Friday, January 31, 2014

Deserted. This morning, a little quiet atmosphere. The sound of chirping birds are very rare in thi

Square wooden table in front of him was on the look-like circular. Steel chair into his back pad started to feel like the gas stove was burning. Heat radiating fluorescent light bulbs add to the gloomy atmosphere flutter. Beige shirt worn since the morning began drenched. Comb her hair neatly divided by beginning serabai. Ali was baffled. Fear. Libanglibu. Full confused feelings disordered breathing chaos in increasingly lost control. Drops of sweat on his forehead nervously if the botolkan may be able to fill a container of 5 liters of mineral water. Her eyes could not bear to contemplate a serious face full of flaming anger in front of the inspector, who had demanded an explanation that Ali repeated these cookie jars itself really can not explain. What happened was not able to directly sense warasnya digested. It is outside of human abnormality!
"That I know. But you do not see them that? How did you want to explain! "Inspector Haziq increasingly assertive demands explanation while his index finger right on the point on the thick glass wall of windows facing them. In the bow, Ali merely glances while plume saliva fear generated automatically swallow frequently. Unable to those in the room cement sealing the thick glass windows in staring. these cookie jars
"Right of Mr '. Really I do not know. Please Inche '. I ... I do not know what it's about all kinds of people so ... "Ali explained unrestricted full of fear in slang 'malaydia'nya.
While he lamented Inspector. Maybe right Ali did not know. What's more concrete answers to questions that do not know the answer. The only prediction that somehow just right, somehow not. But Ali is also impossible because the source may not know them! While he lamented the Inspector. Shook his head in a small number of times.
Deserted. This morning, a little quiet atmosphere. The sound of chirping birds are very rare in this great city hearing shall be heard clearly. What's more, the sound is synonymous busy daily routine foot step, the sound of water splashing in the sink, booming sound booming wok spatula to knock the knife blade slicing vegetables sound. Everything is clearly pushing for the extract into the ear drum senses Ali, the owner of the restaurant owners who are still pondering at the checkout counter, looking at a handful of customers who come to meet the requirements of their stomach.
"Boss. This morning Disabled aaa boss. Always spell the morning there, the mayor was there ... "Rohad suddenly turn give spontanius. But the question in response Rohad glance by Ali. Then his neck extended look around the shops next to the restaurant including KFC. Aah! Where there are people eating these cookie jars KFC in the morning!
"This Sunday the holidays also Rohad. This hour laa, want breakfast, lunch with family. Later, these cookie jars this same evening there is Man U Arsenal game, this night, the same Liverpool Chelsea should have let people like always! "Ali these cookie jars shouted in a tone of quiet confidence. Astro remote machine next to cashier at glance. What's more opium than the best human food and football!
"There's the boss! Ready boss! "Rohad passed, whistling the song Humko Humise Churallo. He already knew very well the behavior of the employer. Mood, he literally broke, no mood, five words even no power. Ali smiled. Many, many employees imports, but Rohad the longest, most loyal. From the time the restaurant was at the peak of his fame to crashing to the ground nearly bankrupt, Rohad faithful accompany Ali.
Ali biggest button on the cashier machine keyboard Sharp brand that was purchased years ago. Money helping hands Rohad last wish to store by category. Once open the machine drawer, Ali was silent for a moment. Eyes did not look at the number of money that is relatively thin. 2 pieces not 10 dollars, not a 5 dollar these cookie jars slices and pieces Ringgit notes and coins. Ali sighed shaking her little slow.
Although the 24-hour restaurant, but as early as 7:30 am Normally, the restaurant was hustle and bustle of kerumuni customers. But today until 11.00 am, the restaurant was still quiet. Just noisy with voices football these cookie jars analyst reviews the eloquent comments on the matches of the Premier League this afternoon and evening on TV. Customers who present a new customer even relatively unfamiliar face. Direct invisible faces of loyal customers. Never taste Sunday, customers who come not up to 15 people. Ali little anxious. His fingers gently massaging her cheeks rough with sideburns that slither like to grow. His gaze turned back far into the past. As far as possible, he did not want to go through another phase of dryness pocket money!
Based on the history and reputation, Ali actually inherit a legacy business which is quite famous and grandiose past 30 years. Restaurant-Siddiq. The older generation of historians will know that restaurant-Siddiq was re

Thursday, January 30, 2014

There are many very magical things happen rosen malmö and weird bin occurs in CEC selection this ti

For willful or intentional puns to challenge the credibility of the Chief Registrar of Associations rosen malmö and Societies Act? Are we to excuse a computer rosen malmö 'glitch' and 'worksheet' yet? Or intention to make excuses that can be made recount? Or want to provoke another wave of 'hatred' for the government to justify, called DAP stressed and pressed reason 'can not beat' (shall Titanic sank, and even rocket Challenger explosion, much Tupperware Party cam DAP)? Many questions arise, rosen malmö because of the presence of Janice Lee in re-election of the CEC. The court case is still run by members not satisfied. So, what is the actual status of the DAP CEC election? We went up wonder, how a party which claims to transparency, openness and 'Clean' (even a Ambikgaga already 'blessing' petty corruption) Dewataraya level of corruption and mismanagement, can pretend to not see any 'ghost voters' attendance the polling process?
The results of the CEC witnessed the End Guan and his father, Kit Sial rejected by the members. Guan end fell to fifth place. And vote on Kit Shit decline. rosen malmö But, if you do the math, it seems very all the votes that go kat Zairil. On orders who did? A party like DAP, no matter openly defecate on the road, still acts and actions that are considered 'Holy' and 'Your rosen malmö Highness'. To the extent that, the DAP perbodohkan everyone. Perbodohan the bergatung entirely to hatred on the UMNO / BN. MCA do not want to read is hope.
There are many very magical things happen rosen malmö and weird bin occurs in CEC selection this time. Looks real, malicious underestimate DAP and not respecting the Societies Act. DAP rocket rust hengat mother country, Mr. diaorg have ker? Create actions follow a happy Lim filial. New Tu, MCA and Treasury give Penang and Selangor kat fathom, yet to be a Malaysia again. There would be two people Assemblyman malaon rosen malmö tanned skin is not sedor themselves, posing Dewataraya the eighth heaven.
Regardless, Ambe keynote tahnah Lim filial kat and sappy clans supporting the DAP, then this article is infinite loop of Ambe menjaring DAP rocket rust. Ambe sue? The suit was, Ambe shall make counter-claim jugak.
AMT & KB 2013-2016 DATO 'Jump In
Bread is not even guaranteed rosen malmö that there is misery on bail was a victory, we tunjukki Allohumma the truth is that we follow truth and falsehood is that we eschew bathiil
2014 (18) February rosen malmö (18) Oct 27 (2) Oct 26 (1) Oct 25 (1) Oct 23 (1) Oct 21 (2) Oct 20 (2) January 08 ( 1) January 06 (1) January 03 (1) January 02 (4) Oct 01 (2) 2013 (639) December (23) December 31 (1) December 30 (8) December 29 (6) December 20 (1) December 19 (3) December 12 (2) December 08 (1) December 06 (1) November (10) November 26 (1) November 21 (1 ) November 20 (1) November 16 (2) November 02 (2) November 01 (3) October (40) October 30 (1) October 28 (2) October 23 (1) October 22 (2) October 21 (2) October 20 (3) October 18 (1) October 17 (1) October 16 (3) October 15 (1) October 14 (2) October rosen malmö 13 ( 4) October 12 (1) October 11 (1) October 09 (1) October 08 (1) October rosen malmö 07 (2) October 06 (2) October 05 (1) October 04 (2) October 03 (1) October 02 (3) October 01 (2) DAP Rocket Rust A Top Party Imbecile And Mema ... DAP Rocket Boys Rust Make Selection Stupid CEC-Ah ... May (29) 30 (4) 29 (6) 24 (1) 23 (1) 21 (1) 20 (1) 17 (1) September 15 (1) 14 (2) 13 (1) 12 (2) 11 (2) 10 (1) 09 (1) 07 (1) September 04 (1 ) September 03 (1) September 02 (1) January (42) August 31 (1) August 30 (2) August 29 (2) August 28 (4) August 27 (3) January 26 (3) August 24 (1) August 23 (1) August 19 (1) August 18 (1) August 17 (1) August 14 (1) August 13 (1) August 12 ( 2) August 11 (1) August 10 (1) August 09 (1) August 08 (2) &

