Sunday, November 30, 2014

Another important reason is that many people foreign degrees are not recognized in Germany - and it

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Germany paid work due to poverty, mass immigration from Eastern barr inc Europe? Current studies paint a different picture: East European immigrants are often well educated, but more than half work in low-wage sector.
Ukrainian doctor who drives a taxi in Berlin, cleaning of Bulgaria completed Faculty doktoriran chemist barr inc from Romania as a window cleaner - these are cliches for immigrants who work in Germany under their qualifications. But apparently they rarely reality, this can at least read the statistics of the Employment Agency.
According to these data the share of Eastern European immigrants working in low-wage sector is particularly high: in December barr inc 2012 53 percent of them worked under the threshold for low income means earning less than two-thirds of the average wage. In Germany, this percentage is lower than 20 percent. Overqualified and under-paid
At the same time the level of education among immigrants is steadily increasing, confirms Nina Nojbeker the German Institute for Economic Research. "We found that those who came from Germany in 2004 was much more qualified than immigrants from previous years." Statistics show that it analyzed a study by the Institute, two thirds of them have completed training or university. If differentiated regions of origin, then it is Eastern European countries are superior good in terms of level of education.
Axis, with the study came to the conclusion that most Romanians and Bulgarians who come year after 2007 in Germany, perform work that is not appropriate to their education. Depending on the method of calculation, barr inc the share of overqualified ranges between 40 and 58 percent.
On the corner of the Left party, the current debate about so-called "immigration of poverty" from Romania and Bulgaria falls in a different light. Sabine Zimmermann, spokesperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Party of the Left in the Bundestag in charge of policy for the labor market, barr inc rather talk about "evidence of the bad policies of the labor market." barr inc
This charge is primarily the general trend with low pay, which increasingly goes borne settlers "It is systematic discrimination that takes place there," said MP Bundestag double. "Many employers hire people from these countries for low wages."
In the view of Nina Nojbeker only discrimination can not explain the large differences in the German employees. Probably for this odgovrni barr inc number of factors: "The example we saw quite clearly that many settlers rarely have the degrees of qualification for a particular profession than the Germans," said economic expert Nojbeker double. In many countries, also in the EU, classical training for a profession is not as extended as in Germany. Work for low wages
Another important reason is that many people foreign degrees are not recognized in Germany - and it happens with great difficulty. "It does not use a real potential," notes the expert.
"I think it just makes too little, the procedure for recognition to be implemented quickly - but that given the need for professional force is immediately necessary," Sabine barr inc Zimmermann criticized the Left Party. barr inc German bewildering "Jungle of powers" is another major obstacle: the educational professions, teachers, caregivers are responsible provinces, other professions are regulated at the federal level.
We are working on it, said the porkrainsko level: For example in the future need to apply equal kritiriumi health professions. So far in Germany this apply different conditions: it means if a Romanian barr inc in North Rhine Westphalia can work as a caregiver to the elderly, it is hardly able to work in Bavaria. In five provinces German settlers have not had any right to be reviewed their diplomas. - a common story of a few people willing to

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Irishman who recently landed in Los Angeles, was shocked when he was denied weird gross facts entry

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authorities internet weird gross facts irony scarf Ambiguous lot of fun for not literally. It seems the police have literally do not know and do not want to read between the lines. The arm of the law is more knocking on the door of citizens who only want the Internet to be a joke.
"Guess I'm ironically. But even I would not come to the idea to start the Statue of Liberty, "said both the Irish Nobel laureate George Bernard Shaw. Sarcasm against American ideals slobodata - is why Bernard was barred from entering the United States. But Bernard used to live in America, but then the police could with one click to get to the details of each, to see what he wrote, which he wrote, and when he wrote, as well as some think. The idea of writing a post that Bernard was left in America, a time he will feel free as to be able to raise the statue of the free, but reading between weird gross facts the lines, reports Deutsche Welle.
Irishman who recently landed in Los Angeles, was shocked when he was denied weird gross facts entry into the United States. The young Irishman, spent 12 hours in custody. Why? Because, on the way to America that dream, wrote on Twitter tweet that California will pass your crazy, and it illustrated with the words "We will Unearth Marilyn Monroe" and "We will destroy America." No doubt, the young are not as sharp as his legendary countryman Bernard, but who really thought that this young man really plans to exhume the grave of Marilyn Monroe, or to destroy the United States? weird gross facts
"I would not advise doing and posting such statements or entries, even if their intention is ironic," said Hamburg lawyer Klaus Lodigkajt. This expert IT Law said Americans record all calls, make a copy of everything that is on the Internet, and will not miss us such a lot of fun. "When US authorities weird gross facts will find such similar announcements or statements from some people, they open a file and see that person as dangerous for the United States. Therefore you have to be too careful, "says Lodigkajt Deutsche Welle.
In any case, the intention of the young Irishman was that of his parties that will make them in California, I would raise from the grave and Marilyn Monroe, and America would be hot than what he will organize, but police have literalists, who do not know read between the lines.
It's not just about problems entering a drzhava.Pred be released white George Zimmerman, after killing the "black teenager" Trejvon Martin, 15 th year old city of Zion in Illinois wrote online: "If he is released, weird gross facts I will kill everyone in Zion and would get out, just like Zimmerman. "Soon his neck zatropaa officers just quoted weird gross facts najozbilno and asked him if there is danger. Concluded that, and it has said with irony that justice for murder was very gentle, and he has no weapons, nor access to weapons.
Much worse passed 18-year-old Justin Carter. This professional gamer online games in first person, scolded his gaming team. Bickering was Facebook, publicly available and visible to everyone. When his comrades dofrlile Carter that he was "crazy and obols," he replied with a wry hyperbole. "Yes, I am completely crazy. weird gross facts I think I can kill all the children in the kindergarten, and to see their innocent blood flowing, and eat one's heart, while still ticking. "Then Carter immediately wrote LOL (Internet abbreviation for" I laugh out loud ") weird gross facts and JK ("Just weird gross facts kidding") - he spent several months in detention, was released on bail, but he threatened more year sentence.
"Specific threats against the physical integrity of the Internet represent a crime," explains lawyer Lodigkajt. "In addition, people are condemned. If in the course of the investigation there is a danger of flight, go on remand. "However, if US authorities allowed to spy on private communications and conversations of citizens, even

