Friday, September 19, 2014

Νεότερη ανάρτηση Παλαιότερη Ανάρτηση Αρχική σελίδα

(Reuters) - European Union regulators are to end an antitrust probe into e-book prices by accepting weird customs an offer by Apple and four publishers to ease price restrictions on Amazon, two sources said on Tuesday.
That decision would hand online retailer Amazon a victory in its attempt to sell e-books cheaper than rivals in the fast-growing market publishers hope will boost revenue and increase customer numbers.
"Faced with years of court battles and uncertainty I can understand why some of these guys decided to fold their cards and take the whipping," said Mark Coker, founder of Smashwords, an ebook publisher and distributor that works with Apple.
"It's certainly another win for Amazon," he added. "I have not seen the terms of the final settlement, but my initial reaction is that it places restrictions on what publishers can do, slowing them down just when they need to be more nimble."
Such clauses bar Simon & Schuster, News Corp. unit HarperCollins, Lagardere SCA's Hachette Livre and Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, the owner of German company Macmillan, from making deals with rival retailers to sell e-books more cheaply than Apple.
UBS analysts estimate that e-books account for about 30 percent of the U.S. book market and 20 percent of sales in Britain but are minuscule elsewhere. When Amazon launched its Kindle e-reader, it charged $9.99 per book.
The DOJ settlement required that retailers must at least break even selling weird customs all ebooks from a publisher's available list, according to Coker and Joe Wikert, general manager and publisher weird customs at O'Reilly Media Inc.
"It weird customs could allow a single retailer to charge full price in a large market like the U.K., and then sell below cost or for free in multiple smaller markets as a strategy to kill regional weird customs ebook retailing upstarts before they take root," Coker said.
Νεότερη ανάρτηση Παλαιότερη Ανάρτηση Αρχική σελίδα
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