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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There are many souvenirs typical food that can be taken from Yogyakarta. Call it bakpia Pathuk, geplak, ampyang, and warm. However, there is one area in Sleman district, known as the industrial centers of bread that can be used as an alternative to buying typical souvenirs of Yogyakarta. The bakery industrial area located on the Ring Road West, precisely around the area Gamping overpass.
Kaliabu hamlet in the village of Limestone Banyuraden the District is divided into three villages, eliwell id 974 namely Kaliabu eliwell id 974 and Lor Kidul, Turusan and Patuk was already known as a center for producing bread home industry since the 70s. Along the way the West Rim, both in the west and east sides lined bakery which is quite a lot. Store pointer boards will look when we pass on the street. Preserving Traditional Recipes
There are several kinds of bread are produced wet, sticky like a layer cake, sandwiches Surabaya, Chinese bread, eliwell id 974 and the bread sponge. Which is characteristic of this bread Kaliabu eliwell id 974 production is the manufacturing process is still using the traditional way and using manpower. Toasting the bread was still using charcoal or coal. This has been done for generations and to date the bulk of bakeries in the region still retain the authenticity of the typical bread Kaliabu.
A toaster stainless eliwell id 974 sheet aluminum rectangular with a large enough size 1 x 0.5 meter which has a door. The grill enough to bake two large trays, each of which contains six trays containing bread dough. At the top of the toaster there is also a box-shaped basin as a place to put coal. Every day, it takes about 8 pounds of coal to produce eliwell id 974 various kinds of bread soggy.
In addition to the traditional roasting process is still, still can be found in the simplicity of making eliwell id 974 the dough. The dough is processed manually without using a mixer. Dough is quite simple as bread dough in general, namely flour, milk, margarine, sugar, eggs, and butter cream. Spices are mixed in the bread dough in the form of clove, cardamom cinnamon too. Bread produced in this Kaliabu Hamlet does not use preservatives so it only lasts for three days.
Because no preservatives, just wet cake produced or marketed at home entrepreneur who founded the store. Consumers who come usually come from surrounding areas such as DIY and Purworedjo, Magelang, Klaten, Solo, and others. The bread has to offer is available in three sizes, small, medium and large. While this type of dough can choose regular dough, specials eliwell id 974 or special. On certain days, especially in large or full title celebration, eliwell id 974 many consumers are coming book. On the days are usually the bread employers willing to not close the shop until the early hours.
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Among the antique radio enthusiasts known that the popular term

Among the antique radio enthusiasts known that the popular term "Bread Radio", a small radio box is made of hard plastic that resists heat. The nickname bread itself probably arises because of the fleeting like a hunk of bread. Obtuse angles are impressive form soft, classic, not rigid. Similar to white bread.
The term was originally bread to ease the radio call small Philips made of bakelite. Because Philips issued institut za standardizaciju a series of almost identical shape and not everyone knew the type is the same person then gives terms for all of radio.
When in fact other manufacturers also produce such a kind of Bush's radio from the UK, and Braun from Germany, including Erres, NSF is using the Philips institut za standardizaciju license. In America radio small radio (radio midget) as it actually produced than in many other countries. Later the name akhinya all small bakelite radios with the same name, no matter the brand. Eg bread British radio, radio bread America. Nevertheless the name "Radio bread" in the community is still attached to the artificial radio Philips.
Radio Bookmarks Era In '50an Philips institut za standardizaciju issued a new line of radios, which is a small radio with a bakelite box materials and using 5 tubes in it. Emergence of new technologies made possible by the presence of U-type tube or Universal released late '40s.
With the new tube radios capable of working in AC and DC, and that especially is not in need of a power supply transformer in it. Radio by itself can be made smaller, institut za standardizaciju lighter, institut za standardizaciju and cheaper. No wonder the radio bread very popular among the people at that time. Even until recently, the former bread radio still abundant than other types.
The presence of the radio era also marked the bread locally assembled products Dutch in Indonesia. If the previous NV Philips only act as a sales agent since 1947 then switched to product assembly plant products such as lamps, radios, and other appliances. institut za standardizaciju Philips also add new code in the numbering series products namely IN, for IN donesia, if the previous is X which means the Dutch-Belgian assemblies. So start with a series of radio circulating B-IN as a new code table top radios are assembled in Indonesia (see pengidentifikasiannya here)
According to the Handbook Indonesian Radio Service 25 issued by PN Ralin radio in 1961 there were 10 types of bread that is locally assembled BIN 115U series, BIN186U, BIN197U, BIN206U, BIN236U, BIN318U, BIN326U, BIN 336U, BIN338U, B3IN667U. Everything is made of bakelite casing. Boxes and spare parts imported institut za standardizaciju from the Netherlands and then assembled into a single assembly in London.
Spek customized radio Indonesian market conditions (tropen) when it is just catching waves SW, single power supply 110V, and correction of serial institut za standardizaciju numbers. Such radios are in the Netherlands Count Gori BX200U institut za standardizaciju be BIN206U, then BX300U be BIN318U, and so on.
Later, institut za standardizaciju several types of bread also made a radio version institut za standardizaciju of the wood, such as in the type and BIN238U BIN318U institut za standardizaciju wood. Presumably Philips institut za standardizaciju had to improvise to meet the high market demand with local materials rather than waiting for the shipment from the Netherlands bakelite box.
Dainty and Dangerous form is small, shiny, and looks "retro" radio makes the bread much used as a display in homes or cafes. Moreover, its compact size makes it easy styled blend with contemporary minimalist interior. But who would have thought that funny shape is stored behind institut za standardizaciju a potential hazard.
Similar to an incandescent bulb then to be able to "turn on" the tube filament voltage must be given. Usually uses AC voltage 6.3V obtained from the power supply transformer in the radio. Instead of bread on the radio, the filament is obtained directly from the electricity grid without institut za standardizaciju transformer. The trick is to assemble in series (continued row) filaments so that the total voltage is equal or close to its resources, eg 110, 220, or 240V.
Philips radios are usually in the 5 tube with filament 14V (UCH42), 12.6V (UF41), 14V (UBC41), 45V (UL41) and 31V (UY41). If we sum the obtained figures 116.6V voltage, AC voltage 110V approach used at that time. Because it uses a mesh net voltage directly from the source then there is the potential lethality of this type of radio. Note the following:
The flow of positive (+) of electricity institut za standardizaciju will go directly to the tube filaments diseri institut za standardizaciju and negative (-) to ground / frame machine. In this condition there is no danger that arises. Conversely, if the polarity is reversed the positive voltage will flow to the engine frame. Radio still works but all the contacts to the framework can lead to electrical shock hazards, including if we hold the antenna hole!
Voltage 110V probably not too dangerous

