Monday, October 14, 2013

Some properties have heard a lot of fruits and vegetables that we know how many properties there, b

Some properties have heard a lot of fruits and vegetables that we know how many properties there, but we rarely use them. Learn more greens and vegetables and parsley is a herb called fall, but it is good to know there are onions, vegetables and of course vegetables are superior to the numerous properties. Hopefully with vegetables Crushing mill (green Khvrdkn) Kaalktryk glass of lemonade more useful to be able to use these herbs length.
Egyptians were keen on onions and lots of workers who participated in the construction of the Pyramids palatable herbs used. Onions are not only used as a food flavoring and medicine, but also has many therapeutic effects. In the sixth century, Indian onions were used as medicine. Greece and Rome had many uses in the onions. Strong taste of onion was the poor who could not afford the more expensive vegetables, use it as a condiment. In Europe, the onion and the class name is used as a healthy breakfast. Interestingly, onions Krystfklmb first introduced to the West and now China, India, United States, Russia, glass of lemonade and Spain are the largest producers of onions. Onions are the different types and colors of brown, white and red can be seen. These vegetables contain sulfur compounds, glucose, calcium, sodium glass of lemonade and potassium salts, iodine, iron, and vitamins A, B and C, and the increased activity of the stomach glass of lemonade so that the stomach acid will rise. People who have stomach pain and heartburn may be eating raw onions, cooked onions to take the better. Onion is one of the vegetables grown in Iran, and historically, Iran has found its way to other countries. Onions in Egypt, Rome and Greece has many uses. Interestingly, the list of names and photographs on the walls of Egyptian pyramids is closed as seen in the onions.
Get plenty of onion bulbs decreased glucose level for diabetics. glass of lemonade Thus diabetics can safely eat onions. Medical research shows that onions contain a substance called propyl alleles that increase insulin reduces blood glucose. Onions also a good source of chromium, a mineral that is useful glass of lemonade and helps cells to respond to insulin. One cup of raw onion contains over 20% of the useful and important minerals for the body.
Heart Pyazkhvrha regular consumption of onions, garlic, such as high blood pressure glass of lemonade and reduce cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, diabetes and heart disease prevention. These effects are due to the material onion, sulfur, chromium and vitamin 6B in which the amount of a substance glass of lemonade called homocysteine glass of lemonade reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, the researchers showed that people were using the Pyazbyshtry onions, tea, apples and broccoli is rich in flavonoids, which are up to 20 percent lower risk of heart disease.
Onions and prevention of colon cancer, according to researchers, regular consumption of onions for two to a few times a week significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer. Onions are rich in flavonoids and helps prevent the growth of tumors in animals can protect glass of lemonade colon cells from damage. Cooking meat with onions can reduce carcinogens that are formed during the cooking temperature should help. Researchers suggest that the protective effects of onion and is important in preventing the development of colon cancer.
Strong bones with onion, milk is the only food substance effective glass of lemonade in improving bone health. Onions, glass of lemonade like milk, can be effective in maintaining glass of lemonade bone health. Journal glass of lemonade of the American diet, Onions activity glass of lemonade of osteoclasts (cells that destroy bone) will be inhibited. Onions are beneficial effects for women. Women who are at risk of osteoporosis and menopause are in addition to milk can also get help from the onions. Alendronate prevents bone loss medication prescribed by a physician glass of lemonade for such follicles reduces osteoclast activity. glass of lemonade However, the side effects of this medication may be small, but just the smell of onions, a side of onion breath. But be careful that you should never take a drug without medical supervision or unplug it.
Several anti-inflammatory agents in onion are Pyazyk strong decrease symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions such as pain, swelling and allergic diseases such as asthma, arthritis and respiratory diseases such as colds, congestive onion consumption glass of lemonade is improved. Both onions and garlic contain substances that inhibit the enzymes that create inflammatory Prvstaglndynhay. glass of lemonade So much they can reduce inflammation. Anti-inflammatory effects of onions not only because it contains vitamin C, but because of another material is Ayzvtyvsyanydha. glass of lemonade In general we can say that the Flavnydhay onions can kill many bacteria and eat them cold in the winter and very helpful.
Cooking with Onions glass of lemonade Onions are a good source of phenols and Flavnydhast and studies have shown that the human body from heart disease - cardiovascular disease and cancer will protect. Journal of agricultural and food products to the United States, in part due to the wonderful effects of onion has anticancer properties. Onions choose carefully. Always choose the onion is completely new, it is not in good condition and no Mnfzbazy skin is dry.
The peel onions

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