Friday, August 15, 2014

An important job and artificial lighting, which must be a common room, and an area - desk lamp. Do

Approaching September the growing lensbury club concern for parents schoolchildren. Especially for those whose children go beyond the threshold of the school for the first time. Parents are concerned about what the most suitable furniture, how to choose a backpack, it should be Schoolboy's schedule as he should eat, and many other issues. Health education and disease lensbury club prevention center of Children's Health Division Dive Žeromskienė advises parents on what to pay attention to preparing children for the new school year.
The student's room and a place to work. Most parents are interested in how to install the student's room, what the most appropriate furniture. Student's room, one of the most important furniture desk. Choosing it is first necessary to remember that it is in the child's height. lensbury club Improperly selected Schoolboy table and chair can be visual, posture, blood circulation problems and a lack of capacity for work reason. Irregularly formed and posture for the low, and because of the large desk.
School desks and chairs come in different sizes, lensbury club marked in accordance with the standards, but if a piece of furniture meets the student's height, convenient to identify visually. Sit correctly - is to sit up straight, deep, uniform distribution of body weight in both buttocks, leaning back in a chair or bench support, his head slightly tilted lensbury club forward. It is sitting in the distance from the eye to the book or notebook should be about 35 cm. Between the trunk and the left edge of the bench for 3-4 cm. Feet hip and knee joints bent at right angles - feet on the floor or a footstool, free forearms resting on the table. Children grow quickly, so the ideal would be to choose a height adjustable furniture. If it is not possible to buy the furniture according to the child's height, they can be adapted, for example., lensbury club Pakalant table legs or through the pads under your feet around.
It is very important for a child to explain why it is right for the size of the table and chair, and teach self-assessments, bench him for what and why. It is likely lensbury club then that the classroom when choosing where sit down, and take it to the cabinet size.
Lithuanian legislation allows the production of children's furniture only from safe materials for children, so it would be better to buy certified, labeled children furniture. Children's furniture surfaces should be smooth, matte, stain-resistant material plaunamosioms. The furniture should be lightweight, without sharp edges and corners.
An important job and artificial lighting, which must be a common room, and an area - desk lamp. Do not prepare lessons only to table lamps, because it gives a vivid contrast between the illuminated surface of the table and the dark room. In this environment, eyes tired quickly and can develop a variety of vision problems. Table lamp should be fitted with a hood to protect the eyes from the glare of direct light.
Your children will be forced to sit up at school and preparing lessons at home, it is important to a child's room or home to create supportive environments for physical activity. lensbury club Efforts should be made so that children have sufficient space to move premises, without interfering with other family members. Select the children not only durable, simple, colorful, but also promote lensbury club the toys move. They have to meet the child's age and physical abilities lensbury club to assist in such a way that the child is able to pick them up. Ideally, if we can keep changing them to not get bored. Local sports corner, if permitted lensbury club by local financial opportunities could include: cross gymnastics, rope climbing, flowers and even fitness. Every child is advised to have a large and a small ball, hula hoop, jump rope, bike, badminton rackets, sledges, preferably skis, skates.
The student's backpack. Select the apprentice good and proper backpack. lensbury club It is important lensbury club that the child liked a backpack, then he will bear it willingly. However, when choosing a backpack lensbury club is not always possible to rely only on the child's wishes or fashion. Unfortunately, the really good and good backpacks are often not cheap. Choose a backpack bearing the name of "school backpack, which the manufacturer guarantees that it is made precisely in accordance with the requirements of school bags. School bags on the outside to be reflectors, they must be equipped with an adjustable-length straps that slip on a coat or jacket to be able to lengthen and the weather is warmer - again shortened. Then it adheres firmly lensbury club to the back and do not allow your child hunch. Do not wear "loose" backpack, which would have the whole weight of the sacrum area. Backpack straps lensbury club shoulder lensbury club level must be a minimum width of 3.5-4 cm to ensure a comfortable fit and circulation neužspaustų hands. None primary school students backpack weigh no more than 700 g., Older students - not more than 1000 g. Doctors recommend students to carry a heavier than 10 percent. his backpack weight to be two slings and put it on correctly both shoulders. If worn on a daily basis in more than 15 percent. body weight of the backpack can cause back pain, spinal lesions. Primary and maybe older children parents should find out whether all the va

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