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How hard will it be to achieve this? Look at Latvia, which has pursued incredibly draconian austerit

Perhaps the most startling and frustrating wat is haccp thing about the debate wat is haccp over the fate of the euro is the way almost everyone avoids confronting the core issue — the elephant in the euro . With a unified currency, adjustment to differential shocks requires adjustments in relative wages — and because the nations of the European periphery have gone from boom to bust, their adjustment must be downward. At this point, wages in Greece/Spain/Portugal/Latvia/Estonia etc. need to fall something like 20-30 percent relative wat is haccp to wages in Germany. Let me repeat that:
None of the governance reform proposals that are currently discussed even attempt to answer the questions of how Spain is going to get out of this hole, and how the competitiveness gap between the north and the south of the eurozone is going to be closed … What the eurozone needs is an increase in domestic consumption in the north, particularly in Germany, and labour and product market wat is haccp reforms in the south, most importantly in Spain.
How hard will it be to achieve this? Look at Latvia, which has pursued incredibly draconian austerity. Unemployment has risen from 6 percent before the crisis to 22.3 percent now — and wages are, indeed, falling. But even in Latvia labor costs have fallen only 5.4 percent from their peak; so it will take years of suffering wat is haccp to restore competitiveness.
The official answer is that this just shows the need for more flexible labor markets. wat is haccp But this was a subject we all batted back and forth in the initial debate about the euro, circa 1990: nobody has labor markets that flexible . If the euro isn’t wat is haccp workable without highly flexible nominal wat is haccp wages, well, it isn’t workable.
Paul Krugman wat is haccp is an Op-Ed columnist for The New York Times. Biography Columns Books End This Depression Now! (2013) Principles of Economics, 2nd ed. (2009) The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (Dec. 2008) The Conscience of a Liberal (Oct. 2007)
A Dark Age of Macroeconomics A History Lesson for Allan Meltzer America Äôs Chinese Disease China Äôs Water Pistol Core Logic Currency Wars and the Impossible Trinity IS-LMentary Japan 1998 Liquidity Preference, Loanable Funds, and Niall Ferguson
Macro Policy In a Liquidity Trap More on Friedman and Japan Myths of Austerity Optimal Fiscal Policy In a Liquidity Trap Sam, Janet, and Fiscal Policy Self-Defeating Austerity The Doctrine of Immaculate Transfer The Humbling wat is haccp of the Fed The Instability of Moderation
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Those looking for a woodgrain finish have a plethora of choice within Nolte

Nolte Kitchens are the second largest manufacturer of kitchens in Germany. They are based in Lohne, Germany’s ‘Kitchen Mecca’ and together with their facility in Melle, produce 750 kitchens a day. Each of these kitchens bigger than a breadbox is produced specifically for one customer in one of the 50 countries that Nolte export to. To maintain this output, Nolte employ 1,100 staff at their two factories. This is a vast difference to when they first began way back in 1958 with just 60 staff.
Within their showroom at Lohne, Nolte display fifty full kitchen sets of their latest design. These fifty kitchens are removed and replaced with their latest kitchens every year in time for their HaussMesse or’kitchen fair’ in September. Nolte are a very eco-friendly company. They were one of the first kitchen manufacturers to gain both the PEFC and FSC forestry commissions accreditations for only manufacturing wood products from sustainable sources and in January 2012 changed their factories to eco power, they are powered by hydropower from the River Rhine. Nolte Kitchens – The Designs
With over 105 kitchen door frontals, Nolte have a vast selection with which your perfect kitchen can be designed. Believing in design purity bigger than a breadbox led them to change their whole production line in for their fiftieth aniversary to Matrix 150. All of Nolte’s Kitchen furniture is now produced on their own system of 150mm increments. This leads to perfect lines throughout the kitchen. Nolte believed in this system so much that in order to switch to the new system, fifty large machines had to be dissassembled, moved and reassambled at another location. This was a huge investment,but one that has led to more beautiful bigger than a breadbox kitchen designs with the possibilities the Matrix 150 system open up. Nolte’s Handleless system bigger than a breadbox – Matrix Line 150, also follows these design principles which means that most of their kitchens can be made handleless should you require. Nolte Kitchens – The range
As you would expect from a premium German manufacturer, Nolte have many exciting door ranges to choose from. Within our kitchen ranges page you will find many of the ranges available. Those searching for a gloss kitchen have the choice of Nova Brilliant or Lux which are group 3 priced doors. bigger than a breadbox Lux is new to the range but is rapidly becoming the favorite gloss kitchen range Nolte has to offer. Available in white, magnolia, sahara, lava, quartz grey, viola, lemon and orange. The whole Lux range is fresh and vibrant and a great addition to the range. The door is a high gloss laquered effect which is great value for a group 3 door.
Those looking for a woodgrain finish have a plethora of choice within Nolte’s Manhattan range. This range is group 1 and offers woodgrain finishes in oak polar silver, savannah acacia, provence elm, chalet oak, oak smoky silver, noce amador, boston cherry, african wenge and italian walnut. The majority bigger than a breadbox of these kitchen bigger than a breadbox doors come on a matching carcase which is virtually unheard of for a German kitchen manufacturer. Within the Manhattan range is also two painted wood effect doors – wood pore magnolia and wood pore lava – which are stunning when combined together and unbelievable value at group 1.
This is just a fraction of the kitchen ranges which Nolte have in their collection. In upcoming posts we will feature more of the range in detail, or you can browse through bigger than a breadbox our range of kitchen images for something to inspire you. Nolte kitchens – Behind the doors
The high level of engineering that goes into each and every Nolte kitchen is astounding. Nolte use only the very best components. From the integrated soft close hinges to the colour co-ordinating carcases with integrated neopreen dust seal as standard, Nolte kitchens are continually trying to raise the bar in terms of quality. Internal bigger than a breadbox mechanisms such as larder pull-outs and Le Mans magic corner mechanisms can be selected as well as many space saving devices such as plinth drawers, deep drawers underneath ovens and gullwing drawers which expand when opened all offer the user extra storage which most kitchen purchasers require. When selecting your kitchen, you can also specify 710mm deep units which will give you 33 percent bigger than a breadbox more storage in your kitchen!
Nolte only use high specification throughout their components. There are three specifications of drawer box -Standard, Chromeline and Glassline – each of these systems bigger than a breadbox are soft close as standard and can hold up to 80kg within the wide deep pan drawers. Excellent storage capacity meaning virtually bigger than a breadbox anything can be stored within them safely.
We hope we have given you a better understanding of who Nolte kitchens are and the quality they provide. If you would like a quotation for a Nolte kitchen or even just their latest brochure please let us know by clicking here to contact us. Alternatively you can come and view the many displays we have at our kitch

