Saturday, August 16, 2014

Of course, do not forget also that each child

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Somehow I think the easiest to "agree" with the baby. Well, they are probably the shortest taught to cry and sleep alone in his bed and the least bucks ...: D As a fact, neither lands nor lovytėje patrepsės than my mother cry out ... One, two - and it is! Although, as a fact, I can not talk about it because there Anoka expert when ... none of our children, and did not sleep well lovytėje! But ... I can tell you that in fact there are at least three ways to introduce the children to sleep alone. what is a psychrometer How to choose the best? Well, think about yourself and your child - what's right for YOU. What are the options? what is a psychrometer
"Solid": paguldot child to bed, and a departure. Ignore the tears and protest. If a child has escaped from the room, and brought it back and said it was time to sleep, and he has to sleep. Once I found a few professional opinion that there is still more to insert the door gate - then the door is not closed, the child will not be locked, but will not be able to get out of the room. In a word, no way ... 'Hard' mode - activated before - require a lot of parents' susiėmimo and cost many children's tears, but said it would work quite fast and is quite effective. This way of speaking, not to me, but apparently someone is running, if it is to discuss and recommend it to professionals.
"Gradual": he hath put a child, but tell that to return to it after five minutes. And, of course, return: apkamšote, paklostote, kisses ... and leave again. Promise to return again. Return time still extended. Eventually get bored waiting for the child, and he fell asleep.
'Gradual': You're in the room together what is a psychrometer with the child, what is a psychrometer but do not speak to him and stay up together. For example, When you build a chair next to his bed and wait until they fall asleep. The next evening, building a chair a little further. Ideally, the child learns to fall asleep while you pamažiukais išjudate in his room! We tested this method, but we sat in the hallway for a long time the lights went to Martha us see through the half-open door. Well, plus the fact that we read a lot of books!
Of course, do not forget also that each child's needs are individual. For example, our William (7m) need more sleep than Martha (4m). If it is lack of sleep, it is a necessary evil, and while Martha is just evil, if lack of sleep and make up "their own, when they can.
b) The usual ritual allows children to feel like your daily "gatekeeper", that they feel that they know what will happen, but it gives security
- As I prepare dinner, picks up the kids toys, backpacks consists borne table
- We (the girls) special pajamas ritual: they lie down on the bed, and I have a strong what is a psychrometer gesture aborting tights ... not how much laughter! Martha Gertrude then brings diapers, both girls užsivelka pajamas. At that time, the boys puts his dirty clothes in the dirty laundry basket and into your bed clothes what is a psychrometer consists of tomorrow.
- When everyone is ready, what is a psychrometer we are going to read. Currently, Augustus and William reads to his dad, and Martha and Gertrude - with me. Well, after all, reading is very different! I put out the most of the reading lamp and ignite the lamp next to the bed: three retracts under the covers, what is a psychrometer fall into the abdomen, both sides of my girls ... and read!
- When the lectures, discuss Dienel. Usually I ask Martha to tell her what the most that day and did not like what most enjoyed that day. Then - with the dad comes atsibučiuoti girls, and I am going to atsibučiuoti what is a psychrometer boys.
By the way, a little bit of evidence of lack of sleep: Lack of sleep, the child will not only irzlesnis. Even one hour of sleep and lack of primary schoolchildren what is a psychrometer can mean much worse results at school. what is a psychrometer Studies indicate that children "regress" even two years! And children under three years of age may indicate a lack of sleep and behavioral and cognitive problems in primary grades. Read only an excerpt, what is a psychrometer I can not tell you how it is reflected, but children who get enough sleep:
- University of Louisville research suggests that schools achieve better results in those who are not lack of sleep, because then the child solve problems better, concentrate what is a psychrometer better, to better express their thoughts and creative
Sleep deprivation influences child health, safety, development, learning and behavior ... So ... the child (and you!) Is very important to have a good sleep. Good luck (and yourself) habituating a child to sleep most nights, and I wish you calm.
We also would like to see your daughter to sleep in a room, but still do not want to. This we decided to refrain from sleeping in his bed next to us. We bought a bigger bed because already 3 years old, is thought to persuade the new bed to sleep in his room, in the beginning, and if agreed to, but then no, it had to build the bed in his room. We wait for more autonomy chooses. In fact, I need to be happy that the child wants to be close to their parents, and then grow up and no longer need

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