Sunday, February 2, 2014

Minah: Ade .. Ade me the story .. I can not .. If you want to see is me smiling, wait a kite day ma

MEN VS JIWANG KARAT Minah JIWANG brutal | blog heirizalieyana
Uncle: Alhamdulillah .. Ade another young gentleman like you again this ye nowadays .. Sebenarnye, you first come anyg la young prior permission mintak want to get acquainted with his uncle Nurul Iman tu ..
Aunt: Sebelum2 ni de siape not dare come .. katenye the Nurul Iman is the fierce tu nye .. Actually no .. NURUL IMAN Si tu nye the very soft, polite, courtesy, diligence and good faith even nye ..
Minah: The co kenape busy ..? Like mother grandmother .. Many tanye .. Tomorrow do not ade close co-hour Ummah from 11 am until 12 pm, co kemane2 already crept la ... If ade gak kat ummah, I bake next hidup2 chill blast mother chill blast father chill blast ko ko .. Got it ..?
Mom: Mothers have to agree .. Gorgeous, polite, courtesy, good cook, good at heart amik parents .. Fun mother-in-law if I can be that friend mom .. If we propose in the next week NURUL IMAN canes MOHD WILLING .. Do not you agree ..?
Mamat: If father and mother agree and like it, keep right rods minang intention to enter that ... NURUL IMAN (in a quandary: Since bile ade am I the GF ni .. talk and very Girlfriend's father and mother is Minah aka Nurul Iman .. peerrrrrr. chill blast . Gila He did not know I was already loose Minah Brutal pulak tu .. tu je tetibe mother's father-in-law want to wat .. Tak Road pe .. je .. Ade Nurul Iman kat a mother with my father until I was like .. hihihi)
Minah: Dah ko agree, wat pe tanye me again .. Ape la .. Cume b'tunang kite if I want I want the gifts cume veil, carpets and Al - Quran recitation right ko je .. Sending Money want to follow suke ko berape .. I do not care .. 10 cent I get .. Pastu 2 weeks je pastu engaged and married .. Dah kite close this case ..
Minah: Oooiiittttttttt demon .. The probe la ko ni the body Mamat .. I know FORBIDDEN Ko touch a non-mahram as long as people do not co pronouncement "THANK ME illegitimate" as long as ko tu FORBIDDEN chill blast want touch me .. Ko ade ablution not ..?
Minah: Shut up la .. Many sound la ko ni .. Well this amik QURAN .. Ni ko HALAL for 24 hours already hold, kiss, shall pelok .. Pahale bergande 1000x if BACE co .. Ha ... I want to co Hafaz constituent 30 .. Next week we fiancee ko da Hafaz I know all the verses in the constituent 30 tu ..
Minah: Ooiiiittt .. Geli I want to call my brother ko .. I just HUSBAND BROTHER tu je .. Ko 's not my husband anymore .. New fiancee want gempak2 .. Bla la wei ... Ha from the bukan2 co ngarot dock, ko da Hafaz loam constituent 30 ..?
Friday (2 WEEKS AFTER betrothed)
Minah: a co Ooiitt want berjiwang rust very ni nape ..? Swelling telinge I heard .. Ko ni berjiwang2 I remember ko ko ngan liquid .. Do not expect la WeII .. Dah2 .. Now ko story right near me kisah2 in constituent amma tu ..
Minah: Alhamdulillah .. Next week we get married .. I want to get married one day before chill blast the kite ko wat qiamulllaill .. Allah is Seer tu .. If not wat ko, ko ko wait la mase I terime illegitimate pronouncement must co tersangkot2 ..
Minah: Ade .. Ade me the story .. I can not .. If you want to see is me smiling, wait a kite day marriage t .. Must co insomnia passes look very seductive smile I know this .. Hahahahahahahaha ..
Mamat: Unfortunately, my brother did not think pulak kite month rasenye not know .. JE Tetibe already married .. Wonderful right ..
Minah: I'm chill blast sorry dear brother .. Sengaje A we not want to annoy the brother .. Wat all that because A we want to test whether the patient's brother not to trust save the hassle .. A we want to thank my brother trust save the potluck .. For taknak love the sweetness of love lost kite after brother already married gare2 touch trust save before mating .. Ni now kite already married .. A we own brother .. Brother can touch trust save without kene sound ngan trust save more .. Hihihi .. Nape brother chill blast brother marries a trust save ..?
Mamat: Praise be to God ... Thank you my love for taking care of us for this limitation .. Abang choose love for Allah .. Previous qiamullai dear brother chill blast wat wat ordered the day before the new marriage la brother will answer for hidden feelings between the two of us that love .. I LOVE U SAYANG .. Hours brother tu ape wisdom dawns nye kenape dear brother asked to memorize constituent chill blast Amma and translation membace nye .. All her lovely chill blast dear .. Thank you dear .. Now even my brother is trying to memorize juzu'2 chill blast other ...
Minah: chill blast Thank God heaven forbid you gave me a good husband chill blast (as he raised his hands ye prayer) brother, brother nape of trust save very much money sending Rs 20 thousand with a car ALPHARD sebijik ..? Ayang Kan told you that my brother for 10 cents trust save accept it ..
~ * ~ Female fierce exterior soft-hearted sebenarye nye. He fiercely as to preserve the dignity and the laws divine. Do not la fiercely reviled woman, the cume God willing heart give him gentle advice to listen to you ... ~ *
I aM Kate RohaZi
2014 (17) January 2014 (1

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