Saturday, March 14, 2015

Be exported to Russia goods worth billions of crowns. Especially cheese, butter and curd. At EU lev

So finally EU, a failed clone CMEA recovered and individual states are beginning to realize what it is national pride, independence and self-sufficiency. And he could only impulse - sanctions. First, the West against odd food Russia, odd food then as Russian retaliation penalties again on his part. And at once everything is completely different. EU emergency learned Dalibora covert ...
"I urge all citizens to the fullest extent possible to support our farmers and food producers buy Czech food. These are mainly milk and dairy products, meat, fruits and vegetables, "begs Agriculture Minister Marian Jurečka. "Let us eat Czech products", urged the public in response to a ban on food exports to Russia. Overall, due to mutual EU sanctions and Moscow threatened yet minimum 830 jobs and sales companies for CZK 2.5 billion.
Dalibor of Kozojedy turning in his grave as it was timeless. Once the "jat and put in a round tower, later called after him Daliborky, at the end of the Prague Castle above the valley Brusnice 'and throat punished, therefore his subjects had to take something without paying for it. Judicial embarrassing. In prison, he therefore bought a violin against tesknosti of a miscarriage of justice, and although it had never reached before in the hands and excellently trained with. Simply "emergency learned Dalibora odd food thicket." Supposedly but it was not a violin, but the rack, also known as "violin"; ladder provided odd food with ropes or strings to stretch criminal law interrogated tortured. Dalibor issue was "wailing so wild that his desperate screams were heard outside windows torture chamber." As today's EU after the Russian lesson. This pain has taught violin at the "play", the truth about the crime he attributed to "vypovídati".
Be exported to Russia goods worth billions of crowns. Especially cheese, butter and curd. At EU level, then the Government will enforce compensation for damages, for example in the form of export support on replacement markets. Unleashed hoopla. A Křížka came to Mytýska; in the Czech Republic, there is serious concern that retailers choose cheaper overseas suppliers. Russia plans to replace their traditional importer of food in other countries, such as Brazil. But above all, we want to produce and produce their own food. Also can not wait to be able to be in this area for themselves and their self-sufficiency proud.
It was eventually it was good that the sanctions came. Otherwise it not brought us to the realization that the entire EU really hinder national self-confidence and self-sufficiency. It must be soul-searching, we have sinned against the national interests of their laziness and greed. President of the Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic Ing. Jan Veleba said that the agro-food sector only from the Czech Republic joined the European Union in 2004 came to 40 000 employees, with downstream industries even get to 120 by 000 people. odd food Especially in terms of securing a wholly self-sufficiency in staple foods for consumption of the inhabitants. No, please, and then that sanctions are counterproductive ... EU means for Czech farmers reduce their competitiveness. We came to EUR 300 million from Agricultural Rural Development Programme in favor of an increase odd food in cohesion funds cohesion. Czech farmers are from all 28 EU countries only, which amount has been reduced by the Rural Development Programme.
What is to blame for the Czech bankruptcy carries an ordinary odd food citizen? Customers in the supermarket because odd food these tunneling movements usually do not even notice, because the packaging of goods origin information is lacking or is mentioned only Made in EU. Additionally, a number of consumers is šumafuk where what is produced. Mainly to have as your stomach for a penny, the better. It's also because the Czech households have had over a trillion debt, and half of them, with the executors of the neck, already lends no shopping. but on the first installment of the loan. For these reasons, the chamber odd food wants to make information about the products to be mandatory packaging disclose that consumers are not misled. We eat pork, but we do not know that čuníci come into the world in Denmark, fattening in Germany, odd food Austria and beat their meat sold in the Czech Republic ... That was the Czech sovereignty, or betrayal of Czech farmers. Let's take sanctions as Russia's revenge for the Czech peasants ...
If today you want to simply buy a Czech product, you should not be surprised that it is Made in Czechoslovakia, but Made in EU. Similarly, fared even more of our manufacturers. Mochov east of Prague, the Czech producer of frozen vegetables. Now in stores odd food still sold under the brand Mochovská vegetables, but are credited on the cover Made in Austria. The Award was a Multinational Enterprise Ardo. In povltavských odd food fat races in Nelahozeves will not receive traditional vegetable fats Perla, Flora, Rama and Hera, as they are now imported from other European races. Place of manufacture are Polish Katowice. From Poland, the Czech market also import some sweets with chocolate stars logo Prague Orion, founded in 1896. Today, the production of Swiss concern Nestlé gives us, among other things. I wafer Delissa.
Likewise, by sheer accident, he came to the Swiss group Hero purely Czech product when the Czech market p

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