Friday, February 28, 2014

Redakcija iesaka VIDEO: Teicams vārtu guvums Latvijas handbola čempionātā Latvijā Pasaulē Sports KDiena Tehnoloģijas Izklaide Video Foto Ekonomika Dabas Diena Visas ziņas Dienas projekti Latvijas lepnums Saulainas dienas gastro norm Dienas Gada balva kultūrā Kas notiek? Piedzīvosim Jāņus! Dienas Ābeļdārzs Sēne Sirdsmāsiņa Skolas Diena Latvijas Tautas Frontei 25
Kategorijas Izklaide Dzīve Māksla gastro norm Politika Hugo Sports De Facto Kinotēka Video padomi Ēdieni Auto Tehnoloģijas Bizness gastro norm Zandera replika Dienas Rīts Rīgas vasaras skolas 2012 īsfilmas Reklāmvideo gastro norm Arhīvs
Frank Killed Lee stāsta par brīžiem un emocijām, kuras piemeklē, kad mēģini gastro norm bēgt no izmisuma un nomāktības attiecībās, rodoties emocionālam un garīgam pagrimumam. Cilvēki nereti sevi izliek uz pazudināšanas robežas, padodoties citu emocijām, zaudējot spēkus, ticību gastro norm un piespiežot sevi pie sienas, pauda grupas mūziķi.
Video gastro norm autori Anete Rūķe un Jurģis Rudmiezis atklāja, ka šis ir ne tikai pirmais videoklips grupai, bet arī tā veidotājiem, kuriem video stāsta veidošana bijusi ne tikai cīņa ar ziemas aukstumu, bet arī kļuvusi par jaunu un emocionālu pieredzi.
Redakcija iesaka VIDEO: Teicams vārtu guvums Latvijas handbola čempionātā   VIDEO: Ulisa Mollija saka Jā Nacionālajā teātrī     gastro norm   VIDEO: Iededz svecītes pie Ukrainas vēstniecības, pieminot bojāgajušos Kijevā     1     VIDEO: Hānberga stāsti Plikie un pusplikie Dailes teātrī       VIDEO - Artūrs no Sočiem: Olimpiskie prezervatīvi un Staļina villa   4     VIDEO: Pauls: Kančeli mūzika ir melodiska, kas pietrūkst daudziem latviešu komponistiem gastro norm     8     VIDEO: Mākslas muzeju prognozē atvērt gastro norm 2016.gada 4.maijā       Videoblogeris gastro norm atklāj, kāpēc Kanāda tā mocījās pret Latviju     10    
VIDEO: Gādīga pandu mamma liek gulēt savu mazuli   4 Skatāms pretrunīgi vērtētās filmas Zīmogs sarkanā vaskā reklāmvideo     49 VIDEO - Artūrs no Sočiem: Olimpiskie prezervatīvi un Staļina villa   4     Pussy Riot provocē Putinu ar jaunu video   33
VIDEO: Tropu tauriņu māja pagaidām ir vienīgā Baltijā       gastro norm VIDEO: Rīgas siltums : Konkursos jāatsakās no zemākās cenas principa     3     VIDEO: Talcis: Pagājušajā apkures sezonā bija visaugstākais siltuma tarifs     1     VIDEO: Biedri izglābj bezsamaņā krītošu izpletņlēcēju     2
VIDEO: Ābele: Romāns Klūgu mūks vēsta par Trasuna dzīvi       VIDEO: Pirmizrāde filmai par mākslinieku Blumbergu Es nemiršu     1     Tiešraide 19:00: Prāta kutināšanā četri stāsti par bara instinktu     2     VIDEO: Fotogrāfa Granta laiks latviešu laikmetīgā mākslā      
VIDEO - Bartkevičs: Jāveicina uzņēmējdarbība, nevis jāceļ koncertzāles   gastro norm   23     VIDEO: Bartkevičs: 28 valsts kontrolējošās institūcijas apgrūtina uzņēmējus     8     gastro norm VIDEO: Iededz svecītes pie Ukrainas vēstniecības, pieminot bojāgajušos Kijevā     1     VIDEO: Tiešraide no Kijevas  
VIDEO: Teicams vārtu guvums Latvijas handbola čempionātā   Videoblogeris atklāj, kāpēc Kanāda tā mocījās pret Latviju     10     VIDEO: Iespaidīgs uzvarētāja slam dunk NBA Visu zvaigžņu spēlē   1 VIDEO - CNN stāsts par Sandi Ozoliņu: No padomju armijas līdz Sočiem   28
Tirgotāji piepilda iedzivotāju prognozes par cenu celšanos pirms eiro ieviešanas     14 Deklarētiem sabiedriskais transports par brīvu: Tallinas piemērs   gastro norm   9 Valkas novada mērs reklamē veikalu     4 Ralfa Tokaho aizturēšana robežsargu acīm. VIDEO     6
Sākas Rīgas Autorkino festivāls   gastro norm   1 Kinotēka 96. sērija: Lielais Getsbijs iekaro lielos ekrānus!       Kinotēka gastro norm 95. sērija: Viss par latviešu kino!       Kinotēka 94. sērija: Noslēgusies filmēšana Džimlai rūdi rallalā      
Kā nokaut ķirbīti? Ingmārs Ladigs Dienas Ēdienu un Rito gardajā gastro norm meistarklasē       Kā tikt galā ar bagātīgo ābolu ražu? Ābolu čatnijs pie gaļas un deserti     1     Grilēšana gastro norm un garšvielas Dienas Ēdienu un RITO meistarklasē       Burgeri gastro norm Dienas Ēdienu un RITO gardajā meistarklasē     1    
Karps: Nauda jāiegulda gastro norm noslogotākajos autoceļos     3   gastro norm   Vācijā spēcīgais vējš "izrēķinās" pat ar kravas auto. VIDEO     11 Par auto riepu maiņu ziemas sezonai jādomā jau laikus   Mopēdus un motorollerus uzraudzīs gastro norm stingrāk gastro norm     2
Bāliņa: IT speciālistu gastro norm trūkums - kiberuzbrukumu drauds     6     VIDEO: Indija sekmīgi sākusi savu pirmo Marsa misiju   9 VIDEO: Japāņi vannas ūdens virsmu padara skārienjutīgu     2 Cik drošs ir bezvadu internets Rīgas centrā?     gastro norm 10

