Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The body Suwarno, Sunday (13/04/2014) morning, brought to his hometown walking cooler for burial. T, BOYOLALI - Suwarno, 40, a resident of RT 014/002 RW, Gondangrawe Village, District Andong, Boyolali, Central Java, on Friday (04/11/2014) night, was found dead in a freezer or refrigerator meatballs in stall hers in the Bhayangkara Kalan, Village Nails Jaya, Serpong, South Tangerang, Banten.
The body Suwarno, Sunday (13/04/2014) morning, brought to his hometown walking cooler for burial. The body was taken to the house Jumadi, parents Suwarno at RT 014/002 walking cooler RW, Gondangrawe Village, Andong, Kala corpse up, the house was crowded as hundreds of local residents gathered at the funeral home.
According to the victim's sister during some also live in Tangerang, walking cooler Suwarno killed were killed by their own employees named Ricky and Rudi. Overseas, it is known as the skipper Suwarno meatballs. "I found my brother in the freezer in a very pathetic condition. I do not sincerely treated my brother like that, "said the victim's sister, Narti, when found, on the sidelines of the funeral procession.
She did not think her brother would be killed terrible thing. "I wish the perpetrators walking cooler was sentenced accordingly," walking cooler he added. Narti re-telling, based on routine, on Friday walking cooler morning last weekend her brother left for work to stall meatballs. Suwarno would normally shop prior to stall.
He was trying walking cooler to find the whereabouts of his brother. Because there is no result, he was finally sawed the padlock in the stalls and the stall she just find groceries are still scattered and not stored in the freezer. "There is a jacket, no pants brother in the shop but its not there. I intend grocery store vegetables and so on into the freezer. It turns out that there are bodies in the freezer dumped my brother with a pile of meat. "He admitted in shock to see the condition of her sister.
Kades Gondangrawe, Jumari, also admitted surprise so received word that there are citizens who were killed overseas. Yet during this time, he saw Suwarno is a good citizen. Suwarno known to have long migrated to Jakarta. Meanwhile, traders work as meatballs in Tangerang has dilakoninya since 2006.
Another victim's sister, Subandi, look for this brother as a good figure. He is monitoring the recent death of her brother pemberitan about online media claimed it was in objection to the slanted news related to the murder of her brother's background. "My brother was accused of having sex with the actor's mother. When my brother gone to work. It's walking cooler highly unlikely. "
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