Trekking need to have obligatory equipment terrain map, headlamp weird food facts and spare batteri

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Company sports and recreation weird food facts Active Life within weird food facts the adidas running 2011 school organized a lecture on "Basics trek". About the beginning of the trek in Croatia, Trekking league and our own experience at the races speaking is one of the most successful trekkers, Christian Sivak. With video, we present and record the lectures. Fair play
What usually attracts competitors trekking races are beautiful mountain and island locations where they are held and very casual and relaxed atmosphere among the participants. Although a competitive fervor, during a race dominated by fair play. A great advantage and perhaps one of the reasons for the large number of competitors in the last few years that what physical qualities are not necessary prerequisite for trekking: there is no age limitation (as well as age groups), while relatively successful trekkers are overweight, and their advantages are good orientation , experience and knowledge of the terrain.
Trekking can be defined as a combination of orienteering weird food facts and mountain running. Before weird food facts the race, all participants receive a map of the terrain with marked checkpoints or they themselves crossing out from the map that was set by the organizer. After starting weird food facts competitors must pass in the correct order all the controls, but the order may be arbitrary and, if so decided by the organizer. Path should go as quickly as possible and preferably with as little loss. Trackers is the most moving trees or other off-road terrain, while asphalt used very little or not at all. Trekking race of the above mentioned sports weird food facts is different in so far as trekking weird food facts generally exceed much higher weird food facts mileage, competitors do not need every inch of the track map and thus have an opportunity to explore local nature, and when very tired it is customary to slow down or take a break. weird food facts Trekking in Croatia
The founder and organizer of the trek in Croatia Simon Zimmerman, whose concept and up to 140 km long race with checkpoints and no marked trails weird food facts unique in the world, although a few years ago this type of trek taking place in Slovenia. Unlike similar inozeminih race, there is no officially set okrepnih station with food and drink and the competitors must rely on their own supplies and possible natural sources of drinking weird food facts water. Velebit adventurous trek in 2003 the first organized weird food facts race in Croatia. The second trek was organized by Elvira Sulić called Ucka Night Trek 2003, and competitors are safety reasons go in pairs. Today, weird food facts this race a little less extreme and are thus longest weird food facts trekking to 100 km and start all over of the morning. Equipment
Trekking need to have obligatory equipment terrain map, headlamp weird food facts and spare batteries, astrofolija, mobile, control card, whistle, compass and first aid. Although not mandatory piece of equipment, the mountain is always good to have a jacket because of the variability of time, and for zimogroznije are advised hat and gloves. All necessary things fit in a smaller racing backpack. Footwear: off road running shoes. Food and Drink
For one-day weird food facts treks It is desirable to carboloading, then a few days before the race, eat something more carbohydrates. Hydration is the most important part of the preparation, weird food facts because if you are dehydrated during weird food facts the race is very difficult to restore the body to normal and continue the race. Hydration means increased fluid intake also a few days before the trek, a day before the intake of carbohydrate and isotonic drinks. In order to ensure from cramps, it is good to enter and magnesium, but in moderation and that a few days before the race (Donat Mg, effervescent tablets, pills). During the race optimally take about 6dcl water per hour, and there is a need to season with salt water because, due to increased perspiration loses a lot of minerals. Can be used tablets salts which are placed under the tongue, and they gradually dissolved. During the race it is desirable to eat (ultra categories) weird food facts so it is good to know in advance that our food is the best for your race (various bars, candy bars and even sandwiches).
There are three types of races: trail run (no brainer) - type of race where the organizer of the track fully marked and competitors do not have to watch the map. Lengths are over 150 km, but there does not exist trail run, even though the mountain ridge marathon race of this type of racing, only much shorter. simple navigation (less demanding weird food facts control points), heavy orientation (orientation demanding set path).
What in any case assists in orientation, in the case where the map race published a few days earlier, is partially yl