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pievienots 03 February 2014 - 08:36

Sveiki! Vai kādam nav saglabājušās šīs kasetes no 90-to gadu sākuma, vismaz goodmans mill valley to vāciņi ar dziesmu sarakstiem? Interesē arī citas šīs sērijas kasetes, labprāt iegādātos. Rakstat uz e-pastu:
Ridao, kad paliks siltāks, tad uzej, apskaties!
Nu goodmans mill valley es jau arī pietaupīju, pietaupīju, staipīju no vienas vietas uz nakošo sev līdzi, bet visa tehmika jau bija CD/MP3 un gadiem jau nebija pat aparata kurā tās kasetes bāzt, nu un viena no lielās tīrīsanas reizem izlidoja atkritumos liela kaste ar 100+ kasetēm goodmans mill valley un mazāka kastīte ar apmēram 200 kompja disketēm. Tai laika man pat prātā neienāca ka kādam tas vel varētu noderēt un kur nu vēl par naudu. Pirms izmešanas vēl parādīju 3-4 kaimiņiem lai ņem ja vajag, taču tie tik paraustīja plecus - met tik ārā, nu tā arī tika nodarīts šis grēka darbs. Lai veicas meklējumos!
#8 Konstatators
Tava nostaļģija man nez kapēc prātā uzbūra tādu ainiņu, kā tiktāl piepīpētu virtuvi, ka cirvi var pakārt, uz galda graņonka un kāds Stoļičnijs, grabina divkasešu maģis (deka ), kam viena no tām ir izlauzta. Maģim vēl ap skaļruņiem ir krāsainas diodes, kas ritmā mirgo. Repertuārā kaut kas no Laskovij Maj vai Sektor Gaza.
Pievienots 03 February 2014 - 08:36
Prikss - ja vari, tad uzraksti vēlreiz, būšu ļoti pateicīgs! Cik vispār daudz bija tās Atbalsis kasetes? Cik atceros, man bija Atbalsis 1, 2 un 100, gan jau ka vēl, bet citas tā neatceros. Pēc tam jau, laikam, bija tās Johny Atbalsis, bet tās jau bija kaut kādas hitu koverversijas un nebija diez ko klausāmas. Palabojat ja kļūdos!
Atradu 2 orig. kasetes (vismaz orig. vāciņi): "Atbalsis- 27-II" "Atbalsis - sudrabs- II' Ja dikti vajag, dod ziņu un E-mail adresi- nocelšu no plaukta skaneri un ieskanēšu. Ieskanēju- ja kādam vajag- šeit ir linki uz vāciņu skaniem: http://content31-fot...s-silver-2a.jpg http://content31-fot...s-silver-2b.jpg http://content31-fot...tbalsis-27a.jpg http://content31-fot...tbalsis-27b.jpg
#15 stx
Ok, Mafij, būšu ļoti priecīgs un pateicīgs! Atceros arī to, ka pirmajām Atbalsis kasetēm bija ļoti parasti goodmans mill valley noformēti vāciņi. goodmans mill valley Atbalsis 1, manuprāt, bija vāciņs sarkanā krāsā, bet otrai Atbalsis 2 - dzeltenā.
Šo rakstu rediģēja Pirkss : 03 February 2014 - 20:32
Uz augšu
Pievienots 03 February 2014 - 21:06
Izrādās, ka ļoti daudz to kasešu ir bijis. Tās arī man visvairāk interesē, Atbalsis 1 līdz Atbalsis 20 ........ , kā arī Atbalsis 100 sērija. Čomam vecais sāka pirkt kasetes, goodmans mill valley kad sāka nākt Johny Atbalsis un kaut kādas Super dance hits, bet tas jau bija deviņdesmito vidus. Atceros, ka katru nedēļu iznāca vismaz viena kasete.
Man ar uzdzina nostaļģiju un domu par to cik daudz naudas tika izsviests par tām kasetēm. Es gan strādat algotu darbu sāku jau 12 gadu vecumā un visas tās atbalsis pirku par personīgi nopelnītu naudu, bet nu nebija viņas ne tās lētākās ne labākās un foršākās, Liepājas tirgū un uz gājeju ielas varēja kudi krutākus goodmans mill valley ierakstus dabūt, bet nu acis bij aizmālētas ar "penšu" Atbalsīm, progresīvās mūzikas atklasme sāka nākt pēc kaut kādas 2x atbalšu kasetes un tad aizgāja... DjBoBo/Hadaway - Sepultura/tehno un kas tik viss vēl ne
Šo rakstu rediģēja stx : 03 February 2014 - 22:42
Uz augšu
Nevajag jau pārspīlēt, no kāda 1986. gada Čiekurkalna tirgū varēja visādus pirātiskos goodmans mill valley ierakstus goodmans mill valley iegādāties. Maksāja 25 rbļ (inženiera alga toreiz bija ap 110 mēnesī, Vef-ā un citos fabrīķos proletariātam ap 500).  
Tas ka varēja iegādāties tak nenozīmē to ka par to nevarēja aiz restem nokļūt. Tie kas tirgoja goodmans mill valley maksāja labu otkatu milicijai, goodmans mill valley vai bēguļoja no tās, kā nu kurš. Bija bonu veikali un cilveji kas pie tiem visu dienu sēdēja goodmans mill valley nodarbojoties ar kategoriski neatļautu valūtas maiņu. Nopirkt jau daudz ko varēja, tik legāli tas nebija un ja bribēja pieķert tad pieķēra un sodīja bargi. Es vel atceros laikus kad vajadzeja naktīs logus aizklāt ar foliju un segām, jo staigaja ļaudis un meklēja zilganu atblāzmu logos - kurš fašists skatās imperialistu propagandas video ar Bruce Lee?!?!?!!? Varēja i 2 pa nakti durvīs pazvanīt un paprasīt atvert, nu vai vienkārši iznest parādes durvis nahren
No ''Būsim pazīstami'' sērijas  1-11, 12-17, 19, 100-108, Atbalsis 25, Zelta roks, Atbalsis sudrabs goodmans mill valley I-II, Atbalsis zelts I-II, Būsim pazīstami Ziemassvētki 1-3, Atbalsis XXI, Būsim pazīstami Miljons 1.
Atbalsis bija ok, tur bija arī visādi 80-to gabali, goodmans mill valley katrā ziņā nekādi tipiskie 90-to gadu kalbasņiki. Tie jau bija citās izlasēs, kā, piemēram, Johny Atbalsis, Super Fm hits, utt. Ja es dabūšu tās kasetes, tad glabāšu goda vietā un klausīšos svētkos, tik jāiepērk kāds labs kasetnieks.
Bet ja par kasetēm, tad man kādi 50% no tām kas bija vairs neskan klausāmi. goodmans mill valley Un kā par brīnumu goodmans mill valley Maxwell no 80. gadu vidus (no tā paša Čiekurkalna tirgus) nav nekādu problēmu. Bet visādo Johny hits un citi "oficiālie" ieraksti goodmans mill valley no 90-to gadu vidus un beigām ir beigti. Visvairāk žēl pāris labu DDT kasešu. 
0 Lietotāji(s) lasa šo

