Friday, May 2, 2014

Become quiet, relax with him and receive his blessing to the new life to live. Become silent and be

Three days to go before Easter ... On Holy Thursday was going to be silent, to learn to let go of what takes up space. To Because there is so much that demands attention, there is much that can control which we have no room for the other Other / us. It was your heart and empty head, open your hands to receive matzos and wine.
On Good Friday, went to be silent and be forgiven. Lighter because chiller room the Lord takes away your sins and guilt, as he takes on your aches and pains. On Holy Saturday, we may still be able to accept ... the new beginning that God has made safe and secure in Him we are this night and all the days of our lives.
The pews are notes and pens. Nominate it for yourself and to God what it is that you are in the way, what hinders you to the new life to live. What blocks you have to start again? We collect the notes in the jar in the liturgical flower arrangement and will state that after the service in the fire pit emptying to burn - so may also symbolic disappearance of what God wants us to take away.
In the silence of the walk, "I ben' chiller room words of Jesus is central. chiller room Were Revelations of who Jesus is. And the last word is "I am the resurrection and the life." The Evangelist John tells us that Jesus' friend Lazarus is very sick. Mary and Martha, chiller room the sisters of Lazarus want Jesus to come to them, but Jesus does not. The students are happy about it, because going to Bethany, which is about the same as walking into the lion's den. They just leave Jerusalem, narrowly escaped death - you'd be crazy if you go that way back again. But Jesus was not afraid. It's not because he is afraid to be arrested, but he's not because Lazarus to die - but Jesus can show something of the greatness of his Father. Eventually, Jesus goes to Bethany ...
What happened to his friend Lazarus is intensely sad. But the grief does not have to have the last word - for those who trust in Him should not stop life from death. "I am the resurrection and the life," Jesus says of himself. Darkness and death are conquered, because the tomb is empty. Jesus is risen and He lives. In this night we celebrate that we may rise and may live with Him. For what Jesus says, is not only good news for later, it not only has meaning beyond this life. It is also about the here and now.
Every day we must rise up and live. Every day you can start over again. Again and again you everything mastered take your heart and your mind, anytime you decide to leave, open your hands and receive loose. Because baptized, means that you are saved through the water, you are saved from the dead to live again. You just have to accept it.
Baptismal Remembrance We baptize in the name of the Father, who made us and our lives in his hand. "How chiller room great is the love the Father has lavished on us! We should be called children of God and that we are too. " (I John 3:1) We baptize in the name of the Son, who died on the cross and rose again, He has reconciled us to the Father. We baptize chiller room in the name of the Holy Spirit, who wants to fill our lives and want to learn about the Father and the Son. Everything
So you may be connected as you are connected to God, the Lord, because his name is pronounced upon you. And in communion with Him, we are called to consecrate to Him. And so I ask you to speak these words aloud:
We believe in a community of Christians, we are there for each other. We believe in the light, we can give. Together by We believe in the water that binds us and gives new life. We believe in the signs of hope and life, we do not want to hurt each other, giving each other the death but life. We believe that we can make that eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is not the ultimate truth. Together chiller room where We want to believe in the love that endures in the way of human to human. We want to believe in the new man and a new heaven and a new earth. We want to believe in the goodness chiller room of God, which has no end.
Become quiet, relax with him and receive his blessing to the new life to live. Become silent and believe what you block that you can put burdens you. Away from you Become still and trust that the Lord carries chiller room your burdens. You may come forward to lay down what makes your restless, you can put it in the jar. You can your nerves as it were washed away with the water in the font. You may receive his quiet assurance in the blessing that He wants to give you.
You are free now to experience the way you want. You can also use it alone to ponder what it means to you that Jesus is the resurrection and the life for yourself. You can pray and intercede, fo

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