermarket shelves are often major categories, frico cargo big brand, high prices tend to be new classes, new brands. frico cargo Coca-Cola, Master Kong, unity, Wahaha and other large enterprise products priced at 2.5 yuan / bottle. Can Red Bull, JDB, six walnuts, pulsation priced at 4-6 million, all drinks, category innovation frico cargo to promote the overall development of the industry. Non-fried, frozen noodles, fresh wet noodles, noodles, fried noodles enhance the quality of the original, simply face shape and process innovation, snacks industrialization are of this innovation, which is the hope of the future growth of instant noodles.
(2) R & D value for money products and not affordable products. Instant noodles five principles: delicious, nutritious, convenient, safe sanitation, long-term storage, the price is reasonable. But we spend too much energy on the convenient and affordable. Less than 10 years ago, gold elephant from a dollar to five years ago, Hualong's "one dollar king": the king is only large enough, playing cards are affordable. 60g puffed food can be sold for about 3 to 8, why 115g packaged retail price of 2.5 yuan noodles are difficult? frico cargo This is the result of affordable! Why not get Henan Henan noodle is too affordable; therefore benefit equal to a low grade. This world has never inexpensive products, only the value for money products. Cheap, low-cost can not make delicious products. frico cargo If you can not face the next three bags of 3 to 5 million barrels of surface do 5 to $ 10, all enterprises in this industry, including the Master will be hard to survive.
Most domestic small and medium enterprises in product research and development on the use of up to imitate. The product itself is not large enterprises to 30% gross margin, gross profit SMEs how low can imagine! SMEs neither brand, product and no high-margin, low profit pathway frico cargo eventually die. Follow price increases beyond imitation products directly brands is basically impossible, so the small brands have on the product innovation, frico cargo product innovation and big business after the formation of significant product differentiation, to obtain pricing decisions, increase channel profits to compensate brand power shortage in the short board. Also drink, if you produce tea, no matter how hard you try you can not surpass Master Kong, unity, frico cargo but the Red Bull energy drink to do, do raise yuan vegetable frico cargo protein drinks, frico cargo JDB make herbal tea made product pricing, increasing the channel profits , not only the achievements themselves, but also to promote the entire beverage industry to flourish. frico cargo
Instant noodle industry is currently the most deadly year grain temple SMEs lacked confidence in challenging fried noodles, frico cargo Tingyi feel too strong, he did not raise prices, no one dared to go beyond him. Cause a lot of business R & D is very characteristic frico cargo of the products due to lack of confidence, resulting in promotion, frico cargo insisted enough, die a natural death, or market visibility is low. For example Guohong Henan noodle, Nanjie fresh wet surface, the beauty of a white elephant off three, Jinmailang spiced corned egg noodles, spicy incense pot. Red Bull entered China in 1994, fire up until 2008. Even the best products do not adhere to the promotion, frico cargo do not bring benefits, profits and sales.
Master the so-called high-side line market monopoly for many enterprises psychological burden. In fact, the historical development of the law is always behind the beat of advanced, weak defeat the powerful. frico cargo Large scale, profit margins are low or non-profit business is a lot of large companies fell the most direct cause. SMEs in order to compete in this unequal win only change the rules of the game. Do not press the big business rules of the game game. On the basketball court to play basketball than Yao Ming and Liu Xiang, who won? On the runway frico cargo 110 meters hurdles race who wins? Each SME must learn to do their own business elongated plate symbol of specialty products, access product pricing, profit increased confrontation with the passage frico cargo of Master Kong brand power, establish their own base. Then copy the successful experience. JDB beverage industry, Red Bull, raising RMB six walnut has given us a good one off, what are we waiting?
Anonymous frico cargo comments

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