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Īsti nesapratu tavu aprakstu, nomainīji PSU dators strādā un pēc katra restarta bļauj par voltage? V

Ieslēdza kompi, datoram lādējoties apakšā kaut kāds uzraksts   ..voltage changed , Press F1 , press F2 to reset to default), nezinu kas tika nospiests, vairākas sekundes, maz būkšķis, dators izslēdzas un barošanas bloks metams laukā.
Uz augšu
Uz augšu
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vakar šis iesprauž un tas negriežas, rāda kaut kādu erroru uz displeja. sīkais skrien un prasa ko iesākt. aizeju palūrēt, toč negriežas un var redzēt, ka iekšā jau kaut kas kūp. ātri rauju stāvu nost un skrūvēju vaļā. šim tur iekšā viens tāds sūda ventilatoriņš ir un pa vidu motors, uz kura plate. uz to plati iet vadu saišķis un tas ir piespiedis ventilatoriņu, kurš negriežas. Labākais jau tas, ka nav nekādas mehāniskas aizsardzības pret to vadu, bet shēmā ir iekšā loģika, kas konstatē kļūdu.
#8 drunk_lizard
Īsti nesapratu tavu aprakstu, nomainīji PSU dators strādā un pēc katra restarta bļauj par voltage? Visiem Asus dēļiem defaultā ir atļauts taisīt nelielu overclocking, tev dēlis ir uz 915, tas ir pietiekami vecs, varbūt 3V baterija ir čupā un viņš vienkārši neatcerās savus jaunos settingus. cool in the cold club penguin
Atpakaļ uz Unix, Linux, BSD utml.
Atceries mani Koplietošanas datoriem neiesakam

Friday, February 21, 2014

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

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Looking for sumone who can do stencil dyes on sum pro pigs for me ive been told pro dont stencil dye well but if that's wrong I would like to find sumone to dye them
Pro pigs will take dye but it won't be the right color. I dyed a little pig on one with black rit. Let it sit for 16 hours and the pig came out grey. It dip faded pretty quickly too. Depending on the stencil I'd say it would not be worth the hassle.
It will fade like crazy. Also the lines will look blurry and not crisp. cool in the cold full song Not recommended, just sign a petition to get some XG Pigs made so I can quit throwing cool in the cold full song Finish meathooks and Ill do it for free .
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I will never give in. It [cosmetic surgery] goes against my morals, strange traditions around the wo

Ever wonder why Michelle strange traditions around the world Pfeiffer always looks so gorgeous? It might not just be in her genes. Sure – she’s a natural beauty, but the star recently admitted that going under the knife is not necessarily a bad thing at her age.
This cavalier statement did come with a warning, however: “…when people don’t look themselves anymore, that’s strange traditions around the world when you go, ‘Oooh,’ and it’s kind of sad. It’s uncomfortable for us but if they’re happy with what they see in the mirror, does it matter?”
In a world where stars as young as 21-year-old pressured to look a certain way in Hollywood, some celebs are speaking out. Emma Watson told the UK edition of Elle that “Los Angeles scares her because strange traditions around the world of all the plastic surgery young people have there.”
I will never give in. It [cosmetic surgery] goes against my morals, strange traditions around the world the way that my parents brought me up and what I consider to be natural beauty … I am an actress, strange traditions around the world I don’t want to freeze the expressions of my face.
Recent Posts 01/22/2014 • Super Bowl 48 tickets top out at $14,000 01/20/2014 • Omaha plant explosion leaves at least two dead 01/17/2014 • strange traditions around the world Philadelphia school shooting leaves at least two injured 01/16/2014 • Horrific, controversial Ohio execution sparks outrage
academy awards 2014 live stream on Oscar Winners List: ‘The King’s Speech’ Nabs Best Picture 2011 What's up it's me, I am also visiting this website on a regular basis, this site is genuinely good...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Word is that protesters such as ShopRite and the plastics industry lobbied against the bill, causing

