Sunday, August 17, 2014

I always tease do with pork, lamb because I do not like but can be done with anyone, beginning with

Kibinai my favorite dish when it comes to the production of more than 4 people weird chinese food is very easy, quick and delicious main course making large numbers of people are faced with a problem that happens to a lot of meat, a lot of dough, knead the need of men's hands. weird chinese food But seems to me kneading the dough is inherited from his grandfather, who was the best tešlamaišys across the Soviet Union.
I always tease do with pork, lamb because I do not like but can be done with anyone, beginning with chicken, ending vegetables And by the way, not using mince and mincemeat as it tastier
35 Flirt do you need: 1 kg fatter neck (if not too oily, then you need to make lateral weird chinese food or fat); ~ 1 kg of flour; 4 onions; 4 eggs (5 pictures, it was very small); 450 gr. margarine; 200 gr. sour cream; marjoram, salt and pepper.
First preparation of the dough. Iškuliame eggs into a bowl, but a separate reserve one cup of the yolk. Can be stored in a teaspoon weird chinese food of salt, most of the cream (kept one large spoonful weird chinese food of meat), and after churning.
Then put together the chopped room temperature margarine and flour. All things išminkome. The dough should be soft, netrupanti, sticky. The batter should be placed weird chinese food in the refrigerator and cool. Available through the night
I have no doubt that this recipe will be tested
Maximo filling each slice weighs Tesla, but there hands together to cook the backrest to its užsimerkusios committed weird chinese food tease ... now doing a Maxima skyriuj weird chinese food culinary practices, the spell did not write
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For now, as one or two ... well, I would really like these two already GRAŽUČIŲ, toookie ...
I do and I tease by a similar recipe, and vat for vienoduno so I'm taking pieces of dough, iskočioju it to the desired thickness, and then the amount of deposits squeezes neperdidelio uniform pancakes, if necessary, and I do not pakocioju tease, this combo nicely all the same, the vat. ....
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Va here is good! How long ago I found this recipe looking for. I just love to tease, I remember the Neris mother ate somewhere Antakalnyje 20 years ago. Thank you very much for such a detailed and comprehensive recipe! All is as it should be super detailed with a lot more pictures to 'come weird chinese food to light' wrong!
I'm going to do tomorrow tease by your recipe. Only I do not have scales, and home to 10 kg flour bag. So, I wanted to ask, how much will 1 kg of glass? This is necessary as the lamb mix endlessly because I love both the taste and the smell.
scales, not at all. It is most convenient to purchase such measurement vessel, where the walls made out in flour, sugar, water measurements in grams and cups (cups). The internet says that a glass of flour (American cup) = 125 g. By the way, I suggest to start what = s Aspen 800 g flour, and then have a View by Tesla, weird chinese food or even need it or not.
I came out amazingly well! The heavenly taste! Thanks for such a great recipe, as you said, the dough will be enough just as much as the meats. Rotate the tip of my Sekesai hard while I watched the video a couple of times but after all of that does not taste! An ideal approach for such a recipe I probably have never have that as a way out of everything good the first time, it is no wonder CUIT! I am immensely grateful to you and advises do not regret it!
I know what storm, I think we will be both settled down trouble with kibinas according to your recipe produced and is now full of different treat draugus.Tai. .... I will get my help in the future, because the trouble is that you are too good a recipe weird chinese food I wrote, and I'll make friends treat
ab 2010.07.29.
Tip - Flirt pabadyti fork - and the air coming out neišsižioja. to me they are always open your mouth, no matter how beužsukčiau, while not seen as the pros do. As for the lamb - it does not smell, if it is not the old ram. If you buy a normal lajum neaptukusią sheep - I never made it does not smell. I tried everything to cook, but to buy a young lamb carcasses. weird chinese food
Kibinai all liked what they ate, I ran out of meat filling, so I used Ricotta cheese mixed with chopped spinach, garlic, salt pepper brie - all who ate thimble apsilaižė Thanks
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I slit the meat into small cubes, not just when it is frozen, then easily pjaustosi
but as you say it with the meat and chop? I have seen with you in such a bottle, but always think that there grinds it because it becomes weird chinese food like porridge ... or am I wrong? I would go and brought to bear kibinuke if the machine is suitable for chopping
I'm weird chinese food delicious with beef, and that is not too dry, places of margarine or butter, try-fetched. The scrag too bad, but the chicken anything virtuous, sometime I tried to get used to-not like children. And make sure you need to shred the meat to

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