Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Name Gender Age (from 3 years old wolf adults) Position ----- Partner / ka ----- -----

Name Gender Age (from 3 years old wolf adults) Position ----- Partner / ka ----- ----- Descendants coolroom panels Element (water, earth, fire, air) Nature ( 4 lines min) Story (past and how they got / a in the pack as it began and examined magic etc. min. 9-10 lines) Rank: choose !!! HERE (click) !!! (Write it below the rank, not to register) Skills coolroom panels (50 points total you have, you can divide it into these 4) Stamina: Speed: Intelligence: Strength. Picture (Send, the picture must be drawn, it will not matter how vipadat)
RAVE you too: P
Name: Isabella Gender: Female Age (from 3 years old wolf adults) : 3 years Position ----- Partner coolroom panels / ka ----- ----- Descendants coolroom panels Element (water, earth, fire, air) Water Nature (4 lines min) Izzie, Isa, or Bella. It is such an overgrown cub that likes to laugh. It is impatient, nice, friendly, and sometimes goofy and sarcastic lehlce is sensitive coolroom panels and sociable. She loves water, nature and silence. He hates liars, false and conceited wolves. Though her sad past, is what it is and nobody coolroom panels changed. She does not like fighting and unnecessary quarrels, but his pride would her life. Story (past and how they got / a in the pack as it began and examined magic etc. min. 9-10 lines) coolroom panels : Izzie was born in a poor pack, which had two siblings. Elizabeth and Annabeth. Her pride was not very big territory, but passed this always lots of deer. And one day, when their mother went Isu learn to hunt, returned, but what they saw, they are forever etched in memory. In the forest ran huge battle, but Isabella pack was on its last legs. Her mother pushed her into the bushes, and she went to the turmoil. But she did not fight. Everywhere suddenly coolroom panels sprouted huge roots and obmotávaly hostile wolves that eventually suffocated. Despite this huge reinforcements, pack Isy fell. Izzie did not know where her siblings, but she walked the dead, and cried over the loss of their loved ones, their bodies found. And it calmed down a little. However, she was on her way to her own, although she did not know how long a cub survives. Passed a few years from Isy s become an adult wolf, and still without a pack, wandering light. It was not summer, but heat and water anywhere. Izzie was thirsty, but looked as though she wanted, never found. And when you lie down with the intention to fall asleep and never wake up, thinking the water. She imagined how she saw how cool and how it was refreshing. Suddenly there was a loud "splash". Bella opened her eyes. Before her was a small puddle of water. Her eyes sparkled and she drank greedily. With the new order, chirpy and happy, she also has magic, like her mother, but different, it just happened again released into the world, coolroom panels with an intention to find a welcoming pack and make new friends. Rank: Choose HERE (Write it below the rank, not to register) Skills (50 points total you have, you can divide it into these 4) Endurance: 13 Speed: 13 Intelligence: 12 Strength: 12 Picture: http: // fc01.deviantart.net/fs44/f/2009/144/9/9/Hummingbird_Chase_by_dolphy.jpg
Name> Kate Gender> vlčice Age> 3 years - - Magie> Water Nature> Katty, Kattie, Katty or Kat. Is a nice wolf who loves company. She does not like overblown wolves, who thinks himself God knows what. She likes making jokes and having fun at the expense of the other. Sometimes it blows over and there is a problem. She does not know how much apologizing, he can say very little sorry .. It's too shy. I also always worth his, whether it's correct or complete crap. Sometimes it even pulls, but he means well. And though: Bennett said no, he really thinks. when someone coolroom panels insults her, trying to banish sadness. I almost never cry, at least not in front of others. Story> Katty was born in a pack full of wolves coolroom panels who had magic air and fire. Here and there was some exception magic, just like Kat. She won the magic water. Even so, but nobody coolroom panels said anything. was full of charisma and therefore coolroom panels never had a reason not to offend her. She was the daughter of Alf. Always eat first, and her opinions were always taken into account. Oa but not spoiled. Though there were few wolves, who did her problems, but Katty is always killing off. One day, the rain stopped about a month. almost everything was dry, there was nothing to drink. Kat's too worried, but once it crossed the line. Her father had a heart attack. Died. Katty and the others had just buried and it began to rain. whenever Katt crying, it's raining. But it must be due to something serious. Katt decided to leave. Just everything reminded coolroom panels her dad. When SSE is just so walked in the woods, so she thought that could be added to the pack, and fit. And she succeeded :) Strength> 15 Intelligence> 10 Speed> 14 Stamina> 10
Pictures: (I know someone is there, but then I looked at had a chat there another :) http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/005/5/0/at_dark_rubine_by_x_luki_x-d4lavxe. png http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/335/c/2/parade_in_forest_by_kripeel-d4huecs.png http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/206/5/3/ i__ll_be_gone__by_dark_rubine-d58jcn6.png
Name Miabell Mison Mabel (Mabel was

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