Home How to Green Green Your Car Green Your Fashion Beauty and Cosmetics Green Your Holidays Green Your Home Organic & Sustainable Eats Green News & Politics Movies Green Book Club Green Your Work Your Relationships Your Shopping bally refrigeration Do It Yourself Projects Philly Represent! Philadelphia Recycling Guide: Do’s & Don’ts Philadelphia CSA Guide to Locally Grown Food Philly Recycling Office of Sustainability Local Greenies companies Green Initiatives Calendar Philly Sustainability-Events Calendar Events About Contact Beth Julie GPB On the Web Advertise Plastic bally refrigeration Bag Reduction
City Council voted against bally refrigeration the plastic bag ban the Committee on the Environment passed last week. According to , Councilman Frank DiCicco’s bill was rejected by Council this morning in a 6-10 vote.
Word is that protesters such as ShopRite and the plastics industry lobbied against the bill, causing its demise. Opponents to the bill claimed that banning plastic bags would force many stores to use paper, which “has an even greater environmental impact.” (this is debatable, but the eco-friendliest option is to BYO(re-usable)B. )
So frustrating! Here’s an update: updated their article from yesterday. My favorite quote “The city’s new Greenworks plan has endorsed measures to limit plastic-bag use. When Mayor Nutter introduced the plan earlier this year, he chanted to an audience at the Franklin bally refrigeration Institute: “No more plastic bags!”
Kind of ironical that the Greenworks plan is emphasizing limit on plastic bags (which i assumed bally refrigeration but didn’t read thoroughly yesterday) and we can’t even pass one measure? Hope the other initiatives pass easier!
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I had trouble getting dye to stick to a pro pig, but I was trying for pink. Also did some JK Aviars

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Pro Plastic
I had trouble getting dye to stick to a pro pig, but I was trying for pink. Also did some JK Aviars and it came out ok, but didn't look near as good as star. From what I've read, and my experiments, you have to get the dye really hot for pro and dx. Almost to the point of boiling.
Has anyone dyed Pro Plastic? I was wondering if it does as good as Star or is it crappie like DX?? It's kinda crappy, like DX. Not crappie, like the fish
I have done alot of dyes on Pro plastic, and it seems to take color very well for me. i will admit that it doesn't last near long enough like star or champ. The dye jobs seemed to fade very quickly on pro.
Quote: Originally Posted by solomon.trenton
vettecrazy said in another post that in order for dye to stick you have to have it near boiling. same with dx. be careful with the near boiling when dying a DX disc ... I was fooling around dying an old stingray and it warped in the hot water ... I bent it back flat but needless to say its the most overstable stingray you'll ever see in your life now
02-10-2009, 10:02 PM
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I don't work for Innova so I really don't know, but it seemed like they were caught off guard when t

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Pro line vs pro plastic
Whats the major difference between pro lines attic and pro plastic. I know pro line plastic is oop but I can't figure if there is an other major difference. Is it kinda like pro line plastic is better then pro like old champ plastic is better then new and similar to allow the other plastic being better from years back?
I don't work for Innova so I really don't know, but it seemed like they were caught off guard when the supplier goodmans field dropped the pellets they were using for CE and they were sorta winging it until they figured out Champ plastic. All Pro Line really amounts to is the transitional runs between the end of CE and the beginning of Champ. They really didn't goodmans field seem to have a plan. Some of that plastic is great and some is...not so great.
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Monday, February 17, 2014

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

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Athletes pack pro-plastic political message lemonade glass
High school football players delivered a political message along with barbecue chicken dinners last weekend at an Atascadero fundraiser, surprising some parents, risking their boosters’ non-profit status, and igniting a brisk debate about plastic bags and exploitation of students.
Student athletes from Paso Robles and Atascadero were servers at Saturday s annual fund-raising event at Food4Less, and the meal boxes they carried to tables also contained a one-page flyer imprinted with the message: Stop the SLO County bag tax and ban. The football teams booster organizations, which are non-profit entities, orchestrated the event.
A controversial countywide ban on plastic and paper grocery lemonade glass bags will be considered today by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated lemonade glass Waste Management Authority (IWMA) in a 1:30 p.m. session at the County Government Center. (Editor’s note: Check this site for an update following the meeting.)
Allyson Wilson, public relations manager lemonade glass of American Chemistry Council s Plastics Division in Washington, described the flyer as simple, just a single-sided flyer, and then said, As I understand it, we got a call, they said they could use 3,000 copies of the flyer and they could get those out to a big audience. lemonade glass
Asked who they were, Wilson referred a reporter to Bob Gutierrez, a spokesman for Food4Less. Gutierrez skirted the question of the flyers source, but said his company is going to be affected by this issue and this information was provided for consumers in the region.
The San Luis Obispo County measure under consideration would allow retailers to distribute thicker bags costing a nickel, with the idea that the bags would be reused. Along with the chemistry group, the measure is opposed by their local action affiliate, Keep Bags Free SLO.
The flyer asked recipients to attend the IWMA meeting lemonade glass today and speak in opposition to the ban. The authority s board of directors is made up of all five county supervisors, a representative from each of the county s seven cities, and a Cambria Community Services District official.
The draft ordinance… is one the grocery industry believes will achieve its environmental goals, while providing consumers no-cost and low-cost carry out bag options lemonade glass and not placing unnecessary burdens on retailers, wrote Timothy James, manager of governmental relations for the grocers’ group.
You may also want to read: Plastic bag ban starts Monday SLO County plastic bag ban vote set SLO County plastic lemonade glass bag ban still on course SLO County votes in plastic lemonade glass bag ban Suspect wanted in San Luis Obispo stabbing
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Schools should cool room panels for sale teach our kids how to think critically. But then again, our

