Monday, August 11, 2014

The only thing that holds you back - unsure of yourself. Like the child who says,

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Telekinesis - a natural phenomenon, and all we are capable of, you have to learn how to use this ability. First of all, it is with the mind (psyche), brain and consciousness related phenomenon, but its roots are sub-atomic as well as all the apparitions. Some studies indicate that the related cortical activity. blast freezing Most of what we call a psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in phases.
Consciousness is not a constant. It consists of regularly alternating phases when we are in conscious, then go away for the limits of consciousness, etc. This phase change phenomenon - a manifestation blast freezing of energy and light related to photons. Energy, blast freezing of which we speak is like a low-energy quanta pockets. The ability to bend spoons, rise into the air as a physical event occurs that does not fit our reality boundaries. Of course, there are a lot of imagination. It should be able to one another. Sometimes there is a huge difference between what we think we see vs what is really going on.
Telekinesis - basically blast freezing the ability to move objects on the physical plane using only psychic power. People think that it is - an occult practice. However, it is not quite so. I can only give my opinion, but I believe blast freezing that we are all born with this ability. It is innate, like the ability to walk, talk, breathe. However, one day, we simply neglect it.
A common theory is that TK works by energy blast freezing fields (magnetic or electric) or psychic energy waves help. Psychic energy is powerful enough to push / repel an object or draw it inward. Many people's only encounter with TK is accidental - something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around the room. It is often confused with the poltergeist, while it may actually be a man with telekinetic blast freezing abilities. Anyone can harness their power and use it devoutly.
Telekinesis is considered a wonderful talent that only some people. On the contrary, I think that telekinesis - what is the nature of all of us. We simply do not use. Overall, we all have psychic abilities. Let me explain.
Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say otherwise would be absurd. However, we do not use the entire brain, we do not even use the part. Also, some of the parts of the brain use more than the other. Some people like art, others - math, counting, logic, sports, writing, dancing, collecting ... all of these activities use a different part of the brain. So it is with psychic abilities. All use some of psychic abilities, but far from all of them. Some of us just "know" that something will happen, or can predict outcome better than most people, or "feel" that the person you just met is good or bad. All of this is the use of psychic powers.
How can we lay unused parts of the brain, and with these abilities. The artist can learn algebra blast freezing if they let free. There you can learn telekinesis blast freezing with proper training and natural psychic abilities.
The only thing that holds you back - unsure of yourself. Like the child who says, "I do not know math, it is not possible, as the person blast freezing who says," I can not use telekinesis abilities, I do not have "self-traps. Themselves are the harshest critics. Enough! Believe in yourself and abilities occur.
Telekinesis - the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means of occult power. Psychokinesis - the physical movement of objects by psychic or mental / thoughts gallium

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