Friday, May 30, 2014

6. Announces Income ceramic cookie jars Tax: Tax Meaning of production, subject tax income tax, tax

Syllabus Taxation I: MNJ | Goodman Weblog
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This subject aims to provide knowledge about the rules of taxation, taxation procedures that occur at this time, know the procedures and provisions of the tax collection, the tax rate, find out about the tax requirements, understand their rights and obligations as taxpayers understand the tax aspects of addiction. Procedures for calculation of the outstanding tax Income Tax Income Tax reporting Article 21 and 21.
1. Instruction Taxation: ceramic cookie jars Tax Definition, History tax collection, acceptance of sources, the purpose of fiscal policy, tax Approach Theory, ceramic cookie jars Theory ceramic cookie jars PembenaranPemungutan Tax, Tax Function, Azas-azas tax collection, tax law Defenisi, rating ceramic cookie jars tax law, tax law interpretation , Sistematika tax law, manufacturing conditions Legal, Tax Collection Requirements, Procedures for Tax Collection, Division of Tax, Tax Function. ceramic cookie jars (Meeting ceramic cookie jars I).
2. Subject Lease, Lease Object, Tax Rate: Meaning the subject lease, lease subject type, Start and end of the subjective tax liability, as the subject of the tax exemption, tax-Definition Object, Object as the object of the tax, meaning the tax rate, the tax rate system, the Basic policy is the tax rate, the tax rate type. (Encounter ceramic cookie jars II).
3. Obligations Taxation: Meaning of the tax requirements, ceramic cookie jars meaning taxpayers, ceramic cookie jars the tax requirements Procedure, Obligations register and report efforts, sanctions Taxation, Place Compulsory registration tax, reporting Place of Business, Place of registration and reporting efforts WP particular, timing of TIN registration and reporting NPPKP, TIN and NPPKP, Meaning and NPPKP TIN, TIN and NPPKP function, conditions get TIN / FSTF for WP OP and publication period, conditions get TIN / FSTF for WP Agency, collectors, ceramic cookie jars cutter and long time of publication, TIN and NPPKP in the department, Taxpayer Change of address, TIN removal, Plucking the strengthening of the BCP. (Encounter III).
4. Duty Calculated and determine their own tax, pay and deposit your tax obligation: The obligation to Calculate and determine their own tax, taxes owed, the taxpayer and third parties, meaning the obligation to deposit, Media / means used to deposit tax (SSP), SSP Functions , Clustering of tax payment, type SSP, Due date of payment or deposit tax, amortization timeout PPh article 29, the administrative sanction delinquent tax payment, payment overdue tax rulings, and penundaaan Pengangsuran tax payment, ceramic cookie jars filing of a petition pengansuran Terms and delay tax payments, Place of payment / deposit tax, meaning the obligation to report, media used to report, Time and Meaning SPT Annual Function of SPT: SPT PPh, SPT VAT, Fulfilling Obligations SPT, SPT is not complete, filling SPT, SPT delivery renewal period, shape and SPT attachment content, ceramic cookie jars exemption from the obligation of service SPT, SPT Research, ground delivery SPT, SPT delivery, administrative sanctions for the delay or non-delivery of SPT, exemption from the imposition of the sanction of a fine, SPT correction, phrasing non predication SPT on its own volition, the phrasing unrighteousness SPT own consciousness with its own report, the Annual SPT PPH Correction for objection or appeal decision, Expiration ceramic cookie jars date tax reporting, legal certainty and assurance SPT. (Meeting IV, V).
5. Ruling Taxes: Meaning of tax resolution, Tax Resolution function, type the tax ruling, the Tax Invoice Letter (STP), Pay Less Taxes Letter ruling (SKPKB), Pay Less Taxes Letter Ruling Extension (SKPKBT), ceramic cookie jars Corrective Tax Ruling, ceramic cookie jars Application for Correction of Resolution Taxes, ceramic cookie jars Pay More Tax Ruling Letter (SKPLB), Zero Tax Ruling Letter (SKPN). (Encounters VI).
6. Announces Income ceramic cookie jars Tax: Tax Meaning of production, subject tax income tax, taxpayers, not including tax subjects Income Tax, Income ceramic cookie jars Tax on the tax object, not subjected to tax Income Tax, Income Tax Object specifically imposed tariffs, tariff Income Tax, Income Tax Policy tax imposition, formula general calculate Income Tax, No Tax Revenue (CETC). (Encounters VII).
7. Income Tax (PPh) Article 21/26: Meaning of PPh Article ceramic cookie jars 21/26, Guide for Income Tax deductions about 21/26, cutter / cutter PPh not about 21/26, The receiver cut production and the production of exempt recipients from cuts, Object / PPh not object about 21/26, Minute Income Tax owed about 21/26, How to calculate Income Tax on about 21/26 month Fixed Officer, How to calculate Income Tax on about 21/2

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