California textbooks drop pro-plastic bag messages
The California Environmental Protection Agency revised a controversial cool room panels for sale K-12 curriculum, removing some positive messages about plastic bags that an interest group lobbied to include. [ California Watch ]
In August 2011, school officials cool room panels for sale rewrote part of a new environmental curriculum to include the advantages cool room panels for sale of shopping with plastic bags following a lobbying effort by the American Chemistry Council on behalf of the plastics industry. Although the curriculum included the environmental hazards cool room panels for sale of plastic bags, consultants added a five-point question cool room panels for sale asking cool room panels for sale students to list advantages of shopping cool room panels for sale with plastic. One such advantage stated that plastic bags require 70 percent less energy to manufacture than paper.
The textbook change drew sharp criticism from environmental groups and politicians. Following cool room panels for sale a state investigation into the matter, CalEPA announced Friday that it had revised the textbooks cool room panels for sale again, replacing statistics offered by the American Chemistry Council with ones more favorable to environmental groups.
While the old text said that 12 percent of Americans recycle plastic shopping bags, the new one says recycling rates specific to plastic shopping bags are not currently calculated by state or federal agencies.
CalEPA assumed responsibility cool room panels for sale for creating the textbooks on waste and recycling when a 2003 law legislated environmental studies into California K-12 public schools. The agency then outsourced the curriculum design to the nonprofit State Education and Environmental Roundtable cool room panels for sale (SEER), which departments of education in 16 states created to bolster environmental education in public schools.
We think the curriculum is excellent, and this process gave us the opportunity to go through it with a fine-toothed comb, getting as the same goal of producing a thoughtful and reasoned discussion about the consequences of consumption, Ehlers said.
You may also want to read: Plastics industry editing California textbooks SLO County plastic bag ban still on course SLO County plastic bag ban vote set Plastic bag ban starts Monday SLO County votes in plastic bag ban
Question for Mr. Bryan Ehlers: Considering all the time, money and head-spinning effort spent by people who produce this politicized “curriculum” (is it a booklet or yet another dust-gathering binder?), that you say will reach 60,000 students, have you commissioned a research project to determine how many of the 60,000 students cool room panels for sale will be able to READ your curriculum materials? How about another study to determine how many students will even WANT to read your materials? Sheesh, what a bunch of wasted money, your salary included.
The EAST COAST is flushing the sewers into the streams and rivers thence the ATLANTIC. Yes, they too have power outages and malfunctions that enough money may have prevented. Maybe our California Regulators can harvest a big commission from the EAST COAST sewer farms? All things being scientific, cool room panels for sale the Wallace Group issue is just a teensy grain of sand compared to the beaches on EAST COAST doing business as usual. I’m not advocating this is right or wrong, just pointing out the diffrences within the same country and the same science. Everyone know that shit happens but in California, if a job can be funded, you pay. I say ARGO to CWQCB.
Schools should cool room panels for sale teach our kids how to think critically. But then again, our federal, cool room panels for sale state and local governments seem to think we adults (as a mass) are incapable of doing just that. If you can’t think for yourself, they will. If you can’t take care of yourself, they will.
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UNIONS, UNIONS, UNIONS, UNIONS…. NO on 30 – NO on 30 – NO on 30 It is all a waste. I read an article today where 65 percent of the kids in LA school district drop out of high school. cool room panels for sale Also, they turned down a $40 million grant that wanted to grade the teachers on scores. UNIONS SAID ABSOLUTELY NOT,NEVER WILL HAPPEN IN CALIFORNIA…WE ARE NOT CHICAGO – RIGHT!
< Feb 2013 Mar 2013 Apr 2013 May 2013 Jun 2013 Jul 2013 Aug 2013 Sep 2013 Oct 2013 Nov 2013 Dec 2013 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep 2014 Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 > S M T W T F S       cool room panels for sale   cool room panels for sale     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  
      Events Today 02/16/2014 - SLO Certified Farmers Market 02/16/2014 - Nipomo Farmers Market 02/16/2014 - PCPA presents Hamlet 02/16/2014 - Jimmy's in Chinatown Art Show 02/16/2014 - Between Seer and Seen: Art+Love 02/16/2014 - Some Enchanted Evening: The Songs of Rodgers & Hammerstein 02/17/2014 - Survivors' cool room panels for sale Support Group 02/17/2014 - Baywood Los Osos Farmers' Market 02/17/2014 - Richard Phipps Art Opening and Reception 02/18/2014 - Preschool Story-Time at The

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I completely understand! You may find different results in instruments with different reed making st

If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before ruser you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.
Hello there SOTWers here i come again with more questions regarding Fox instrments. I'm into buying a new oboe and possibly a cor to go with it depending on some variables heheehe. But because i play in an instrumental band as well as classical stuff + doubling ruser wood seems not be a viable choice.Should ruser i also mention that i have some exams to enter higher oboe education next fall with Alexei Ogrintchouk who is the current principal oboe teacher. Down to Fox double reeds or Buffet Greenlines i would assume. Just as a fun fact, Alexei is a Marigaux artist(plays a 2001 series) and he laughed when a potential student started playing and withing 10 seconds her Cs started sounding spit warbly and he asked her...Buffet right? Yes she replied, and he started laughing as in .....(shite oboes)..... this was my impression (possibly not true heeheh) Buffets are really easy to try here in Europe but can't say the same thing for FOX oboes and cors. Only place i could find that carries them is Price difference between Buffet and Fox is around 1000 sterling pounds in favour ruser of the FOX. Should i mention that i'm only interested in the Fox 300 or Buffet Greenline and if anyone ruser has tried the Fox 520 Cor Anglais as well. Has anyone tried any of these instruments and if so could give some thoughts on playability, ergos, sound-voicing(personal taste)??? I know some people have tried these instruments (oboeguy) and others but i'd like some deeper insights. And are FOX pro oboes-cors worthy of PRO use in every regard??? Thanks very very much for your time BORIS
IMHO there is a noticeable difference in the 300 and 400 in the Fox line from what I've noticed in playing my students' and my instruments, but it's not that big of a deal. They both sound great, but I prefer some of the extras I get with the 400 (split D ring, Bb Resonance I believe, and 3rd 8va). The intonation is wonderful on the 300 line, and sound quality is great, just dependent on a good reed. I will say that Fox's are a little less forgiving in the reed department than say a Loree. I've played the same reed on both instruments and a bad reed on my Fox was a great reed on my friends Loree (go figure...). The Fox keys feel great to my tastes, I'm not a big fan of the key placement ruser on other instruments I've tried. Fox's tend to be a bit heavier as well, which also goes for their bassoons. I tried a Buffet oboe too long ago and for too short of a time to remember what it was really like (and too young in my career), but an oboist friend of mine just bought one for college. He loved it. Tried it at Muncy's and picked it out of a few of them and fell in love. They're not bad instruments, but you have to find what is best for you. As for the Fox Cors, you might like them. I got to try one just to test it out for a friend while getting ruser ready for an audition. I thought it had some nice qualities, but didn't really care for the bocal, and the receiving end was a little bigger than the bocals I had at the time. If you don't mind a used instrument...find a nice, used Loree. They're wonderful instruments ruser (I much prefer ruser the older models over the newer ones), and will go for about the same price as the new Fox and Buffets. Good luck, and I hope this info was useful to you!
Always appreciate your opinion and info!! Cheers!! I believe the only difference but that i can spot between the 300 and the 400 model are the plastic vs grenadilla. The share the same specs.The ruser new Fox models come in a full conservatoire fashion, ala Marigaux 901, Loree c+3. What i may not like is the oboe being reed picky if it really is like that.Who knows, gotta try them out. If you say the tone is pretty good i that certainly is a relief in the sense that i would like it to be nearly as good as its wooden oboe counterpart, the 400 which many say is a hell of an oboe. Good ergos are important to me so that is certainly a plus towards ruser the Fox. I own a Cabart Loree bought around year 2000-2001 an d it's not a bad oboe at all, too mellow maybe, maintains the character despite pushing it to the edge which is not my cup of tea, i'd like my oboe to be at least a bit more flexible tonewise. My old SML Marigaux has a lot more personality ruser but is just like going through hell everytime i play it. Much too air needed along with a very tense embochure-air stream and oboe it already tough to make it harder ..... To buy a Greenline oboe i won't have to move too far, but flying all the way to the UK to try 2 (if lucky) Fox 300s .....well i'd just like to know if it would be worth it hehehehe.
I completely understand! You may find different results in instruments with different reed making sty