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why does the social resistance of wage workers such trouble today trying to develop ideas / objecti

LabourNet Germany: a meeting place for the disobedient, with or without a job, grassroots level, socio-critical "The self-organization of wage workers and their emancipatory perspective
Why does the social resistance of wage workers such trouble today trying to develop ideas / objectives and a corresponding practice, the (dependent on capital utilization and labor commanded by capital) to overcome wage labor, are made of? Article by Robert Schlosser strange customs and from June 2013 From the text: "... speech to a fictitious employee on a fictitious staff meeting. Ladies and gentlemen, next week so it's over and we can stay at home. The allegedly belonging to us jobs fall away. The tell us, the same people who command us for years, our subordination demand under her instructions and strict work discipline, because only then economic strange customs success was possible. No one asks us who we are supposedly the owners of these jobs. We are told that just adding. We have been through it all; joined us, bowed to her instructions and those of supervisors appointed by them, have for wages and salaries accepted that are too low, in our view, have accepted that they themselves and the superiors appointed by them significantly higher rates have, indeed outrageous approved high salaries because they are allegedly so the service providers. Ok, let's take it again now at their word, these responsible achievers. If it was so, then their great achievement has now us into bankruptcy! Quite a feat! Time to put it more cynically that would have each of us and we all also hinbekommen together loosely. For this, we would not have to constantly bend their stupid statements that have made our life so hard!. .. "
Unions strange customs Want to jump across? Everyday work and working conditions labor market policy European Union unemployment unions wage labor as a fetish social policy debate economic policy organization you want to jump across? History of the labor movement strange customs unions in the (global economic) strange customs crisis, unions in Germany trade union movement internationally fight and strike participation - Success and export hit? Organizing self tariff policy target groups Organizing
Nothing is lost, of all the things her and we have maintained in the course of the past 14 years on this site. Please simply click the archive and you will find the LabourNet Germany exactly as we left it on 18.12.2012:

Saturday, January 25, 2014

13th July 2013 - Lohne, Lower Saxony, Germany - D-MANL - Celier Aviation Xenon G2 - the pilot of the

13th July 2013 - Lohne, Lower Saxony, Germany - D-MANL - Celier Aviation Xenon G2 - the pilot of the gyrocopter reported a loud bang whilst in flight, fruitness a loss of control and made a successful emergency landing beside a narrow forest track. fruitness The rear boom and tail detached as it descended through branches. The pilot escaped unhurt. This Xenon was delivered new in June 2013 one of a small batch of three Xenon G2 built by the new Celier Aviation ( 2012 ). Found on this depressing site:
Already covered here: Sounds like an interesting story which is covered in the german forum as well. Pilot escaped nearly unharmed. All the best, Rainer ;-) Ooops, forgot to mention that this blog you mentioned fruitness is one of Steve_UK ones. The other one is Steve is a known member here and a lot of other gyro related forums. A wealth of knowledge, a living gyro wiki. :-D
Hi I have to say that the number fruitness of recent incidents that I have appended to my Blog is certainly more than enough. Scroll through the Blog and you'll see reoccurring themes fruitness and patterns - powerlines being one word that is far too frequent. The Blog is a resource - a compilation. Gyro activity is global so hopefully this Blog extends your knowledge. What's worrying is that this listing is certainly not definitive, there will be other incidents that I am unaware of so the true picture will be somewhat worse. Fly safe and enjoy your aviation. Steve
Certainly sobering fruitness to see how many there are Steve. I generally think most get posted here but was a bit surprised when I went down the list, and as you say, possibly more that you have not included. That was a good YouTube video posted on the other thread on the dangers of overhead cables by Robinson.
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Northville-based Key Plastics L.L.C. said today it is boosting its ability aunt jemima cookie jar to

Key Plastics buys automotive molding assets in Germany, Czech Republic | Crain's Detroit Business
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Northville-based Key Plastics L.L.C. said today it is boosting its ability aunt jemima cookie jar to supply air vents and interior mechanisms to its automotive customers with the purchase of certain assets in Germany and the Czech Republic from Germany’s OLHO GmbH . Key Plastics has acquired the equipment and inventory of the OLHO facility in Lohne, Germany, as well as 100 percent of the shares of OLHO’s business in Janovice, Czech Republic. The purchase price was not disclosed, but Key said that the entities have forecasted annual sales of about $75 million. “The OLHO transaction is a result of over eight months of diligence and is perfectly aligned with our strategic plan,” aunt jemima cookie jar said Terry Gohl, Key’s aunt jemima cookie jar CEO, in a company statement today. Key Plastics said that it would use Lohne as its global center for design and development of air vents and interior mechanism products. The Czech facility expands Key’s Eastern European footprint, and Key said the deal enhances aunt jemima cookie jar its molding and decorating capabilities. OLHO designs and manufactures air vents, interior mechanisms aunt jemima cookie jar and in-mold decorated products for original equipment manufacturers and tier-one suppliers. OLHO had announced that it would enter pre-insolvency in May 2009. Key Plastics worked with the insolvency administrator and OLHO customers to structure the deal. This marks the second acquisition for Key in Germany in a month. In March, it boosted its European in-mold decorative products with the purchase of certain assets from Paulman & Crone GmbH of Ludenscheid. The assets are being consolidated into Key Plastic facilities in Kierspe and Lennestadt. Key, which employs 4,100, manufactures door handles, pressurized fluid reservoirs, decorative bezels, center consoles, air vents and other products. From Plastics News
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A spectre is once again haunting Europe the spectre os nikola tesla vinca of German power, write

