Friday, March 27, 2015

yeast (yeast Dolsk, Vinea, Schimanski or ordinary yeast), nutrient salt (ammonium phosphate) - comm

yeast (yeast Dolsk, Vinea, Schimanski or ordinary yeast), nutrient salt (ammonium phosphate) - commonly available in stores or wineries with beekeeping needs or in drugstores; spices (cinnamon, ginger, coriander, star anise, cloves); Plastic containers of 30 liters for stormy walk in cold room fermentation of mead; glass jars for fermentation and maturation of mead; or a cloth. strainer, funnel (funnel), rubber tube for bottling, fermented walk in cold room plug (vata, bag and rubber band or balloon), a cork, a larger pot cooking honey solution.
Mead made of a dark forest honey, but can of course use must blossom (rapeseed), the main thing is that it was a good honey (if hotly, it does not matter). First, think about how many gallons of mead I want to make and whichever you dare (I measure) the quantity of honey. The ratio by weight of honey and water volume should be approximately 1: 2, this means that approximately 100 liters of mead need 34 kg of honey and 66 l water, 50 l of mead then 17 kg of honey and 33 liters of water, and the like. (The ratio is of course approximate, but for me, this simplification is sufficient and if after the dissolution of a liter of honey to the final volume is missing, so he would not hesitate to refill with tap water, nothing bad in such large volumes happen). Who likes mead less sweet honey used a little less (approximately 100 liters of mead around 26 kg of honey and 74 liters of water).
First prepare broth. walk in cold room So much so that in a larger cup at a time pour hot water (eg. From kettles) and dissolved in the 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons sugar (sugar added for a better start fermentation) and stir everything properly. Then pour into pre-prepared plastic bottles (eg. Conventional 1.5 liter of mineral water or table) with cold tap water to about half of the plastic bottles (half a liter). Into the prepared plastic bottles eventually I pour cup using a funnel paragraph slightly longer, but still hot (no longer boiling, but at about 50 C) solution with dissolved medocukrový honey and sugar. Plastic bottle sealed with a lid and shake all the times that everything mixed and the temperature has stabilized at about 30 C. Then immediately add a small amount of yeast (just 10 drops if the solution; if yeast powder, or solid and on the tip of a knife), sealed, and again three times a whole bottle vigorously. Plastic bottle with so prepared broth placed in a warm room (about 25 C) so as not to direct sunlight (to be light). Plastic bottle, of course, leave it open !!! Be the lid on the bottle just ask, or close the bottle with cotton wool in order to escape carbon dioxide produced by fermentation and causing an explosion plastic bottles. Wait 3 -5 days before yeast fermentation start properly, i.e. the solution becomes cloudy and turbid solution thus releasing carbon dioxide bubbles to the surface and form foam (carbon dioxide from cylinder "feel"). walk in cold room
After rozkvašení walk in cold room broth (ie. 3-5 days after inoculation with yeast) to prepare a fermentation vessel. Mead prefer to ferment in a 30 liter plastic containers, which are commonly used for honey. These containers me really well for the first phase of stormy fermentation. The 30 liters of mead honey to water ratio of 1: 2, thus I will need 10 kg of honey and 20 liters of water. First dare (I measure) approximately 10 kg of honey (to use a plastic container with a cock, which I have marked line weight), which pours into a larger pot (volume 20 liters) for cooking and pour 6 liters of boiling water from the kettle. The solution subsequently cook stirring for about an hour just below the boiling point (although sometimes zabublá and vigorously stir the) to prevent its effervescence. During cooking, walk in cold room I shall take a scoop from the surface of the foam into the prepared pint jar (foam floating on the surface of the glass subsequently removed and honey solution we come back). When the foam ceases forming, or already elapsed hour cooking and honey thus prepared solution to shut down and allowed to cool to about 50 C. The thus prepared hot honey solution Pour into preformed plastic fermenter vessel of 30 liters, in which I previously impregnate about 15 liters of cold tap water (about one liter addition, which was evaporated by boiling). They obtain a warm solution (about 25 C), honey and water in the ratio 1: 2 to prepared a stormy fermentation, i.e. to 30 liters of mead I prepared 10 kg of honey and 20 liters of water. Thus prepared solution walk in cold room of honey add nutrient salt (quantity according to the manufacturer's instructions), which really stir and then into the prepared honey solution Pour the broth, which I had prepared in a plastic bottle. If you want to do a fruit mead and will add a small proportion of fruit (cherries (seedless), raspberries, blackberries or a mixture), usually only 1 kg per 30 liters of color, fruity taste and smell.
Most of all I proved the following combinations (do not forget to add lime):

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