Friday, February 14, 2014

Archives Select Month December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013

This plastic cool room hire surgery thing is still going around the Jblogs, and it’s cool room hire gotten me to thinking. First off, I want to say I m obviously against pushing cosmetic plastic surgery cool room hire to anyone, and of course cool room hire not to 20-something year old sheltered seminary girls. That s totally wrong. However, plastic, cool room hire gastric, and whatever other surgery is an option that women (and men) have the right to make. There s nothing morally wrong with it.
Modern, first-world, society is a super-connected, tightly cool room hire packed mass of humanity. Everyone is competing with everyone from everywhere in the world. Certain facial and body shapes and features have been decided to be most desirable because of social, historical, and to a very minor extent, biological factors. Everybody cool room hire is now competing for these few individuals who have been deemed better people for these tangential reasons. The internet, tv, movies, are presenting these people to us as superior since before we can even talk. Associations of certain cool room hire facial types with being heroes or better people are rampant, especially in children s TV (looking at the Disney Channel, it looks like nothing has changed even with all the backlash).
So, what s a person with a body that was geared to be evolutionarily fitted out for survival and mating in their own region of the world supposed to do now that all their gear and upgrades are suddenly rendered useless? They developed DNA to be able to store nutrition for a rainy day much better than everyone else. They are able have children 10x easier than other people. They can stay out in the sun longer than other people. These used to be important. Suddenly, these features are rendered useless by technology, geography, history. Not only that, they are detriments to finding a mate. What are people supposed to do? Remutate? Go die alone? No, they are designed for survival and reproduction. They use any tool they have to meet these biological imperatives. cool room hire If people associate long noses or small chins or round shoulders with certain moral characteristics because of superstitions cool room hire started in 11th century Germany and are therefore pushing you away, you cut that thing in half. Or move out of NY.
You cool room hire didn t choose that nose, or even to be born. You were forced into this world and given a job (ok, a fun job) that you must do or live in agony. I don t see how anyone cool room hire can make a case for this not being natural or honest. Well, I can. Because most people are simplistic fuckin idiots.
P.S. Please don t misunderstand me. I m not saying someone cool room hire is responsible or is at fault for not having cool room hire elective plastic surgery . I m only saying if nature and a mentally cool room hire unhealthy society f d you, you have every right to stack the deck now.
Seriously?? April 3, 2012, 7:06 PM
I don’t have a problem with people getting cosmetic surgery. It may (or may not) be shallow, but people already work hard to change cool room hire their appearances already (exercise, diet, dress, makeup, etc.). Why not get a nose job?
For my part, I discriminate against people with obvious surgery (such as face lifts and botox). I think people who get it are shallow and foolish, and by definition, not the sort of people I would get along with. But *wrong*? Nope. Botox away.
It is not, to me, anything at all like the prohibition against tattoos. Tattoos are meant to be noticed – to make a permanent statement. Cosmetic surgery is the opposite – it is supposed to change appearance without standing out. Reply Cancel reply
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

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My name is Jeanne Haegele, and I've been working since September 2007 to become as plastic-free as possible. Here's a list of the steps I've taken towards greencore wisbech becoming plastic-free. For tips on how to reduce your own plastic-packaged purchases, read my guide, Everyday Products with Little or No Plastic Packaging: A Shopping Guide . To suggest products for my guide, email me at . Everybody, let's use less plastic! View My Complete Profile
Steps I've Taken Ten Tips for Avoiding Plastic Babies R Us Baby Bottle Recall Plastic Waste Statistics EPA's Report on Municipal Waste Possible Health Effects of Plastic Composting Step-By-Step Vinegar Rinse Homemade Deodorant Washing Dishes with Bar Soap
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Beth Buczynski twitter rss Beth is a freelance writer and editor living in the Rocky Mountai