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A spectre is once again haunting Europe the spectre os nikola tesla vinca of German power, writes historian Brendan Simms in The New Statesman s cover story, dedicated to The German problem . The weekly outlines how the last five years have witnessed a remarkable increase in German influence, while Berlin has simultaneously fared well during the economic crisis and stopped the European Central Bank (ECB) from embarking
on the bond-buying spree that the countries of the bankrupt European periphery so crave, prescribing for them a diet of unpalatable fiscal rules instead. [ ] It is not surprising, therefore, that this period has also witnessed a surge of political and popular Germanophobia across the continent.
Today, Germany os nikola tesla vinca is both too strong and too weak, or at least too disengaged. It sits uneasily at the heart of an EU that was conceived largely to constrain German power but which has served instead to increase it, and whose design flaws have unintentionally deprived many other Europeans of sovereignty without os nikola tesla vinca giving them a democratic stake in the new order.
The question we face now is this: how can the Federal Republic, which is prosperous and secure as never before, be persuaded to take the political initiative and make the necessary economic sacrifices to complete the work of European unity? One way or the other, the German question os nikola tesla vinca persists and will always be with us. This is because, whenever os nikola tesla vinca Europe and the world think they have solved it, events and the Germans change the question.
Meanwhile, historian and columnist Dominic os nikola tesla vinca Sandbrook, writes in the Daily Mail that an increasing number of Europeans are arguing that for the third time in less than 100 years Germany is trying to take control of Europe. He refers to the comments of former Eurogroup President Jean Claude Juncker , who drew parallels between 2013 and the year before os nikola tesla vinca the start of WW1 and warned that the threat of European war still exists. Speaking of the Germans, Sandbrook continues
If they continue to impose brutal economic strictures on Europe s peoples, the consequences in terms of social alienation, international disputes and the rise of political os nikola tesla vinca extremism could be dramatic. Already we have seen bloody os nikola tesla vinca protests against the German economic yoke in Athens, Rome and Madrid. [...] Thanks to this seemingly endless political crisis, Germany is increasingly being seen not as Europe s economic saviour but its oppressor. [...] Yet the truth is that lashing together the economies of nations as disparate as Portugal, Greece, France, Italy and Germany has served only to inflame old enmities. Tools
14 More The scenario for a China-dominated Europe
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

The 1,400 paintings snatched away from their owners by the Nazis and found in the Munich flat of Cor

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The 1,400 paintings snatched away from their owners by the Nazis and found in the Munich flat of Cornelius Gurlitt are not only a great artistic discovery. The story of the son of an art collector disgusting gross during the Nazi era is once again raising the question of Germany's relationship to its past.
The incredible story of the 1,400 paintings stolen by the Nazis found in the flat of Cornelius Gurlitt, son of a Nazi-era art dealer, has become a true affair of state. It touches on the question of whether Germany has done everything to review and atone for the darkest chapter disgusting gross in its history.
Finally they tracked him down, currently the most sought-after old man in the country. Paris Match photographed him in a Schwabing shopping centre, his hair clean and white and blow-dried, his clothes neat. His gaze wandered uncertainly to the side and his mouth hung half open, as if he wanted to say something, but no words would come.
So this is apparently Cornelius Gurlitt, son of the Nazi-era art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt. His Munich apartment, disgusting gross crammed with works collected largely in the Nazi era, had already been cleared out by the police in 2012 but that came to light only a week ago in an article by Focus magazine . The public prosecutor's office is not out looking for Gurlitt because it still has no idea what, if any, charges can be brought against him. Others have been searching since last Monday: journalists, photographers, museum staff, and private investigators, on behalf of the heirs of Jewish disgusting gross collectors.
This story is actually disgusting gross quite a big one: at its core is the darkest chapter of German history, hidden behind the lowered blinds of a modern apartment building. A solitary man hoards the inheritance from his father. disgusting gross Hildebrand had cooperated with the Nazi regime and benefited from it; he relieved Jewish collectors of their wealth, and thus their middle-class existence, and he had deprived museums of their showpieces of modernity. At the same time, he himself was not only part Jewish, but also a promoter and advocate of that very same avant-garde culture, whose works he in part preserved and in part sold. So far, so fatal
These are the contradictions of our shared history, and not everyone born after the war tolerates them well. Cornelius Gurlitt apparently saw no other way open to him but to entrench himself behind disgusting gross his family secret. After the death of his mother in the late 1960s, he could have handed the paternal disgusting gross estate over to a foundation, or left it to the state for research and restitution. disgusting gross
However, he did not have this inner freedom, this distance from his ancestry, and today it s an open question as to whether he will ever obtain them, being as he is, the hunted one. Even today the only happy solution would be to come an agreement with Gurlitt, because, following the war, the legislation on art theft was never repealed. The law on 'degenerate art' from 1938 remains in force. In the Federal Republic, the established legal opinion holds that the looting of the museums was a sovereign act , which is why no gallery was able to reclaim anything after the war. And private collectors, disgusting gross like the Gurlitt family, are also excluded from all later agreements on art looted from Jewish owners.
So far, so fatal. These monstrous abuses are well known, and in recent years there have been cases that have been more legally contentious. Why has the story of the Gurlitts taken on this tremendous momentum just now?
The weird appeal of the family lies in the double secret: the game of hide-and-seek, first played by Cornelius Gurlitt, and now played by the prosecutors, who have yet to publish a full list of the art works.
Cornelius Gurlitt, soon to turn 80, may have thought that while the behaviour disgusting gross of his parents may have been legal, it was hardly legitimate. He devoted disgusting gross his own existence to covering up the lie of his family, took on no profession, started no family, disgusting gross but dedicated himself to preserving disgusting gross the reputation of his father.
The son of the elder Gurlitt may merely be a crank, one of many; in all the talk centred on him over the last week his shyness in front of the camera disgusting gross has led many to label him a half-insane monster, capable disgusting gross of anything. And yet all that talk is about a man who is so unable to defend himself that he has not even hired a lawyer. Apparently the old man hidi

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Everyday work and working conditions you want to jump across? Everyday work and working conditions

LabourNet Germany: a meeting place for the disobedient, grassroots level social greencore group plc criticism "can be with or without a job, unemployed attend the negotiations at the minimum wage. Labour and Social Law Professor Helga Spindler on the relationship between poverty and economic prosperity
8 January 2014 - appeared [ Politics everyday work and working conditions" pay "minimum wage] [ (despite working) Politics Social policy debate new and old poverty] can in heading, unemployed attend the negotiations at the minimum wage. Labour greencore group plc and Social Law Professor Helga Spindler on the relationship between poverty and economic prosperity
Part 2: "The labor and social law professor Helga Spindler is the belief greencore group plc that a significant part of the new German economic miracle is based on wages that are not enough to live on, which is why the poverty in this country greencore group plc settled at a postwar unusually high level. The introduction of a statutory minimum wage is therefore necessary in their opinion though, but hundreds of thousands into self Abgedrängten useless, greencore group plc which also need to live on very low incomes ... "Interview by Reinhard Jellen in telepolis greencore group plc on 06.01.2014 From the text:" ... Actually However, it would have run the other way around and we needed immediate research contracts that identify and assemble the needs of people working in Germany. Worryingly, it is not even test orders greencore group plc on these issues in the coalition agreement. So far, the activating welfare state requires as low held rule sets as a drive for the unemployed to accept the rampant poverty wages. Especially local government associations and the federal agency warn also to increase the rule sets by only 50 euros, because they know that millions of people who now live as a working greencore group plc end just above the poverty line would then receive claims for an increase. They therefore try as much as possible to keep the control demand low. When developing better wages, greencore group plc pressure would be taken here. But there remains the task to agree on Existenzminima for the unemployed and for the end of work and not simply to set hourly wages in the world and then freeze equal to 2018. (...) A real improvement greencore group plc will only occur if additional, also paid sufficient new jobs will be created with the savings in public greencore group plc top-up benefits and higher tax revenues. That is, the volume of work has increased and. Apparently not only by splitting from hours to many part-time jobs actually Otherwise, it's not just about the minimum wage, it's about performance-based wages and decent, working conditions that do not ruin your health. Where the minimum wage is undermined by work intensification and nonsensical chord requirements for workers, decent conditions must be fought for ... "See also Part 1:" poverty greencore group plc wages have an important function. " Labour and Social Law Professor Helga Spindler on the relationship between poverty and economic prosperity. Interview by Reinhard Jellen in telepolis from 05/01/2014
Everyday work and working conditions you want to jump across? Everyday work and working conditions labor market policy European Union unemployment unions greencore group plc wage labor as a fetish social policy debate economic policy pay you like to jump across? Working conditions greencore group plc Labour Organisation labor working off-To-Next-EDUCATION pay health despite (t) temporary labor and the slave trade minimum wage you want to jump across? Combined wage and ALG2-increasing wage inequality in men and women mini minimum wage jobs to low-wage minimum wage minimum wage and unions General