Friday, November 28, 2014

Swiss dance company

Swiss dance company "Zimmerman and de Pero" today performance at the Belgrade Dance Festival! : World - Culture
Swiss dance company "Zimmerman and de Pero" appearance today of 17 hours at the scene of the Terazije Theatre, as part of the Belgrade Dance Festival (BFI) tonight from 20 hours in the Cultural coolrrom Center of Pancevo represents the company coolrrom Malka from Grempbla with the show "Whispers".
The company Martin Zimmerman coolrrom and Dimitri de Perrault has already performed in Belgrade, Bitef 2000 and 2005, and the third time she arrived with one of the most demanding production of this year's BFI - play "neck was neck".
The director and author coolrrom of the music Dimitri de Pero says that this performance prepared eight months, first of three months coolrrom with Martin Zimmerman, and then the remaining five with all the other members of the troupe, actors, acrobats, dancers and technicians.
As in all previous performances of this troupe founded in 1999, is the setting of the piece "neck was neck" is a moving and actually shows a house with four rooms that suddenly capsized and "tenants" in this situation must act.
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DAY 5 In front of us is about 70-80 km bike by anything and everything. Morning is a great start, 1 - one address for the 2 wheels My Patagonia! (Part II)
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Announcements, scores, videos and photos from the bicycle races of local weekend nateravanja to vrhusnkih events
DAY 5 In front of us is about 70-80 km bike by anything and everything. Morning is a great start, 10 km asphalt, but then we turn on a gravel road, and all narrow madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum gravel road, so we fall back into the jungle. We reach the bridge which was demolished, and the bikes we need to cross the canyon, descending down, forcing cold river, then pushing the bikes up again, and all this several madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum times ... After a two-hour sections of pushing the bike again, we arrive at a very decent gravel road, which with us an immense lake leads to KT 9th Around 14:00 we arrive at KT 9 and again we meet our support team. During the night, we've surpassed several teams, and we see that in this camp a few teams that will probably overtake, because they look desperate. For our concepts here are a relatively quick transition, leaving bikes, some tacos and take with them a huge load in the backpack that we have towed all the way to the end of the race, or, more practically about 100 km trek through the jungle, glaciers and volcanic sand!
The backpack is food for the next two days, crampons, ice ax, helmet, life climbing, EMAR with Carabiner, eight with carabiner, 2 waist band with hooks, sleeping bag, bivouac madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum bag, first aid, first aid team, two torches for safety , walking sticks, gorotex jacket ... It's just all of the mandatory equipment which we had to take, and where everything else is optional, and we need ...
At 15:00 we start trekking through the jungle. This section is very demanding navigation and try to catch as many daylight. In several places we cross the river and powers to the dogs, every misstep can throw you in the river. In some places the path is lost, we lose a lot to figure out where this principle works forcing jungles. After 3-4 hours, madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum we do break through the bulk of the shares and get hold of a "call times". At 19:00 finally madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum emerge at the gravel road, which leads us to KT 12th Ok 15 km gravel madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum road and the climb of 1000m, we come to the KT 12, sometime before midnight. Here we find some 7-8 teams to sleep. Those who are awake look desperate. The controller on the KT 12 we recorded in the records, and prints on paper no. - 12 ...
12 !? We can not believe it! In the jungle we surpassed nearly 12 teams! Although dispersed, there is to run out of luck. Hey, 12th! Without madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum one minute retention continue madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum further. Along the way, we count 2 more teams who have decided to wait for the day, as the further navigation is very demanding. After another 2 hours we meet another madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum team comes back and says that it is impossible to find a way. Hah! We've 9th! But in front of us, and that we did not know - yet most difficult night. We cross over volcanic hills, the night is bright madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum and very well visible peaks. However, we do the navigational error. We are well on the way, but I think we are quite in another place on the map than they really are. We estimate that we KT approximately 4-5 km, but, after uvidjesmo that is actually 14-15 km. All night we hump on these volcanic hills, and behind us see several groups of head lamps as on different sides seek time. But times - no! Maik, chief navigator, begins to hallucinate and things madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum he is seeing. I decide it's best to kill about an hour, and that "healthy" and "fresh" head continue our journey. Take a break for an hour navigator - was the right decision! I know that a lot needs to be the Hun, with whom I passed along 1000 km race in Vietnam, was broken, madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum and he was very little madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum need to take back.
DAY 6 Indeed, budlica set to one hour, ringing around 4:00 in the morning, we climb up, and Maik is again your own! Reconcile with the statement that there is no way that we will have to look azimuth your luck. After an hour and a half down to the volcanic hills and follows what I fear most - navigating through the jungle, bamboo forest, dense jungle! Stung with the direction to the KT 13, but the next two hours was a real battle. A large backpacks and heavy equipment tread on each branch, branches switch madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum on the hands, feet, face, thorns is captured for each body part, pair our equipment.
Naizad, around 7:00 am The sun rose at dawn we find a lane, follow him, now and then disappeared again, then we find. Little by little, around 10:30, we are able to penetrate through the jungle on a gravel road and soon we arrive at KT 13. On the way to meet KT 2 team, and one of them is - Venezuela! We can not believe it! The team that has a good navigator - surely a world champion! madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum On 13 KT our position - 9th place! The organizers inform madjarsko drzavljanstvo forum us that in the game