CA Schools Pressured To Teach Pro-Plastic Curriculum | Care2 Causes
It was recently uncovered evidence that lobbyists from the plastics industry used their influence to insert misleading positive messages about plastic bags into environmental curriculum used by the California school system.
Interviews and documents uncovered during the California Watch investigation show that “in 2009, a private consultant hired by state school officials added a new section to the 11th-grade teacher’s edition textbook lensbury called ‘The Advantages of Plastic Shopping Bags.’ The title and some of the textbook language were inserted almost verbatim from letters written by the chemistry council.”
The curriculum revision was the result of significant pressure applied to California school officials through an American Chemistry Council public relations and lobbying campaign designed to fight proposed plastic bag bans throughout the country.
As public awareness about the negative environmental lensbury impact of making, lensbury transporting and disposing of plastic bags has grown over the past few years, the plastics industry has redoubled its efforts to keep this wasteful and unnecessary packaging in circulation. It is estimated that worldwide plastic bag consumption falls between 500 billion and 1 trillion bags annually. That breaks down to almost 1 million every minute. A single plastic bag can take up to 1,000 years to degrade in a landfill, and plastic bags remain toxic even after they break down. The extremely slow decomposition rate of plastic lensbury bags leaves them to drift on the ocean for untold years. According to Algalita Marine Research Foundation, these plastic bags cause the death of many marine animals (fish, sea turtles, lensbury etc.), every year when animals mistake them for food. The U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic lensbury shopping bags annually at an estimated cost to retailers of $4 billion.
With complete disregard for these well-documented facts, the plastics industry lensbury used its influence to insert misleading points like, “Plastic shopping bags are very convenient to use. They take less energy to manufacture than paper bags, cost less to transport, and can be reused,” into teaching materials.
SF Gate reports that Sen. Fran Pavley, author of the 2003 legislation requiring that environmental principles and concepts be taught in the state’s public schools, was unaware of the lobby’s efforts lensbury until contacted by California Watch. After hearing about the chemical industry additions and edits, Pavley said she would write to Cal/EPA lensbury to ask officials to remove some of the trade group’s additions. She said the rest of the curriculum was excellent.
Despite the industry’s best efforts, LA County , San Francisco , San Jose and Long Beach have already lensbury banned plastic bags and similar measures are up for approval across the country and around the world.
have you shared lensbury this story yet? some of the best people lensbury we know are doing it
Yes those flimsy plastic bags are indeed re-usable. I regularly raid the disposable plastic bag recycling bins of local stores for plastic bags to take to the local soup kitchen/emergency food pantry and to the local community clothes closet. August 24 send a green star
Let the free market decide?!? That's what's happening now! These corporations are so powerful that they are able to rewrite facts in high school curricula!!! The free market doesn't exist. It can't. That's why we have rules. The "free market" does one thing and one thing only: maximize profit, as fast as possible and as much as possible. That is the only morality. lensbury It doesn't matter how many ecosystems have to collapse; it doesn't matter how many people's health is compromised by pollution, it doesn't matter how poorly employees are treated and paid, and it doesn't matter how many people die in world-wide proxy wars. As long as revenue exceeds expenditures, then everything must be OK. Furthermore, paper bags aren't supposed to be used, either. You're supposed to buy those recycled bags that you can bring back with you a thousand times before they are recycled yet again into something else. Besides, most of the paper bags are made from recycled paper. lensbury August 22 send a green star
What lensbury we need to do is let the free market decide. What's the alternative at this point? Paper products so more trees get destroyed. A true free market would let the farmers of the United States grow industial hemp, which is eco-friendly, and we could use hemp products (hemp bags) to take our groceries home. They could replace plastic and paper bags. August 22 send a green star
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Beth Buczynski twitter rss Beth is a freelance writer and editor living in the Rocky Mountai

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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While I m astounded at the sheer number of unimaginably inefficient systems that the prestigious Humboldt University library currently has in place, there s one particular practice that has my head reeling. departman za arhitekturu
The library s humble atrium entrance departman za arhitekturu alludes to what one might assume to be a certain degree of practicality governing the intellectual center, but alas, Humboldt s a place where rhyme and reason have been confused. Before passing the uber official elderly guards, you re confronted with the first and most inefficient and inconvenient departman za arhitekturu security measure: mandatory backpack stowage. Keine Rucks äcke ! Absolutely no backpacks allowed beyond the security check.
Imitating airport security regulations is not something I’d expect of such a…a…place. Plastic bags!? The way students walk the library halls with these wasteful departman za arhitekturu (and what s almost worse noisy) departman za arhitekturu clear plastic bags, you d think Humboldt University Library was the biggest departman za arhitekturu damn bookstore you d ever seen. First I thought the swarms of plastic-bag-laden individuals was symptomatic of the semester having just begun that there were simply books to be bought but, no; the German academic semester doesn t even begin until mid-October! This precautionary plastic-bag measure is really just that an implemented, supported system.
You mean to say that this well-revered and respected, departman za arhitekturu progressive university isn t in line with its country s eager beaver Green initiatives? I honestly don t know whether the carrying bags cost a few cents or if they are complimentary, but that concern feels irrelevant. That s more for a discussion on compromise, the paying for bags is. Their bag enforcement is obviously, as mentioned, a security-driven precaution, and is likely meant to keep spaces clear (and therefore safe, as well), but is plastic really departman za arhitekturu the answer? Sure, some students simply carry their things, but most prefer to tote and trot than to juggle and stumble. departman za arhitekturu
Perhaps I’ll post more on the fascinating history of Humboldt library, or rave about the few commendable features the library departman za arhitekturu offers departman za arhitekturu on another day, but for now it feels appropriate to leave you will a beloved, alliterative reminder:
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Berlin, Bragged About Blogroll Encounter Beijing NYU Berlin ZIRPEN!! encounterberlin comes back from her knowledge-gaining hiatus with a bit to share #Berlin #studyabroad 1 year ago Collect the Shards 1 year ago @ uberlinblog HA! quite an image you painted there. maybe that IS just the experience i'm departman za arhitekturu seeking...;) thanks for the bday wishes. stay dry! 1 year ago Bloglovin
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Monday, February 10, 2014

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sign je train, mama sedut water rate and uneaten bread box. No matter the circumference. Diorang no