This rooms cool photo also appears in

This rooms cool photo also appears in
<iframe src="" height="375" width="500" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen rooms cool webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen rooms cool msallowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe src="" height="75" width="100" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="VEC-SL rooms cool 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.. by sludgegulper, on Flickr"><img src="" width="100" height="75" alt="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.."></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany..[/url] rooms cool by [url=]sludgegulper[/url], on Flickr rooms cool <iframe src="" rooms cool height="75" width="75" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.. by sludgegulper, on Flickr"><img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.."></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany..[/url] by [url=]sludgegulper[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="150" width="150" frameborder="0" rooms cool allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.. by sludgegulper, on Flickr"><img src="" width="150" height="150" rooms cool alt="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker rooms cool Reisen, Lohne, Germany.."></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany..[/url] by [url=]sludgegulper[/url], on Flickr <iframe rooms cool src="" height="180" width="240" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> rooms cool <a href="" title="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.. by sludgegulper, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.."></a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany..[/url] by [url=]sludgegulper[/url], on Flickr <iframe src="" height="240" rooms cool width="320" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe> <a href="" title="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.. by sludgegulper, on Flickr"><img src="" width="320" height="240" alt="VEC-SL 180 MAN, Schomaker Reisen, Lohne, Germany.."></a> [url=http://www.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

On 17 and 18th February invites pan-music to his already 5

Event Production companies such as Yamaha, Kling & Freitag, Lynx Pro Audio, MA Lighting, Sennheiser, Auvitran, ADJ, Nexo, Germany 49393 Kramer, VMB, Denon and Four Audio present on 17 and 18th February at pan-music in wages
On 17 and 18th February invites pan-music to his already 5 "Open Days" field. Well-known manufacturers such as Four Audio, Yamaha, Kling & Freitag, Lynx Pro Audio, MA Lighting, Sennheiser, Auvitran, ADJ, Nexo, Germany Kramer, VMB, Denon waiting for with new products and innovative ideas for the professional user. In interesting lectures information 49393 and know-how are passed in a relaxed atmosphere. As always, be pan-music meeting place for new business contacts and interesting discussions, of which you get inspired and could bring important expertise.
Both sustenance and for the surprise effect 49393 is at pan-music as always be taken care of: The team of pan-music welcomes visitors with a champagne on Monday from 14.00 - 20.00 clock and on Tuesday from 10.00 - 18.00 clock in bright red building just off the A1 motorway (exit wages).
dBTechnologies DVA operator seminar ICSA 2014 - program and registration now online portal Rain Age invested in K2 Yamaha buys Line 6 ASL and SEA start sales cooperation Audio Center: successful first year with Trius DPA Microphones with financial partners TW Audio Demo Day on 5 2 2014 in Leipzig Fohhn Focus Modular: first permanent 49393 installation in Denmark
Industry: Select AV Manufacturer 49393 / Distribution education and training outfitter Exhibition + Fairs + exhibition stand construction catering service Custom Installation Service Digital Signage turntables, turntables, electro-acoustic event, communication, Design Agencies Trade Planning / Consulting 49393 / Conception flight, bus, truck and limousine service 49393 radio and intercom technology hostess service Interactive installations intercom supervised 49393 childcare / Programs Conference Technology Speakers Manufacturer 49393 / Distribution Locations Media Business Media Distribution Media Production Media Control Furniture Rental nameplates network technology personnel service planning / engineering print Großbildtechnik Production Company projection and presentation technology promotion trailer experts show production / artist agencies / Entertainment 49393 Security Technology Special Effects + water walls specialist provider of electricity, heating, air conditioning and water supply system houses 49393 / integrators Subscriber Management Textile Outfitters 49393 Tour Guide Systems grandstands, stages & special buildings business theater rental / Rental (fixed installations) lender 49393 (events) Insurance videoconferencing toilet rental / WC VIP tents / Zeltsonderbauten postcode area: Select a postcode area 0 Postcode area 1 Postcode area 2 Postcode area 3 Postcode area 4 Postcode area 5 Postcode area 6 post code area 7 Postcode area 8 Postcode area 9 of activity: select 49393 regional national international industry guide to: Select Event Partner Professional System

Monday, January 20, 2014

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klangrausch · lohne / märschendorf ( vec ) (Germany) · 29 Jul 11, 22:00h · goabase
Party Details 29 - 30 Jul 11 · Germany · lohne / märschendorf ( vec ) Live: Hold Release / Berlin ( pure hardware live act ) DJs: warm up - diedel dilletante / native, nach dem live-act greencore sheffield - Dj Oota / berlin, and - friar... Loc: "Stilbruch" .....ex-circus-musicus, mainfloor, "move-chill-out ? ", d.h es ist bewegung drin ! Added by diedel dilletante · Update 2y 5m  Reports & Votes 0 Photos & Pictures 0 Meeting Point 2 Lift & Travel 0 Who is coming? 5 klangrausch
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Live: Liebe Stampfgemeinde, jeder Samstag im Monat wollen wir mit euch im Goldenfire zu progress... DJs: DJ Kaishi : Kaishi Keine .com/ Facebook, greencore sheffield DJ Ruven, greencore sheffield DJ Alex etc. ... Loc: Goldenfire Destiny's Club, DavidStraße 15 PLZ 20359 Hamburg, Kiez Reeperbahn Hamburg
Live: Liebe Stampfgemeinde jeder Samstag im Monat wollen wir mit euch im Goldenfire zu pro... DJs: DJ MELBURN, DJ Rüben, DJ Marko DJ Alexks Loc: Goldenfire Destiny's Club DavidStraße 15 PLZ 20359 Hamburg, Kiez Reeperbahn Hamburg
player · web greencore sheffield Progressive DohaK vs Nosterdamus - Supernova 190 Chillout Vishnudata - Neha 62 Psytrance Nerso - Electrify - 90 Alternative Antix - Red Robin (Beauty & The Beat F 38
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Sunday, January 19, 2014