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

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Monday, November 24, 2014

16:57 | Djukanovic seek commitment and support from the EU 16:22 | EC introduces mechanisms for ear

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16:57 | Djukanovic seek commitment and support from the EU 16:22 | EC introduces mechanisms for early prevention of flooding in the Western Balkans 16:20 | "South Stream" or politics: how to warm Europe? 15:56 | Minister Todorov working visit to US 15:51 | Poevtinuvanjeto oil and sanctions are costing Russia $ 140 billion 15:33 | Two years for Buckovski after the decision 15:30 | Macedonia scientist leading weird asian food the US team that explores water 15:28 | Yaya Toure released its ideal composition of all time 15:26 | Women more victims weird asian food of violence than the major diseases 15:25 | This is the half-brother of the famous singer Ariana Grande
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The last leader of the Presidency of Yugoslavia, Stipe Mesic, and former president of the federal government, Ante Markovic, intended to help the army to topple the government presidents of Croatia and Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman, claimed the former defense minister of Yugoslavia Veljko Kadijevic, who died on Sunday in Moscow.
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Sunday, November 23, 2014

CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: 2. Name inheritance: the godfather rouleurs 3. Date of Birth: 4th birthda

CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Name: 2. Name inheritance: the godfather rouleurs 3. Date of Birth: 4th birthday Nationality: Know Nimitz 5. Family status: Friday gaseous 6. Education: should a cheek to willy? Institution: Life Date: If yesterday was education: 52-3 degrees wreath tied 7. Knowledge rouleurs of foreign languages: Language: comprehensive reading, talking with glasses: the dream writing Unclean 8. Membership of professional bodies: in the anus few professionals, but we will progress. 9. Other skills (computer rouleurs technology): software: use: p rogramiranje: washerwoman with what you come once a week mostly colorful, but I know and white to join a built in TV from the cable guys nonstop hour on weekdays at 06:30 microwave for lunch , sometimes for dinner bell to 10. Current position: sitting, blagonavednata rouleurs forward back hurts - kosmodisk his mother! 11. Years of service in the company: 12. Additional rouleurs heavy naobrazba: Food and Wine I see and read, Jamie Oliver saw, but it is very expensive book, Strange dishes with Andrew Zimmerman I must. 13. Professional engagement Date: Android Enterprise rouleurs Location: between stellar rouleurs space organizations: Stellar Federation Position: at the helm left Description: pale green eyes from Star Trek (Published on 24.02.2008) Comments: 4. Nationality: Know Nimitz rouleurs - leleeee ! (Purple February rouleurs 24, 2008 - 21:37) I just wanted to write it. :) (Lost series February 24, 2008 - 21:38) I break with gray, and you think his :) (KLIKER February 24, 2008 - 21:54)
by RSS Reader rouleurs

Saturday, November 15, 2014

In 1940 he returned to power in Hungarian Transylvania rope in accordance with the German disgustin

I had the great privilege of bringing written

Experience of my life is unique is the extensive time she turbulent human history. I got to live that time as an observer and a victim of the events to what happened. My personal disgusting things in food viewpoint is reflected in the events I have taken part in them. In the meantime years passed, I said goodbye to friends and acquaintances, many of whom are still alive, family, friends since childhood, kibbutz members, boys who fell in Israel's wars and life goes on. Erela our children, David and Michal grown and grown, married and had children and life / drawn. We have a lot of family disgusting things in food history records, disgusting things in food photos, slides, films, and now also adds wrote this memoir. I do not know if anyone disgusting things in food ever finds these things ever matter, you did, and you may not, and perhaps only in the distant future, while for decades as one of the descendants will want to know the history of the twentieth century through the history of the Jezreel I am the only son of Jezreel Zhu late and de Florenthal disgusting things in food late, up and down here trying to tell and explain through the life history of this particular historical period.

