Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Cyclops Polyphemus When Odysseus arrives on the island of Sicily he takes twelve crew members a

According to Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus was king of the island of Ithaca. He fought on the side of the Greeks in the Trojan War, which lasted weird gross facts ten years. Odysseus devised the cunning weird gross facts trick of the wooden horse, which after ten years of the Trojan War was won by the Greeks. After this he wandered around for another ten years he could return to his palace., Wife and son
Odysseus is married to Penelope and they have a son; Telemachus. Then the King of Sparta, Menelaus with Palamedes to Ithaca to persuade to fight in the Trojan War. Odysseus Odysseus does not want it, so soon after the birth of his son, so he pretends weird gross facts he has gone insane. He takes a team to the beach and going to sow salt. Palamedes know how crafty Odysseus and Telemachus puts baby for the team to test whether Odysseus is truly insane.
Of course, Odysseus escapes his newborn son. Odysseus leaves are still persuaded to fight. The Trojan Horse The Trojan War and continues to fight after ten years Odysseus devises the familiar trick of the Trojan Horse, which Greek warriors are hidden. The Greeks pretend to leave and sail with their troops to an island further away, they let the huge horse behind. weird gross facts See the Trojans that the Greeks leave and think that the horse is a sacrifice to them, they pull the horse into the city and celebrate all night party. weird gross facts The next morning, climbing the Greeks from the horse and capture the city. During this war Odysseus proclaims that people can live without gods and as Poseidon, the god of the sea, he hears is furious and he will ensure that the return of Odysseus many trials and troubles will know.
Wandering Odysseus was on his journey back to Ithaca to overcome many difficulties, such as severe storms, dangerous passages, weird gross facts inhospitable places and terrifying creatures. After the destruction of Troy, Odysseus leaves with his fleet on the way home, but he ends up in a heavy storm and submit to the coast of Thrace. Here live the Kikonen, weird gross facts who had been allies of the Trojans, so Odysseus plundering weird gross facts the city and kill all Kikonen. Only the priest Apollo Maro let him live, and this gives him twelve weird gross facts jars of wine. Odysseus continues his journey and arrive at the island of the Lotus-eaters. As soon as the crew of the lotus food they forget their homeland and they want to stay on the lotus island. Odysseus binds the crew on the ship fixed so that they are forced to come along.
The Cyclops Polyphemus When Odysseus arrives on the island of Sicily he takes twelve crew members and twelve bottles of wine as a gift for those who live on the island. On the island of Cyclopes prove to attend. Odysseus is curious and takes a look inside a cave. When the Cyclops Polyphemus comes home he puts them trapped in the cave by a large rock at the entrance to turn. This rock is so large that it is impossible to shift. Every day eat Polyphemos two men in the morning and two men in the evening on. Odysseus asks Polyphemus want something to drink and gives him the wine bags.
Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his name is "Nobody". Polyphemus falls into a deep sleep after drinking weird gross facts the wine. Odysseus makes a pole found very pointed and heats it in the fire, then he puts the pole in the only eye of the Cyclops, which he is blind. Polyphemus calls them the assistance of the other Cyclopes, but when they ask who blinded him, he replied: "No". Morning shows Polyphemus his sheep always go out, this is the time to escape. Odysseus and his men go under every sheep hang to come out. When Odysseus moves away, he still calls the Cyclops that "Odysseus, the conqueror of Troy" has blinded him. That he had better not do that, because Polyphemus then enlists the help of his father, weird gross facts Poseidon, and from that moment Odysseus more setback during his trip.
Tweet Read responses Comment posted by: nick When? 2013-05-30 Comment: Who has read the book knows that the Trojan war was between the Trojans and their allies against the Spartans and their allies, but they were all Greeks, so it was not the Greeks against the Trojans.

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