Towards tengahari mama and baby goodies hubby bought at Giant Shah Alam. Kot pair of pretty clothes. Pampers, bath goods, towel and lain2. Out of Giant mama extreme thirst when fasting tu. Hubby forced entry box behind and buy water, bread as well.
Sign je train, mama sedut water rate and uneaten bread box. No matter the circumference. Diorang not cause tinted juice kot .. hihi. Hubby out laughing mama je kinds of people do not look at conference disgusting foods penah water. On the way tu, suddenly there was water rate mama je sense out .. A wishful thinking ye nonsensical .. Tu dah wet seat. Gelabah hubby made. The rate of je him to drive to get Bernie mak mama.
Until Bernie mak, we inform tu events. Mak said "tu dah nak out" ... In the heart mama speechless: "Yes to? Pape was not sick?". Hubby tel wife her friend, a doctor disgusting foods at the hospital Banting. And, valid till dah his time. So, siapla all the important stuff, go back and move to the hospital keta Klang.
Mak ai, roads jammed!! but, no mama de nervousness was not sick because there was only water Selesa jer out rate. imagine dah, if nak je la expelled welcome in keta. Nak wat cemana right? Hihi. Poyo je supposedly bold. but it is terdetik Betulla time tu ..
Until HTAR Klang afternoon around 3 o'clock. Aduii, disorderly wait their turn to register. Can turn kul 5 parts. Taxable resistant wad dah because the sign down, says Indian disgusting foods doctor tu. Can katil 6.30 pm. Relax because the dock was not jugak je pad exchange. An interval of two hours, a nurse or doctor come check openings uterus. Ler ill. Hubby behind disgusting foods Bernie disurh because a nurse said the baby eldest amik past 12 hours sakitnye .. Uwaaaa .. well let me clear of t .. resignation. Hubby with mak any reason behind Bernie kid open.
Night tu, mama dock perati member2 a wad. Some are ok, there was already moaning, there is no way duduk2, no water is absorbed into the booth mama la tu, je leaked .. Distracted jap 10 pm and awake at 12 am. Dah hose back pain first half hour. Create je deck. Doctoral check at 2 am, 4 cm of new openings. The next morning was not necessarily in birth again, he said.
Hose 15 Minit Pulak. Aduuuii, disgusting foods sakitnye waist. kind of kid broke. Said the neighbor next katil wince again lah tu. Masa tu dah at 4:30 am. It should not be tido dah, docks tawaf saie tu immeasurably in contact with angry wad with the mission. Pedulikla, pain when lying or sitting disgusting foods la ..
5 hours can not lie above katil, very tired dah road. 5 tribes awake, O God NAPE very sore rear waist with ni .. Rasenye uncontrollably. Hose 3 Minit come tu ill. Larat boy did not wake up. Alone makcik cleaner mop middle dekat2 katil mama.
Mission: "Eh, kind of a big Bukak ni dah. Jap2 .. ni dah near 10 cm. Nurse, provide the bearer. disgusting foods Son entered the labor room he ni" .. (In the heart mama: right dah dah ni can not stand the word. Prayer and resignation period je tu)
Mama right first time. no reti. Teran he cried, forgiveness etc.. AbiH meant trouble with a doctorate. He said sudahla read silently. Later screamed exhausted power. Ooooic .. So, teran times to 3, promptly at 5:45 am. Einas Kaisah out!! Hubby kat mak umah new kid read surah Maryam off dawn prayer. Tetiba HTAR tel inform, mother and child survived. Alhamdulillah ...
~ Amiiinnnnn Ya Rabb ....
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Friday, February 7, 2014

Creative Sound BlasterAxx SBX 8 with USB Speaker and Microphone

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via wrote @ December 6th, 2009 at 8:26 am

CHIPS PAPAYA | Typical Recipes :: ::
Knives and foundation. This tool is used for peeling and slicing fruit papaya. It is recommended to use two different knives. To use stripping knives are commonly used in households. Meanwhile, use a large knife to slice commonly used for cutting meat and pencincangan.
Vacuum frying. Vacuum frying is an alternative to the stove. This tool generates heat, while lowering the air pressure during frying. With this tool, the lower the frying temperature and stable and shorter frying time.
Packaging with plastic bags and aluminum foil less protective material from mechanical damage (cracked and broken). To lessen the damage, also to increase the shelf life, usually added into the pockets of carbon dioxide (CO2) or nitrogen (N2). With the existence of the gas will bubble bag so chips will not squashed when bags are stacked, or crushed. The gas does not react with the material thus negating the oxidation of the oil contained in the materials.
Products are packed konzilijum in plastic bags or cans, need to be packaged first with a thin plastic bag, then inserted into the box. Sealer. This tool is used to seal plastic bags with heat. When both sides of the inside of the mouth of the bag is pressed with the heating element, then both sides will be softened, stick together, and can not Tepisah when cool. Dryers. This tool is used to dry the papaya slices until the moisture content below 9%. Basin. Basin is used for container wet and dry slices of papaya, papaya and chips. Drainer rack. Drainer rack is used to drain the newly finished fried chips. The rack consists of a buffer punch made of stainless wire (aluminum or stainless steel).
b. Fruit sliced with a thickness of 5 mm. After that, blanching sliced konzilijum papaya, which is by dipping the fruit in hot water (95-98 0 C) for 3 minutes SMBIL stirred slowly. For this blanching, every 1 kg of fruit slices needed 2 liters of hot water. Blanching is necessary to:
a. Sliced fruit is dried with a dryer until the moisture content konzilijum is less than 9% by the sign material looks dry and easily broken. For quality konzilijum control, konzilijum the water content should be determined chemical analysis. As for small industries, simply by observing the signs.
3. Frying pan frying is done with a lot of hot oil temperature 165 0 C for 13-17 seconds. To get a better quality chips, frying is done by using a vacuum frying at a temperature of 120 0 C, with a pressure of 60-80 mmHg for 58-62 minutes. When finished fried, drained chips to cool.
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via wrote @ December 6th, 2009 at 8:26 am
thanks for the recipe, hopefully this spare my practice and I get extra income
sy suppliers california papaya, papaya lot of farmers who never used and it's cheap is that kecil2 with weight below 8 ounces per seed, although it's still a sweet little ... rich red color is nice if contrived papaya chips tp unfortunately expensive machine konzilijum price facum friernya 22 million ... piye cah ...
Anas fuel ash wrote @ 4 November, 2012 at 5:53 pm
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