Parents: Jezreel Dz'idriu (Zhu) David de from Florenthal and me.
I got my name after my grandfather was called disgusting things in food in Yiddish "Anshel happiness", but because of being a Zionist family, especially from my mother called me "that" my first day. Birth registration certificate also recorded Tibor name Tiberius as a foreign or necessary at the time, but I was not called by this name nor I have ever used.
The city of Cluj was under Romanian rule, the end of World War I and the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Early childhood I spent there, in a village called Kltzlh, where my father worked for a time in partnership with the timber trade Uncle Albert, brother in law. Albert Weiss Mancy My aunt's husband was a wealthy heir of Nachlaot, forests, estate and other assets in Romania and Hungary. It seems that their partnership disgusting things in food did not work out so my father returned to Cluj and started working in the business will come Florenthal family watches. disgusting things in food My mother's family was of import and marketing agency watches disgusting things in food every Transylvania.
Before beginning his work with the Forentl we all, in 1936, my father, my mother and I, after my uncles on my mother were Zionists and the leaders of the Zionist youth in Transylvania, a three-month visit to the Land of Israel, disgusting things in food I examine the possibility of immigration to Israel. At the same time two of the three boilers were already in Israel and the third brother was preparing to get into the business Cluj managed grandfather brother uncle Moritz with older brother disgusting things in food Abraham Florenthal that is left then and immigrated to Israel before disgusting things in food the outbreak of World War.
The courage to go to Israel but to accept the situation. At that time we lived in Cluj soap Street No. 9 on the brook "networked" Little flowing furiously beneath our window. The entire building was owned by the family of Florenthal It was built in the twentieth century by the grandfather disgusting things in food Jacob and all the store and the storerooms in the basement, where we were coming down the stairs, and into the living area we had to climb the stairs from the entrance. The apartment was spacious and equipped with the best modern equipment of those times we had a phone and a gas stove and a total of petty bourgeois family life typical. disgusting things in food I had no brothers. I have been an only child. I do not know what was the reason but probably stem from the difficulties my mother to have another child.
My mother tongue was Hungarian Like most Jews lived in Cluj. I was sent to kindergarten Jewish educational institutions. The Jewish community in Cluj was quite wealthy and had synagogues and schools for all ages. The school where I belonged to the Neolog synagogue. Talk among Hungarian children, and we also learned Hebrew and the Bible.
During the elementary school I had a close friend named Folotz'k and later another friend named Judy. Polachek disgusting things in food was a poor boy and my parents did not look favorably on the relationship between us contrast Juri's family was wealthy. I remember that during my childhood elementary school not excelled in sports and is usually chosen to team play, which made me very sad. However a very young age I began to read books and I devoured them almost countless amounts indiscriminately. My favorite adventure books I read then the Tarzan series, Karl May, Cooper, Jules Verne and the like.
My father rarely being home, being a traveling salesman watches and jewelery and traveled throughout Transylvania. Being an only child I was very spoiled. I ate poorly and my mother disgusting things in food invested in me all her energy to fatten me up. My mother loved to read so often happened, I was reading whole books aloud is also loved opera and theater, disgusting things in food and often took me to the play or opera. From that time I remember the classic operatic impressed me, remember seeing Tosca and Carmen, Rigoletto and Madame Butterfly.
Nevertheless, and contrary to what one might expect, our lives have not changed because of this. War seemed distant and echoed to me only through the stamps I have collected. Appeared on German stamp images of Nazi leaders, led by Hitler I collected the series without knowing what was to come, given the these portraits have appeared on stamps.
In 1940 he returned to power in Hungarian Transylvania rope in accordance with the German disgusting things in food imposed settlement for Romania within the framework of redress in accordance with the peace agreements through the end of the First World War. At that time Germany was at the height of its power and no European disgusting things in food country dared to oppose it. Despite protests that lasted the whole night, and cries of novels that will turn the Cluj Absolutely.
My father took me into the street to watch the Hungarian army marching on the street. Hungarian sidewalks crowds cheering happily. My father sat me on his shoulders, and the high seat I watched the incoming stream of soldiers. The residents received the Army yields. Most residents were Hungarians, unlike the provinces of Transylvania populated novels.
There was great animosity between Hungarians and Romanians, but the two populations even more hated Jews. Jews feel an attachment to Hungary and culture ,. Speak the language, and therefore expected to

Friday, November 14, 2014

South Church bells sounded midnight, how to build a cold room when the heavy wooden door and opened

