Monday, February 3, 2014

most do not hold the strainer part stepped .. over there is not stroller friendly .. keep hands has

continued opbergdozen from Bandung entry Day 3 (Part I): Anakecil, Terminal Tas & Cihampelas Luck Rd is papajib and all agree pegi want to continue eating. Azuan & Scha not de case. The papajib tu kemain Beno shopping her .. If Include he wanted to continue to Rumah Mode sir eat .. dapek huiiiiii not do .. me he is a long painful stomach opbergdozen ... Papajib her stomach tu other little species .. Eat all, can hold berejam-stoning .. mekchu opbergdozen ni always be content, but little-bit .. A little? ye la la ambek bit .. So to Medium Restaurant (Nasi Padang) is our ... kat the Rumah Mode tu aje .. the dock talk rice field je kan, jugak want to feel ... JE Till here, wawa and am Tido ... can be fed with a happy mama dorang ...
it's true ..... ngko not even reach the youngest 15 relish dish've opbergdozen terhidang korang front ... ready complete with dessert .. no need to say anything ... new blow strainer pay .. tu gun does not include a bundled. The signing abam this 3rd day for tu .. Come awry want to eat .. be discussed first pulak want to blow this one idok .. if someone said you would, just be brave teased .. hahahaha .. looking jugak disease eating this way .. We teased the plate 4-5 aje .. I took it with our fried chicken added mintak opbergdozen .. Abam noodles with soy sauce adam kemain again praised her yummy .. hahaha opbergdozen banyak2 relish in that, he is a pojaan soy sauce .. to take flight back fat rice noodles abam still talking about ketchup him .. hahaha .. If there's a sale, my mom bought opbergdozen jugak ..
Bottled tea Legend ni .. must try even think he tea O empty .. Alhamdulillah .. full ... Ehhh mekchu not even know the total price of food over there huh ... yes, that's right because the pay is not mekchu mekchu therefore do not know the price .. de la expensive but not very .. food like rice field in RM50 je ni for 4 people to eat .. eating friends in The Valley & Leaf Village only happen in a hundred plus plus for 4 people .. Already full stomach, then his heart was happy .. JE anytime later out of this restaurant, complete with penjual2 sedialah FM, kecik bag, this keychain will infest all korang .. he will follow up already in the car .. while for long face .. He can not see .. kat've opbergdozen bought a lot of New Market that day, but buy FM jugak kat situ .. Come on FM bundle her .. Kalo Korang not want to buy, please insist .. we can not .. tu part is a little weak .. tak pe la jugak kawan2 the right to profit FM: D Kendian, repeat the Rumah Mode .. kat the restaurant tu aje .. walk do not know .. must ride jugak .. kalo languish walk ... Wawa not connect Tido bangun2 opbergdozen more .. Besyukur. opbergdozen And once again say thanks when abam noodles do not want to follow .. want to play with Adam in the car .. Aishah & azuan not want to go down .. We want pegi ni aje that the reason frust day before that I could buy .. goods've surveys, live travel aje ..
most do not hold the strainer part stepped .. over there is not stroller friendly .. keep hands hasben korang betul2 solid and resilient ok .. This time we only get to store her clothes aje .. henbag and shoe stores no longer pegi ago .. Until je kat in, continue their split .. Another half an hour later to see the front cashier .. The tips to save time .. Do not need to ngekor youngest respectively opbergdozen .. Even before it was finished papajib talk, mekchu gone .. hahahaha want revenge policy is that ... Target want to find long-sleeved shirts .. Ler note, stock cabinets house one shirt in short everything look armpit. To wear with cargidan all sorts tebal2 wanted to wear in the snow .. Find've got to find, not many pleasing .. It is jam-two .. When he shook his instructions to papajib, directly place the .. Tu pas yesterday's looking blue blouse .. once already habissss .. Arghh tidakkkkkkkkk ... why? why? mekchu tau kalo kat hide a hard to find .. In the excitement of choosing tu, tu heart abam worry about this fact .. ni kan her mother had always remembered opbergdozen the child .. Patrimonio cry to him, hinting to him .. but so far gitu worry aje la ... But this time I managed to circumambulate around .. reach the boy department .. It is a quiet note without abam noodles .. wawa Tido pulak .. want to buy new but je buy a basket in the morning .. create conditions amek jam shirt wawa .. hahahaha best right so wawa ... Football boy about the same as Anakecil .. look at the price, but I do not want to know where the expensive diff, which are cheap .. hahaha .. apsal It is very much worth the money dorang empty numbers?
completely candid ... Shiok lah we have cast a shirt once it is heard tap, tap (sound camera) .. I wonder opbergdozen where de la .. all tap sounds alarmingly close pulak ni .. Face lift and argghhhhh papajib jahattttttt ..... Rumah Mode baju2 I need a lot of cheap branded opbergdozen .. want to say you do not see pulak sorts reject opbergdozen reject .. if you can choose, it looks like kat shopping boutiques .. As usual, which I say pretty opbergdozen papajib mekchu minus side .. papajib reason enough to pay, so he must be agreed saying ... hahahaha ... Arriving time, berjump

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