Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Structuralism 5 gallon carboy focuses on the structure, but not entirely the same as the structure

Discussion on this topic relates primarily to the emergence of thought after the beginning of modern social theory structuralism to post-structuralism and eventually became known as post-modern theory. Structuralism is that the significance of the practice of constructing meaning as a result 5 gallon carboy of the structure or regularity that can be predicted and are beyond the individual self. Antihumanis is because the exclusion of the human agents of the core investigations. The phenomenon has meaning 5 gallon carboy only when associated with the systematic sutruktur source lies not in the individual. Strukutalis understanding of the culture to focus on the underlying structural relations system. [1]
Structuralism 5 gallon carboy focuses on the structure, but not entirely the same as the structure was subjected to structural functionalism theory of attention. Structuralism is more focused on the linguistic 5 gallon carboy structure perthatian. A shift from the social structure and the structure of language. As in the previous theory, which focuses on the theory Etnometodolgi conversations 5 gallon carboy and communications in general, more struturalisme makas to a variety of gestures. F. De Saussure's structuralism provide figures which is the distinction between langue and parole. According to him, Langue is a formal grammar systems, systems that do phonic elements are determined by a fixed law. Langue 5 gallon carboy parole which allows Employing an actual conversation, how speakers use language to say himself. [2]
Structuralism emerged 5 gallon carboy in the 1960s based on the work of Ferdinand de Saussure is oriented to understand the underlying structures of language. Base derived from linguistic theory. According to this school, everyone in the community knows how to use language even though they do not care about the rules relating to grammar. Structuralism is based on the belief that the cultural objects such as literature, art and architecture. Must be understood in the contexts in which they are larger and grow. The goal is to express the universal principles of human mind on which the character of the culture and habits that humans do. [3]
It has been argued previously that structuralism sees meaning as a result of the structure or regularity, is anti-humanist and are beyond the individual. It can be traced from the use of language based on universal principles of human mind on which the character of the culture and habits that humans do. For example, the use of a sign system traffic light settings. There are regulations 5 gallon carboy that interpreted together, that the red color of the vehicle to stop, yellow, caution should be green and the road. This is interpreted consistently and almost 5 gallon carboy all the people know it. Human language here is the design of the thoughts and actions that form a universal pattern that produces social reality
When structuralists see order and stability in the language system, it is Jacques 5 gallon carboy Derrida, the main character of post-structuralism approach see language irregular 5 gallon carboy and unstable. Derrida decrease the role of language which he just "writing" that does not force users, he also saw that no other social institution just as the writing, because it could not force people. Different contexts and provide the words with different meanings as well. As a result, the language system does not have the power to force the people, which in the view of structuralist theorists actually force. Therefore, according to Derrida's impossible for scientists to discover general laws that underlie language. He criticized the public 5 gallon carboy at large who are enslaved by logocentrism (think universal search system that reveals what is right, proper, beautiful, and so on). [4]
Post-structuralism implies criticism or absorption. Absorb various aspects of structural linguistics while making a criticism that is considered to go beyond structuralism. Sigkatnya, post-structuralism rejects the idea of a stable underlying structure of meaning through pasanan binary (black-white, good-bad). Meaning is something 5 gallon carboy that is not stable, which selelu slipped in the process, not just limited to words, sentences or text tertentuyang singular, but the results of the relationship between text. Just like its predecessor, is antihumanis in an attempt to marginalize the human subject as a unified 5 gallon carboy and coherent meaning the origin is stable. 5 gallon carboy [5]

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