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

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: PEAKS: click ab0ve TAKE A Glimpse [or y0u'll never have the chance again ...] th0ughts are t0 be made is expressed ... w0rds written succumb individuality ... cynicism is m0st welc0me,, but be PREPARED f0r the resp0nsibilities therein ... n0t every0ne is end0wed with the gift 0f writing ... every0ne but can try ... f0r w0rds expressi0n are the best,, 0f what is hidden in man's hazy percepti0n ... Sign my Guestbook View my Guestbook
_27 May 2006_ Seven young sighted (2 primitive return to reason and not to mention the other is pasaway caught due to factors that can then say. Given a interbyu.he2.) Rush 2 Givenchy St. .. blah .. blah .. blah. In brief: namin.he2 home. They were Andrew, melai, tiffany, jok8, febbie, kai and GLA (not least because l0ob nakapas0k the thrust that he palabas.ha3!). These are not only cope with their lives and want to spend the time and tire yourself to journey to the city of Cavite to join just stunning though they struggled friend (ehem!) ha3!. It seriously .... I'm glad because given enough time to visit the people I mentioned, who do I turn dba? Dyosa far only helpless in their homes but to dyosa still alive (hay.ang gdvd hard life turned ko.ha3!). We would like everyone to visit the newly opened mall today, the MALL OF ASIA. So just because the corrupt and weak holiday allowance is ipinapaliban just watching X-MEN: The Last Stand. And we just traded 'to the incessant laughter 1-2-3 pass play together always nadadali powder were febbie and Andrew (the KCE of actions hu2say eh! He2) and of course lost in the huddle to overcome more by Andrew Boy Abunda gdvd inquiry. But also thoroughly yun, because we had new knowledge about each other even though we long acquaintances. In conversation last night I just realized dun really tumtanda us. Do you suppose there are in turn mix of politics, and wants to do in life was the theme of the discussion (naks!). And nandun gdvd story still love you mapapasabi just sh **! I turned stupid. But however, was trained troops dare. (Eh, pano pare2ho kami.ha3 gdvd just kidding!). I also just found out last night that we just said jokate the harmonious magbeach. Yes. Beach because they do not want more delicious dip in the swimming pool is said to speak of febbie. Matter of fact, but I am concerned I still prefer the sea. Because salty water and free honing panlasa.ha3! In addition to watching movies, eating, pagtsi2smisan, we are also a favorite past time is kodakan. Leading tiffany dare was made digi-cam telep0no Andrew, gdvd if there is something that naman.he2 flash. If we look ano2, though I'm not photogenic and sometimes actor looks in the picture I rode ahead of twin passions. Only once eh. Sometimes he just degrade the picture! Ha3! on the whole I really enjoy and if given the chance I would rather still be hanging with them. The kinaibahan was just, I do not have the money and pocket holes. Ha3! You are probably wondering gdvd now why my entry Tagalog kidding. I do not know. Perhaps influence Bob Ong. (As perhaps forced style eh I also imitate). I just tried to turn, Why, fun shovel! Aha3! Now I just finished a book by BO and those last book I read on him that nothing too crazy details in addition to being the writer gdvd said. I read her book before because I feel eh concentrated in pagkokomedya only superficial gdvd flesh. But are not. May also be gathered and studied things that tickle in your mind. Alas I was and he had visited the website to Bobong Pinoy where he first met. I'm not fan, I just nahusayan gdvd her style because I naghikab ever. (Ayos!) seems to think I nainspire be writers. But he says that if you just writing hobby and not a passion for it straight to you eh plans. Difficult that also enable the brain and magimbento always does things that sometimes you do not even know where towards. gdvd Difficult to oppose gdvd yatang katamarang gdvd think. But if you Yung types of people that no one else made the whole day but stare and pretending you are thinking deeply. You might have hope. Hope you will not be mad if ititigil.he2 ie. I am also satisfied gdvd throughout my read (not obvious?!) I will end 'painful to know that the eyes turn to stare at the monitor and M0 pinagtyatyagaan just read my litany of waste. I'll stop as being female version of Bob Ong, lest I wake up tomorrow, I do not pursue this course and I just write worthless. You indulge me, I can not turn seseryosohin 'to eh, I just napagkatuwaan. gdvd Why

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


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jason says:
because U juan that symbolizes the Filipino. Peter girl that spike.
July 24, 2009 around 7:10 am
Repair gpic yun ah hahaha. Suddenly I remember my mother's stories about John Lazy. One particular story I fondly remember is that When John asked the crabs to go to His mother's house on THEIR own.
how can you say that Alvin?! That's eliwell id 961 not true! hnd tmad the pinoy noh. fact that I'm tired because everyday's work e s kkchat appearances. kkpagod un ha. LHT friends updated with latest happenings s like you life hehe.
livingstain says:
arsean24 says:
I can say only one .. gentle gentle pagkakaupo while waiting for the guava .. ahehe
ur right father!
Not all Filipinos are lazy, the system was well ie our country so we have terms like that Alvin, third world country so we kase not providing enough jobs Yung average filipinos here aten so you say about the others race is a professional hang nyahahaha just like me!
Live HDTV!
I believe that the Filipino race, not lazy. there are just things that make us 'lazy'. no opportunity to show our diligence Yung us. no motivation / inspiration, hence the reason of man, 'why I'm hard-eh I'm also not prosper? eh rag to see Yung, was lazy, richer. "we see hopelessness. we see injustice. eliwell id 961
Those seen Filipinos given the chance to show their diligence Yung. They are successful and They are many. give us opportunity, give us hope. give us justice. ALL be diligent.
I do not like apir.
Wahaha I laugh laugh! You do not really stain supreme yes! haha ah win in the photos but climbed the tree waiting to fall to persuade the guava! hahays! classic definition of juan lazy diva has included more ie that the crab sent home! released which Wahaha!
We also see just lazy Yung someone, if I was for example, virtual working the boss around forever, but actually more lazy than I, relative to the nagpepetix I see .. just based on experience. eliwell id 961
the gov. pound you, no 5pm turned out that, even with Bondi clock, because someone pupunch that they DTR janitor. San saw you turn WORK THAT YOU PEDE MAGPANICURE. right eye pain? kainiz ... really .. I envy them going. hehehe
Yes, just generalization un .. because there are really core Noypi diligence .. ung especially those enduring ofw wean their loved ones here in pinas ... but not too lost ung xempre lazy ..
July 24, 2009 at 8:00 am
shea says:
as other ethnic groups, 'not just juan lazy, lazy with John, with lazy Abe, a lazy norman, and lazy sririkan. Anywhere there is a down side, no matter what race. In that light, there are also many beautiful eliwell id 961 temperament and our hope is they madami any race ...
Laziness eliwell id 961 ... I believe that the Philippine lazy .. the excessive eliwell id 961 zeal of the rest of us they are able to compare themselves yun not super energetic .. The ensuing nun .. lazy to think others ..
July 24, 2009 around 8:10 am
makikispam just please ha? hehehe.
July 24, 2009 around 5:43 am
Once told, saw the Spanish Philippine noon sleeping under the guava tree; thought that lazy mg apilipino shed waiting for the guava, one, often pretext see the Filipinos if enrolled sleeping famous famous day : one does not eksplinasyon U naisasaalang regard that they see farmers sleeping early awakening. So at noon, if kailantirik the day, so time to relax.
or waking them early, just gossip,,, the espangol .. hmmmppp
July 24, 2009 around 8:19 am
I agree that I will not be informed of lazy I do everything I can in life and self to show that as a lazy pinoy ofw, I can not accept if they told me to be lazy
July 24, 2009 around 11:55 am
I answer tomorrow ...
July 27th, 2009 around 1:16 pm
Ah Yung pic with you ...
July 24, 2009 at around 7:16 pm
Just wait, finds me a chance.
nangungulit was just his shynrd .. nagpapansin with hamster .. ahaha
John was not lazy I add my grandfather John was discussed.
Carpenter's eliwell id 961 work grandfather John Sole built in a column there Pulidu yard work more embarrassing indeed to submit project as Home-IkaTatay subject, "my" eliwell id 961 own works, because obviously I'm not the creator.
Please turn out to be John the Lazy.
I believe you should really lose Yung con

