Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We try to minimize chemical interventions in the vineyards. Because we can be in the vineyards only

Today's interview with attribute Do not miss. Serving will be interesting to talk to a beautiful whimsical black and white photographs. Waiting for you a trip to sunny Moravia, but "rough" north Bohemia, specifically to the Great Žernoseky. Ales Svatos introduce their young winery Porta Bohemica, which is quite enough to hear, although founded only in 2010. The chemist by profession, among others convince you that in the vineyards and the cellar would winemaker should rely on chemistry as possible.
Despite hampton park hotel the large business Žernoseky occasionally passing through on their way to Ústí nad Labem, just last week I admired the car vineyards towering over the majestic flow of Labe. One would these corners Vine perhaps did not expect, but appearances are deceptive, vine cultivation is documented here until the 13th century. The vineyard winery Porta Bohemica see as far as the gate Czech - natural formations, whose name Ales Svatos borrowed in the name of the winery. If you after reading today's interview with the winemaker wanted to meet, you do not have to Great Žernoseky. On Monday 1 September the Ales Svatos arrives to present their wines to Prague Vinografu.
I do not come from a family of wine and make our way to the wine was not straightforward. The acquisition of vineyards, we considered a longer period and after first considering a romantic vineyard in Portugal by the sea or in the Mikulov Holy Hill, we started looking around in the country. My wife comes from Litoměřic and there we started around 2000 also search. One reason was to create fun for retirement. hampton park hotel Another thing that led me to do, was a desire to better hampton park hotel understand nature. It leads me to my profession as well. I am a chemist, a chemical ecologist and a biochemist working in Prague at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and in Jena to the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology. The air-conditioned laboratory lose track of time, the winery allows me to intensely experience throughout the year.
At the beginning of 2008, we coincidentally found on the Internet advertisement hampton park hotel for the sale of vineyards in the Great Žernoseky the track under Třešňovkou. Then we made additional vineyards and facilities for processing the grapes. Yesterday brought us a new tractor, it's such a snowball, which still attaches a new layer. It is interesting that in my field, I have professional hampton park hotel recognition in the family congratulated me up for the first wine. My father said: Finally doing something pořádnýho!
Not so long ago, so clearly enough. It was from their own grapes grown in the vineyard Pod Třešňovkou, Müller Thurgau year 2008. When we arrived at the vineyard, has been overgrown with nettles breasts, but beautifully ripened grapes, harvested, we are in the world. Vaclav and in May 2009 we won with him to our surprise, shock and other local winemakers Zernosecke bones. Much blown beginning.
In Great Žernoseky, Michalovice and Žalhostice where we have vineyards, subsoil is very diverse in the track at the pit and the vineyard is loamy-sandy soil with a high content of calcium and magnesium in the soil is marl with basalt fragments. hampton park hotel The track has Třešňovkou at the bottom of topsoil washed hampton park hotel right in the middle of the vineyard is opuka with outpourings of basalt and the upper part is very dry with a shallow profile situated on a limestone plate. Here vines suffering from drought.
We try to minimize chemical interventions in the vineyards. Because we can be in the vineyards only on weekends and holidays, and go the way of compromise: hampton park hotel to hurt vineyard, wine or another. Without the help of local vintners would not work, and here I have the opportunity to thank them. In the vineyard Pod Třešňovkou we predatory mites and rapidly decreased damage from us hálčivců, declared affect the gall mites is already proven. The vineyard is fully grassed and under bushes hoeing, engraved. Chemical interventions are limited with prolonged time between hampton park hotel sprays. For example, copper is applied only around 1 kg per hectare.
We do fairly good wine. In the basement are trying to convert the sun, climate, place the bottle up in a natural way. A great inspiration hampton park hotel for us Autentistů association, hampton park hotel winemakers who show us that wine can do without massive intervention in the vineyard and in the cellar. Collection of our grapes in several parts within two to three weeks, depending on the amount of acids and phenolic maturity. The high sugar content is not our goal. Grapes collected by hand into 15 kg crates, we just completely hampton park hotel healthy grapes. After milling the ginned and mash is left to be found by the variety one to three days, presses for mechanical hampton park hotel and pneumatic press (smaller number). After a rough draining spontaneously ferment in open vats approximately five to seven days after the first racking the wine is transferred to the basement, where it matures on its lees until spring. Large parts in stainless steel, less in glass carboys. By May further hampton park hotel stack and, if desired filtration through diatomaceous earth. Red are trained in the barrique barrels one to two years. Total sulfur for white wines we typically at a level of 80 mg / L in red 30-45 mg.
Probably not typical hampton park hotel family winery, but all of the extended family are involved. I especially thank my wife that has kept me understanding and for her help and motivated

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