Thursday, September 18, 2014

Devices, emitting vibrations at a frequency range of up 0,1Hz 10.000Iz operate on installed program

Medical how to cool a room devices Deta Ap for conducting anti-parasitic treatment and especially to cure a wide range of diseases with infectious basis through the emission of low intensity electromagnetic energy, which accomplished a fatal blow to the different types of microorganisms.
The death of a pest only occurs when the spectrum of the oscillations emitted from the devices coincide with the vibrations emitted by the parasite in the living organism. Therefore, it is very important prior to treatment an accurate diagnosis, since this device is not preventing how to cool a room rather than intended to treat an infection already present in the body.
Successful treatment is achieved due to the exceptional penetrating electromagnetic energy inside the body. The high accuracy of the frequency of resonance implies the effective neutralization of parasite.
Devices, emitting vibrations at a frequency range of up 0,1Hz 10.000Iz operate on installed programs. Devices can be loaded 10, 13 or 20 programs, depending on the type (Ap-10, Ap-13 & Ap-20). Each of the 160 programs available antiparasitic database is intended to affect a particular parasite species. Illustrative available programs affecting roundworms, mycoplasma, trichomonas the the onychomycosis, staphylococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia, Helicobacter, herpes simplex how to cool a room virus, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, and the other candidiasis. The handling of the devices is simple and requires no special experience or knowledge of the user.
The therapeutic medical devices DETA Ap are able to be programmed via PC to operate simultaneously with 10, 13 or 20, depending on the device, from the available treatment programs 1400 (3000 in total to the programs of the device how to cool a room Deta-Ritm), with the medical software programming Therapy 8.0. The device how to cool a room can be particularly address the following types of microorganisms: how to cool a room Virus - 90 species of bacteria - 91 species of fungi - 61 species of Protozoa - 31 helminth species - 33 species
The following programs are preloaded on the device how to cool a room Deta-Ap 20. But it can become installation option other programs of fourteen hundred (1400) available. Planning makes doctor by computer, then diagnostic professional medical diagnostic apparatus of Deta-Elis, Deta-Professional. A / A PROGRAMME POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS 1 Detoxification elimination of toxins from the body 2 Roundworms (Ascaridida) worms, enteroviasi, nausea, teeth grinding, headaches, lack of appetite, abdominal distension 3 Nimatodis worm (Enterobius) worms, enteroviasi, itching in anus, irritability, depression 4 Giardia (parasite) abdominal pain, constipation, how to cool a room diarrhea, allergies, pancreatitis, hepatitis, nefrokykloforiki disease, anemia 5 Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, nausea, how to cool a room dry mouth, eructation ( belching) 6 Fungus Candida (fungus) fungi, fungal infections, dysviosis, fungal infection, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, meningitis 7 Trichomonas (Trichomoniasis) pain, burning sensation when urinating, itching, irritation, prostatitis, cystitis, infertility 8 Chlamydia (Chlamydia) inflammation the genital tract, fallopian tubes, urethritis, infertility, salpingitis, abdominal pain 9 Mycoplasma (Mycoplasma) groin pain, inflammation, prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, miscarriages, infertility 10 Staphylococcus how to cool a room (Staphylococcus) tonsillitis, wound suppuration, furuncle (monk) , styes (abscess in the eyelid), influenza, sepsis, poisoning, enterocolitis 11 Streptococcus how to cool a room (Streptococcus) ENT-organs, sore throat, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis, lymphadenitis, otitis media, how to cool a room skin rash, purulent arthritis, rheumatism, kidney disease, osteomyelitis, scarlet 12 Escherichia coli (Escherichia Collie) gastroenteritis, diarrhea, dysviosis, cholecystitis, tracheitis, ENT, arthritis, adenoma 13 Onychomycosis (Onychomycosis) Nail Fungus 14 HPV (Human papilloma virus, Human Papilloma Virus) warts, papillomas, warts dysplasia and cancer of the cervix 15 Herpes itching, burning, pain, rash on the genitals and lips, skin blisters, how to cool a room infertility 16 Virus Epstein-Barr (EBV) (virus infectious mononucleosis) lymphoma, fatigue, sore throat, sleep disorders, depression, arrhythmia, allergy 17 Cytomegalovirus - CMV (Cytomegalovirus) malaise, fatigue, headache, inflammation of the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidney 18 Avian Respiratory fever, chills, weakness, headache, symptoms of bronchitis and 19 Antiseptic program rhinitis infections including how to cool a room infections unknown, how to cool a room inflammation, swelling, pain, redness 20 different types inflammation Inflammation

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