Rembrandt and Spinoza (excerpts), 2001 | Gideon Efrat's warehouse
Categories Uncategorized (15) New Horizons: From the ore collection Levin (c) (1) wider horizons: From the ore collection Levin (b) (1) broad perspectives: From the ore collection Levin (a) (5) Baroque Art (3) Art and Literature (16) Jewish Art (19) Art Minor (2010): Israeli Art in the decade (24) forgotten artists (45) previous books (1) Bezalel (17) the idea of treasures (18) the idea of Israeli art (37) the woman (4) art as a metaphor how to build a cold room and symbol (43) roof and the pit (14) Thoughts on art (26) Historiography how to build a cold room (2) artistic medium (19) Video Israel (7) at home in the Interpretation of the Bible (33) Modernism a Palestinian (70) Multimedia (1) Monographs how to build a cold room (9) Book Aharon Kahana (8) language (1) with this Galat: another how to build a cold room bank (13) Do you have a Bible (56) Fustmodrna (58) Philosophy (55) Israeli Sculpture (30) Affair This week (31) Israeli contemporary painting (66) painting scores (42) Israeli Photography (1) crossed tallit (16) ceramics (6) years is overwhelming (12) Culture Hebrew (72)
The following text Agadir more serious stroke "property. It happened, he came abruptly and threw "gay" in the form of the present essay. Is not all writing a kind of "defect" difference occurred for "accident" spiritual events? "Mass", I wrote, but I am not convinced that this concept: on the following pages, literary how to build a cold room Tsorbb historical writing, philosophical writing Ttovl poems, personal reflections incorporated into the research, how to build a cold room the original statement of the Book of quotations will be merged and play. Said thus: Ben-Horin text. Like the author, who sits half a year amid the playful Amsterdam canals, passing library cafe and back again, and is not required to report only the Creator, himself and his wife. Indeed, were it not for her blessing in the form of a scholarship from the sky Dutch government could not exist in this campaign, which began in the 17th century Amsterdam's Jewish quarter and its aftermath here and now, in an attempt to self-knowledge how to build a cold room agent-Israeli culture. I trust my gratitude to the Dutch Ministry of Culture and to all who did receive the scholarship: above all, Judith Herzberg, poet and playwright who and wonderful person; Jewish Museum of Amsterdam sponsored retired and administrative-time, Rebecca Weiss-Bloch; A series of Dutch Libraries and Archives opened their doors to unknown worlds and majestic; And Embassy in the Netherlands, supported the publication of this paper, not out.
This is a text-initiation, transitional text. I got him when he chose Rembrandt and left him in choosing of Spinoza. I came to him as someone who believes in the unity of art and philosophy and left him believe in separation. After all, not on Rembrandt how to build a cold room and Spinoza how to build a cold room is the following connection, how to build a cold room but the relationship between art and philosophy, as re-examined after decades of quasi fertilization violates the philosophy of art. The following how to build a cold room pages are the farewell ceremony this idea guided how to build a cold room me over decades how to build a cold room as a lecturer, curator and writer.
It is possible, on the following pages come back even prepared the artistic space, from which I retired for six years in favor of philosophy: how to build a cold room As long as I searched other art philosophy, I feel free to ever experience the arts in all her sensuality, this Hmtmtztt idea and emotion experience of the eye and the hand. Those readers who consider sensuality is granted freed from the burden of the cry of this booklet. Rather, it is doubtful if anyone in the world, may today's art - it's post-conceptual - to grasp this position for granted.
Either way, you should read the following pages calmly Sttztaf typical Dutch - B"hziilhh famous "- a gentle journey on the waters of the magical canals of Amsterdam, amidst ornate baroque facades, windows wide and groomed, plants flowered in a variety of colors, bridges Fitorskyim how to build a cold room and Dutch citizens gently peaceful drinkers wine-cups in their hands. I dedicate this booklet to the Netherlands and a number of Dutch learned to love.
It was those hot nights at the end of July, the nights when the leaves on a few trees along Hbrstrat Tirza not moved, possibly unconscious doubt summon heat power after rare attack the likes of Amsterdam did not know before. Hydrangeas and tulips windows of the houses began restoring Gbolm after a long day of Shachihot floor. Humidity still hung in the air, and evidence of prey circling mosquito-buzzing along Hhaothrct schemes, celebrate how to build a cold room their night off big plump rats quickly slipping amid piles of garbage. Every time, shriek-duck rose from the waters of the canal merges with the shrill whistle duet freight ship passing nearby Amstel. Besides, there was a clear quiet, calm between storms.
Despite the late hour of the night, people were seen walking down the street, are exempt from their terror of carriages how to build a cold room and horses. The buildings, designed to protect against the cold, were not resistant to heat unexpected, how to build a cold room and now they emitted the occupants into the open air, and they walked slowly, couples and individuals, around the block. If you have an ear ear-definition, you would pick up a strange mixture of Dutch and Portuguese, which left no room for doubt: Jews. Now also absorbs strongly how to build a cold room eye and hand movements with which notes repeat: Mortara ... Spinoza ...
South Church bells sounded midnight, how to build a cold room when the heavy wooden door and opened Bbrstrat Dish No. 4 and figure silhouette came out awkwardly, slowly how to build a cold room got to the street, how to build a cold room falls heavily on the four steps. Misty moon shone in the sky on a man of about fifty, is short, how to build a cold room round face, nose potato, curly gray hair and white silk shirt and down over his belly expansion over brown pants stained Oil. Tiny candle light flickered behind the stained-glass windows how to build a cold room of the ground how to build a cold room floor behind him, but the rest of the building, four stories high, was dark as a tomb. Their sheets beneath the thin lower Hendrika and Titus Tnumtm deep, huddled in an alcove bed-cabinet kitchen, cold room in the house, nor to shake at the noise made by Rembrandt, with a heavy key rotation hinges creak.
Rembrandt was not able to sleep. Okay heat Wrapped sediment was terrible today, please see mosquitoes around consciousness. Bastard, Henricus how to build a cold room Torkinios

