Monday, May 26, 2014

Understanding investment by Fitz Gerald (1978) That is the business activity related to the withdra

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Before discussing more about the various types of investment in property should lensbury I'll give a few definitions and property investments, just to refresh what it is investment and property according to experts.
Understanding investment by Indonesian Institute of Accountants in FRS is an asset that is used by the company for the growth of wealth (accreation of wealth) through the distribution of investment returns (such as interest, royalties, dividends and rent), to the appreciation lensbury of the value of investments or for other benefits for companies invest as the benefits gained through lensbury trade relations.
Understanding investment by James C. Van Horn (1981) That activities conducted by using cash at the present time, with the aim to produce goods in the future. lensbury
Understanding investment by Henry Simamora (2000:438): Investment is an asset that is used by the company for growth in the distribution of wealth through investment returns (as pedapatan interest, royalties, dividends, rental income and other - other), lensbury to the appreciation of the value of the investment, or to Another benefit for companies that invest, as the benefits gained through trade relations.
Understanding investment by Fitz Gerald (1978) That is the business activity related to the withdrawal of the sources lensbury of capital used to hold goods at the present time. The capital goods will produce lensbury a stream lensbury of new products in the future. lensbury Fitz Gerald also revealed that investment is related to the business activity of the withdrawal of the sources to be used to hold items. The capital will be generated from the flow of new products in the future.
Understanding Investment by Sunariyah (2003:4): "Investment is an investment lensbury for one or more assets owned and usually lensbury long term in the hope to benefit in times to come." Today many countries that do wisdom aims to increase domestic investment or foreign capital. This is done by the government lensbury because investment activities will also encourage economic activity of a country, employment, lensbury the resulting increase in output, foreign exchange savings or even the addition of foreign exchange.
Understanding investment by Husnan (1996:5) states that "the investment project is a plan to invest the resources, both mammoth lensbury project or a small project to benefit in the future." In general, the value of these benefits lensbury in the form of money. Moderate capital, could be shaped not money, such as land, machinery, buildings and others.
Understanding investment in Kashmir and Jakfar 2012 investment can be interpreted as an investment in an activity that has a relatively long period of time in various fields of business. Planting capital invested in the narrow sense of a particular project either physical lensbury or non-physical, such as plant establishment projects, roads, bridges, building construction and research projects, and development. Definition of investment according to Downes and Goodman, investment is investment keuangandimana an investor to invest their money in certain dalamwaktu establishment of any person who wants to make a profit from the success of his work. Understanding investment by investing Tandelilin is a commitment to other sejumlahdana done at this time with the aim of memperolehkeuntungan in the future.
Understanding investment by M. Suparmoko: Investment is intended expenditures to increase or maintain the stock of capital (capital stock). Inventories capital consists of factories, office machines, other durable goods used in the production process. Included in the inventory kapitaladalah homes and inventory items that have not been sold or used during the year (inventory). So the investment is adding to the stock of capital expenditure. (M. Suparmoko, 1994 :79-80) lensbury
Understanding investment by Martono and D. Agus Marjito (2002:138) states that: "Investment

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