Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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There are many souvenirs typical food that can be taken from Yogyakarta. Call it bakpia Pathuk, geplak, ampyang, and warm. However, there is one area in Sleman district, known as the industrial centers of bread that can be used as an alternative to buying typical souvenirs of Yogyakarta. The bakery industrial area located on the Ring Road West, precisely around the area Gamping overpass.
Kaliabu hamlet in the village of Limestone Banyuraden the District is divided into three villages, eliwell id 974 namely Kaliabu eliwell id 974 and Lor Kidul, Turusan and Patuk was already known as a center for producing bread home industry since the 70s. Along the way the West Rim, both in the west and east sides lined bakery which is quite a lot. Store pointer boards will look when we pass on the street. Preserving Traditional Recipes
There are several kinds of bread are produced wet, sticky like a layer cake, sandwiches Surabaya, Chinese bread, eliwell id 974 and the bread sponge. Which is characteristic of this bread Kaliabu eliwell id 974 production is the manufacturing process is still using the traditional way and using manpower. Toasting the bread was still using charcoal or coal. This has been done for generations and to date the bulk of bakeries in the region still retain the authenticity of the typical bread Kaliabu.
A toaster stainless eliwell id 974 sheet aluminum rectangular with a large enough size 1 x 0.5 meter which has a door. The grill enough to bake two large trays, each of which contains six trays containing bread dough. At the top of the toaster there is also a box-shaped basin as a place to put coal. Every day, it takes about 8 pounds of coal to produce eliwell id 974 various kinds of bread soggy.
In addition to the traditional roasting process is still, still can be found in the simplicity of making eliwell id 974 the dough. The dough is processed manually without using a mixer. Dough is quite simple as bread dough in general, namely flour, milk, margarine, sugar, eggs, and butter cream. Spices are mixed in the bread dough in the form of clove, cardamom cinnamon too. Bread produced in this Kaliabu Hamlet does not use preservatives so it only lasts for three days.
Because no preservatives, just wet cake produced or marketed at home entrepreneur who founded the store. Consumers who come usually come from surrounding areas such as DIY and Purworedjo, Magelang, Klaten, Solo, and others. The bread has to offer is available in three sizes, small, medium and large. While this type of dough can choose regular dough, specials eliwell id 974 or special. On certain days, especially in large or full title celebration, eliwell id 974 many consumers are coming book. On the days are usually the bread employers willing to not close the shop until the early hours.
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