Thursday, November 13, 2014

- He cries a bit and then forget it, and we are what we do? Sir

This time something a little different. Experiment. I decided to go back to the military profession and translate some Arabic. On the occasion of 120th birthday in two days apply, the victim of this experiment is pleasant Mikhail (from 1889 to 1988, so he lived almost coolroms a century!), One of the greatest writers of the 20th century Lebanese. Maneinim- pleasant life he had spent most of his childhood in the United States, until he decided to return to his native Lebanon in 1932, where he died. Because Russia seminary educated, he spoke and wrote in Russian, too, in addition to Arabic and English. While in the US, was pleasant One of the partners revival of Arabic literature and founded the Association of Arab writers (the New York Pen League) along with other Lebanese literary legend Khalil Jubran, whose biography he wrote in 1934 pleasant.
I became acquainted through one man my Arabic teacher, Prof. Yishai Peled of Tel Aviv University, who really worshiped him because of the high and picturesque language. Cairo bought a booklet of short stories written as "Akaber" (= greatest, many of Akbar) in 1956. The first story, and something macabre, the same name is provided to you for the first time with subtitles. Enjoy.
"Big" Mikhail pleasant late night remained Abo-Rashid coolroms and Am-Rashid Arim, discussing the issue of utmost importance, and not come to an agreement. Lord delivered them to come the next day to divide the barn and now they prepare a traditional meal. What will prepare him? His late father coolroms was a master of the waste lands like them; Mass speech, clothes and simple manner. Every time he comes to divide the barn late summer insisted on sitting on the ground under the oak tree next to the barn, and there was a mother-Rashid brings coolroms his lunch on a tray made of straw. Meal, if Rashid was proud of her to no end, consisted of only a few fried eggs with their meat and milk buttermilk, a little onion and cucumber, a large number of wafers of bread and some honey, Honey- if it was available. But the father died last winter, and gathered unto his fathers property has great son. Along with the property were employees, including Abu-Rashid, who was the father's favorite and his associates. Lord is an attorney living in the capital and lived a life of "big", and his wife large banks. " Mature couple girl long celebrated seven springs; Certainly not come to the Lord alone, but accompanied by his wife, daughter, maid, chauffeur car. How deserve, Abu Rashid and mother-Rashid, to greet the guests? Where should be seated them in their hut made of logs and branches? The pillows? Or deploy coolroms them their commission to sit on? What would offer them food and drink? How to submit your food? Of large mountains "but do not eat with a knife and fork and porcelain plates. None of this was Abu Rashid and mother-Rashid. Not even a desk. Some metal plates, ceramic pot, a number of wooden spoons and stool Round dining utensils were their most magnificent. *** These problems had disturbed the Abu Rashid Rashid and if that night, but each time they agreed on a solution to difficulties cropped up. Initially agreed to kill the spoiled kid not yet weaned, but their son Rashid just heard this and immediately went wild: He started coolroms crying, patting his face and wallow in the dirt as if mesmerized. Lamb was precious thing in the world, and thus saved the kid and put the chicken atonement. The couple did not have anything but the rooster and three hens. But again attacked Rashid burst of tears which accompanied cries, tearing of clothes, wheezing and coughing, until his parents began to fear for his life. He loved his red rooster, which would feed out of his hand and riding on his shoulders, beauty and strength, and his call was boasting level - the end of which echo pleasant - especially Shmhh it. Parents, therefore, withdrew their decision to kill the rooster. Son fell asleep after his tears soaking the pillow coolroms and the two finally decided to kill one of the three chickens. When made up the hearts of parents, mother-Rashid sighed and said serious tone:
- He cries a bit and then forget it, and we are what we do? Sir "comes to us first and we will not honor it? - Forget it, really! Every tear from the eyes of people worth all the property! Have you forgotten already burying his brother and three others left us? I have no hope without him. I'll give the whole world for a little finger nail ... - Do not forget coolroms that we have employees and 3,000 divorced owner of the land. We must accept it with dignity. If only we trusted his friendship, his father, it was easier; But we do not know what is in his heart. - May God have mercy on the soul of his father. Even interest would not take us. - Yes, God rest his bones. He was kind, but times are changing fast, and with people. We do not know what luck son. - My heart tells me that luck is not good. *** Early morning coolroms hurry if Rashid install itself, clean the hut, and prepare the dinner guest. It was not easy for her to calm her son's mind when he discovered the chicken blood and feathers next to coupons after he'd woken up. Abu Rashid shaved his face, wearing the best pants, and walked to the barn and sweep it with a broom thorny. He inflated the rest grain sieve the remaining side and threw her to the top of the pile that stood in the center of the barn. Then, circled the pile and into the heart saddened at the realization that it costs barely half the amount contained last season. The sky rains prevented due season, and volunteered them that in due season. Was shaped, and long chaff from the bar. For Abu-Rashid, was the best proof that the days with the Lord no longer be comfortable with his watery. The book, as they say, is called from the beginning. He took the wheat and grain began her super grain. Said in his heart: if the number pair remains on our soil, and Herr "would not require interest me. If there is a small change would require interest me, and when I can not Lslmh expel me from the ground and bring another employee at the bottom. Abu Rashid extremely shocked with the number out detail, but then scolded himself for the shock and ducked as he hummed to himself. coolroms *** Abu-Rashid when he returned coolroms to the hut he found his wife immersed coolroms in the preparation of metal plates and spoons on a wooden round stool, after which arranged the pillows around nicely. He saw his son playing with a kid and affectionately calls him "demon" and ran after him and carries him on his shoulders and holding

