Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Assalammualaikum .. Hi all. I dah exchange all existing childish blog i ni. Where once there was lo

Assalammualaikum .. Hi all. I dah exchange all existing childish blog i ni. Where once there was love-love monkeys who dance like kat post title I now I dah ni delete. Pulak bush monkey tu taste haha. Feels nak exchange 360 blog but I'm lazy nak adjust here and there again. Lazy. So I let Aje, where the exchange rate I guess boy. Behind the headlines, I tersangat fat kid. Yes, I'm skinny. Very thin kot. Since azali me from high school to this day kat I macam2 conversation "you coolorom ni lah sort board, a piece of je", "kurusnye ko ni, eat a lot of illness" and blah blah blah blah. You know I initially heard all hurt when I dah tu & lama2 be anaesthetized. Lali with discordant voices tu.
Ok all kinds of ways I made dah add weight to me. I bought this meal was still not much any way. Give up weh. Up to 1 stage I try herbalife. Thank God it works. But now I dah not to participate because I do not really schedule him because I do not like rules and expensive. Son may be to buy 1 set tu I should buy a dress to pants to for months. People like me ni did I say expensive because I was a student, the money depends on the parents I did not even money foundation. Somehow I do not think there is any redundant yelah tu all items purchased. Not what, either buy something that should satisfy themselves right. Sorry lah if anyone disagrees with me. Here I share with korang way I add weight I: eat a lot of rice, bread and protein requirements Nilah him that fat kid. Eat a lot of rice, bread and protein. Tu energy sources. Proteins coolorom help us grow tissue in the body. If I do, I eat boiled coolorom eggs with kicap. Sometimes I eat 2 seed once gus. Not even if I was then I ate half cooked eggs with pepper sulah, kicap brackish and black pepper. coolorom Aslo oi. Eating rice many times. coolorom I always eat rice in 3-4 times a day. Kadang2 middle of the night if I feel hungry I cook egg fried rice aje. I always eat bread cicah water. Do not eat any bread story supplement Supplement ni ade very much. I do not eat so any supplement. I bought supplements good for skin & kesihatan. Haha I ate ade jugak tu Cocoa Collagen Power Plus. Very helpful to increase appetite in addition to helping to beauty. The full cream milk ni I liked most and can not live. Kat umah I should have 3 boxes full cream milk cap Dutch Lady. Not even the flour tu. Very tasty. He depends on korang. Kadang2 I join my brother eating cereal with milk milo ni. Milk ni essential for our body. For those who do not like to drink milk tu I can not kid said something. Ijam sorts, he would throw up when drinking milk. I drink milk before him kasi he loya haha. I tersangat sukakan milk.
instill always coolorom drink boiled water. Sangat2 important. I might one day tu big bottle. fastfood eating tips that ni may rather not beautiful. But it helps. Me, I like to eat potatoes, fried chicken, burgers, sosej tengah2 night. Indeed heaven tido tu eat off lunatic. Ok do not imitate. It was not counsel. eat a lot of vegetables I kind of do not like to eat vegetables so. I chose the vegetable. But vegetables are very important in our day ye diet. Remember tu. sikit2 Jogginglah jogging once a month to. I was lazy lah nak ni like jogging. The doctoral conference last ni choice. I rarely see you doctor because ni objects. Korang that flavor boy pegilah conference. Ask her opinion & seseuai to supplement what we amik ok I guess I ci ni jelah to add weight for me. When I used to weigh 39kg je weh. Seriously sangat2 skinny. Very! Then when I was Cuba's and instill what I made above kat ni dah until now weighs coolorom 45kg. I am a very strong coolorom appetite now ni. Do not know why. Kot.Haha happy. Alhamdulillah, thanks very even still not ideal anymore. Be grateful
I was wondering Ijam "very skinny to me ni". Then he ably "not delah, ok je". coolorom Son appears to have been careful watch. Hihi. Ijam always capable "that affection is not the story of the crew dah fat to skinny to be essential crew". There is no promise that kisahlah dear. To be honest, I'm not really too concerned with all ni. I'm sure there is wisdom. For korang who have problems like me, if there is berkata2 gnome mulut2 tu je korang not make any stupid lah responsible behind. Ala je kecik any object. Human normal ni dah nak never satisfied with anyone else. Where reti nak shut up. Tak nak-earned inferiority so is if korang skinny. Ak was what destroyed the conversation. The important thing we skinny skinny adviser. Ok dear. Dont worry much. What is important continue to eat, if nothing else bising2 korang throwing coolorom aje kat kat advance their dish tu tu ye. So cruel Lama. who we are nak judge seseo

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