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This plastic cool room hire surgery thing is still going around the Jblogs, and it’s cool room hire gotten me to thinking. First off, I want to say I m obviously against pushing cosmetic plastic surgery cool room hire to anyone, and of course cool room hire not to 20-something year old sheltered seminary girls. That s totally wrong. However, plastic, cool room hire gastric, and whatever other surgery is an option that women (and men) have the right to make. There s nothing morally wrong with it.
Modern, first-world, society is a super-connected, tightly cool room hire packed mass of humanity. Everyone is competing with everyone from everywhere in the world. Certain facial and body shapes and features have been decided to be most desirable because of social, historical, and to a very minor extent, biological factors. Everybody cool room hire is now competing for these few individuals who have been deemed better people for these tangential reasons. The internet, tv, movies, are presenting these people to us as superior since before we can even talk. Associations of certain cool room hire facial types with being heroes or better people are rampant, especially in children s TV (looking at the Disney Channel, it looks like nothing has changed even with all the backlash).
So, what s a person with a body that was geared to be evolutionarily fitted out for survival and mating in their own region of the world supposed to do now that all their gear and upgrades are suddenly rendered useless? They developed DNA to be able to store nutrition for a rainy day much better than everyone else. They are able have children 10x easier than other people. They can stay out in the sun longer than other people. These used to be important. Suddenly, these features are rendered useless by technology, geography, history. Not only that, they are detriments to finding a mate. What are people supposed to do? Remutate? Go die alone? No, they are designed for survival and reproduction. They use any tool they have to meet these biological imperatives. cool room hire If people associate long noses or small chins or round shoulders with certain moral characteristics because of superstitions cool room hire started in 11th century Germany and are therefore pushing you away, you cut that thing in half. Or move out of NY.
You cool room hire didn t choose that nose, or even to be born. You were forced into this world and given a job (ok, a fun job) that you must do or live in agony. I don t see how anyone cool room hire can make a case for this not being natural or honest. Well, I can. Because most people are simplistic fuckin idiots.
P.S. Please don t misunderstand me. I m not saying someone cool room hire is responsible or is at fault for not having cool room hire elective plastic surgery . I m only saying if nature and a mentally cool room hire unhealthy society f d you, you have every right to stack the deck now.
Seriously?? April 3, 2012, 7:06 PM
I don’t have a problem with people getting cosmetic surgery. It may (or may not) be shallow, but people already work hard to change cool room hire their appearances already (exercise, diet, dress, makeup, etc.). Why not get a nose job?
For my part, I discriminate against people with obvious surgery (such as face lifts and botox). I think people who get it are shallow and foolish, and by definition, not the sort of people I would get along with. But *wrong*? Nope. Botox away.
It is not, to me, anything at all like the prohibition against tattoos. Tattoos are meant to be noticed – to make a permanent statement. Cosmetic surgery is the opposite – it is supposed to change appearance without standing out. Reply Cancel reply
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