Thursday, August 14, 2014

In fact, even in 1978. The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed to prohibit hydrogenated fa

Food Margarine, spreadable mixture - a legal poison?
Fat is a very important part of the diet, but today people use "bad" fats are bad for health boréas and normal society have to be banned. The most dangerous and one of the most widely used fats are hydrogenated fats (margarine, spreadable mixture).
In fact, even in 1978. The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed to prohibit hydrogenated fat, but influential tycoons were able to influence their leaders and so this decision is still pending.
At this point they are already prohibited in all restaurants boréas in New York, the United States and several states are considering a complete ban on the marketing of these products. Danish food products containing more than 2 percent. hydrogenated fats are banned. Most think, if the products boréas are prohibited in New York and Denmark, it is a compelling reason to ban them and our country.
Hydrogenated fats are produced by heating vegetable boréas oils (rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, corn, etc..) To very high temperatures and the addition boréas of a hydrogen molecule. Word of hydrogenated and just comes from the English word "Hydrogen (Hydrogen). This oil becomes solid (at room temperature), and is similar to butter. Interesting you say that margarine was first created in oils turkeys, but then later someone decided to try it with other people.
Hydrogenated fat is added to many products (especially baked products, cookies, sweets, mayonnaise, etc.), so you need to read labels carefully and analyze the ingredients. It is widely used in fast-food restaurants (McDonald's, KFC, etc..), Which should be avoided, because it is, in my opinion, there is nothing to eat and only semi-synthetic food substitutes.
Margarine and hydrogenated fats are more dangerous than saturated fats, which are wrongly accused as many pathogens. You'll be healthier by eating lard than with margarine.
Food companies are trying to advertise boréas that margarine is a very healthy product, no cholesterol and saturated fat (the fat that solidifies at room temperature, for example. Butter, lard, bacon, etc..). But it's the biggest boréas nonsense, because 80 per cent. cholesterol produced by the body (liver) and margarine (and sugar) has been just as bad, and promotes cholesterol (LDL) production.
Some even try to advertise that margarine boréas contain omega 3 and other essential fatty acids, but it's just another marketing gimmick. Margarine in omega-3 fatty acids are artificially added (synthetic) and is in a form the body can not absorb them. Therefore neužkibkite on this advertising gimmick.
All margarines are poison and should be banned, but here again, the food industry moguls do not want to sacrifice their profits and thus continue poisoning people. Therefore, you should stop believing that government and other institutions us protection. The most we have taken care of myself and the best thing we can do - to stop buying. If you stop buying margarine and spreads mixtures, they passed out of the market.
True, it should be added that today's producers had reduced margarines contained trans fatty acids. However, despite the margarine boréas is unhealthy and harmful to the health of the product.
Since the structure boréas of hydrogenated fat is changed (and unnatural chemicals created in the laboratory), the body does not recognize these fats can not digest. The undigested fat is deposited on the blood vessels and thus a longer period of time narrows and blocks arteries. This greatly increases heart attack boréas and other heart disease incidence.
Not only that hydrogenated fats are digested, the body responds to them as "enemies" and the immune system to "attack." Result - allergies, inflammation of blood vessels and immune system diseases. When the immune system boréas is constantly fighting with unidentified fat and other allergens, it is over a longer period of time, it wears off and no longer have the power to perform its basic function - to fight against viruses and bacteria, and protect us from diseases.
If hydrogenated fats, however, are able to break through the barrier of the immune system, women often find themselves in the breast, causing boréas the breast cancer. It also leads to other types of cancer, type II debits, 70 percent of women. increase the risk of infertility, cause birth

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