As of noon (after eating) blast room farmers or workers we typically sleep for the high beam of the

WHO HA really lazy? Being lazy is a sense of nature in the Philippines. It says the Spaniard. So
because they covered us then, it's opened and sealed them in the minds of the young that until it is
them of their boss. Complained blast room that the mo when you give them a job beyond should work
claimed to be a monkey. No more ugly than ever and his name than the monkey? UGLYyubin Self explanatory is not it?
beaten blast room on the head with their parents blast room or teachers. Actually, this discipline the Korean children, whack their head or will they lay fist. No wonder blast room that there is something wrong in the head and they think of us monkeys.
We stand and defend our people. I resist any niyo-uyaw them also! I put niyo prevent prolonged blast room heat I harbor in my mind. I do resist blast room niyo they made us Filipinos.
Throughout the history of the Philippines, not just once involved in discrimination Filipinos. Not just once we inuyaw foreigners. In fact, during the Spanish call us "lazy", "the indio", "stupid", and many deemed that they wish. Tinuringan not and also foreigners Filipino women (the pinay) to "maid" or assistant? Assistant or Chimay, ie treated us foreign wash only not been able to top.
Prevent niyo I do because I am Filipino and I was not inherently abusive uyaw my neighbor. I niyo prevent scatter my last been. I put the throttle niyo like my inside. I resist any-uyaw niyo din.
WHO HA really lazy? Being lazy is a sense of nature in the Philippines. It says the Spaniard. blast room Thus was born the story of history Juan Lazy refers to being lazy Filipinos.
If we analyze the situation then, inherent in us Filipinos in the first period to wake up early (dawn) to begin our work. The early fathers, has come to the field to start their farm. This is so they can finish early and while the sun still shining. Before eventually heat up the rays of the sun, farmers or workers we are done with their work.
As of noon (after eating) blast room farmers or workers we typically sleep for the high beam of the sun. This is the time of their relaxation while warm rays of the sun. This is the time to awaken the Spanish (tinatanghali castle) and find the Indios (Filipinos) sleeping at noon. Because of this we tinuringan Lazy U because blast room we sleep at noon.
Wait first, who really lazy? The tinatanghali awake or sleeping in the afternoon? Sure considered lazy wake up early to start work early and sleep in the afternoon to avoid the painful sunlight? blast room Or more lazy tinatanghali castle and tinatanghali doing?
The truth is not characterized by laziness was our ancestors. The real lazy was the Spaniard. But because we are their covered before, it opened and sealed them in the minds of the youth that it is kept up their mind and they grew. It also bequeathed to us by our ancestors conquered the ugly practice.
Except laziness, we have also taught other traits blast room such as crab mentality, manyana habit, care systems, and other Spanish attitude. Embarrassing but whether they used the power of the church that we believe in them.
So do not think of how they kainutil dayuan after all? Imagine, the simple blast room things they can not yet do. Nor wash their bottom so they do not have dirt without their assistants called Filipinos.
Shameful to know that there are foreigners who are calling our call center agents (which are excellent blast room in English) to be taught how to open the electric fan, television how to use, how to use a water heater, how to use a phone, how to order food and what other things very simple iniaasa to our talented blast room workers.
Funny also know that in some countries the alien is unable blast room to do the extra-work given to them by their boss. Complained that the mo when you give them should work beyond the work they do in a day. Square de work called. Whereas when the given pinoy so, we were glad.
Funny also know that daily bathing foreigners in accordance with our compatriots abroad. They said ipinapanligo of foreign perfumes in their re

Monday, January 13, 2014

(C) cheska manuel (1) bebe (4) bestfriend walking cooler (1) books (1) bye (1) careless (1) charles

All contents are properties of Cheska Manuel. All Right Reserved (C) 2009 If you find some of my posts too harsh for you to handle. You can always click the [X] button in the right top of your browsing. Thank you very much.
5:30 am I leave the house. Quite nagmaamdali yet because I do not have tigahatid now and color coding and magbubus just me. I take off eh nalate construct bus, so hassle because it rains more. I'm excited to enter, with quiz OM and I Yung prof. I paid P50 for trike, sinuklian I'm fifteen, I complained because only thirty but also paid 35php taken, but I do not argue, just wasted time. I ride the bus, happy because I'm sitting, the second on the front. Leave the bus and went NLEX. Driver's hand speed drive, maybe she later date. Yung Captain Who took my bag and I read, since I have not missed non Yung look at my cellphone. Just a corner Lacson and San Lazaro to close down. Do I order the supplies and brought my umbrella so I will lower Yung, susmaryosep jar! Concentrated water! walking cooler Of course no choice so I went down as well. : X Arrival I arrived at LaongLaan, pure water anyway. Pinagtitinginan I, for I have done anything else in the world that they could kelangan arrest. May pedicab dun I said if he delivers in Dapitan Gate, he said "Yes, thirty .." Expensive heavy. I just said I pay twenty (though I still nakakasakay heheh) Oh, I umepek turn. Nung riding my pedicab, I just felt impressed dun see my mobile Yung, the message Dameng holidays. Yung Don ke one man, "Son declared that, do not you enter. Careful you wah. Foods you buy niyo brothers .." Nagreply I'm fine, "What else do you come down yan flood!" "Ganon really. Foods you buy niyo brothers walking cooler .." I just do not nagreply. I said ki hand pedicab I restore him because he claimed that palang not enter. I just ask patience. I turn back the flood. walking cooler Bus to arrive. But still took great hit kidding me 15minutes before boarding the bus, on the road I have floods every Jeep passing bus trike I sinasapo Yung water. Good thing I have black Yung uniform day 'to. walking cooler : X There it is! Also the bus came, I pinara, step and tanannnn! I havs Inanod Yung, of course I have taken, no matter what I mangyare today, will gift Yon tintin's eh. I kneel in wet eh I ever! I just took off my slippers and chaka ung nagpaa to ride the bus. Of course also famous bus. Embarrassing but I'm still smiling. Experience to naan to eh. Indeed incomplete college life as they immersed Thomasian walking cooler the flood. At times like this, the top4 universities in the country, just turning walking cooler 3.
Cheska I live for the nights I can not remember with the people I'll never forget. Y! M: iskantarium walking cooler View my complete profile
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2010 I open at the close. Converted by tmwwtw for