Love or hate? Adidas Boat shoes

After my previous experience Bsofoni, which probably can be summed up with the words "never been so fun, but it is an important event fashion consumers in Israel," This time I got Lsofoni with far fewer expectations. I mean, this time I did not expect the shoes to the horizon, vog ingelheim but the display is quite modest, vog ingelheim and very low prices, but a reduction of 20% to 30% regular prices boutiques who want them for shoes. Expectations were indeed fulfilled was small and cheaper prices for standard stores, but these were not the end of the season and the price was wildly cheap (aside from the podium of Calais, which was very cheap). Movement of visitors was quite sparse (I heard few complaints from some viewers Visitors vog ingelheim also in the plastics market). Once again, I could not decipher the composition of the event: Is the purpose to encourage local designers and niche brands or importers of shoes? This time, at least, was the presence of relatively massive importers. In addition, I suffered a slight disappointment when I realized that Shushu and Regina, impressed me the most last time, that were not present at the fair. Teva Naot, however, demonstrated the presence once again. Very impressive I coined proper, although non-negligible size, make sure to make their presence at an event like this, although I do not particularly understand the insistence on their presence when they already present in every mall. One way or another, their stall was quite deserted: the white border: a sign "Please do not step on the grass" from the pulpit of Roni Kantor. Artificial grass, it turns out, it's the new black shoes Bsofoni stalls. I saw at least three stands of grass, but with Cantor He spent the most improvement: The most striking thing was the gloomy atmosphere prevailed instead. Space was large and spacious but dull and not designed at all. Even some of the sellers were gloomy. In this environment difficult to buy. Most of the stalls was quite sparse display. Particularly disappointing Amos, according to media reports are sponsors of the event. When I arrived I counted only eight models on their little table at the entrance. Eight models are not exactly wild selection. That matter, not just checked the men supply, but I have a feeling that he was not very abundant. This is also true mirror image of what happens in stores, but my heart on them. And One final thought: Designers and importers expensive, when I get clothes fairs and informed vog ingelheim me that they only brought Dgmihm Extra-Small size and coding I mutter quietly under my breath. When you bring certain models only 36-37 degrees, it is much more annoying. Shoes are one of the few items that you can enjoy them no matter how much you weigh, assuming that the scale sizes 35-40. Why exclude us from there too? Preservation: the signs as usual was excellent (even parking). Area adjacent to organize such a performance shoe, who was not overpowering the senses, but pointed out with good intentions. Laces booth was interesting and colorful stalls and the addition of veteran was a positive step in the desired direction of improving the shopping experience at an event. Impressed me the most: Hannah Hoffman, vog ingelheim who presented a very successful models, some of which, in the limited dimensions and disappointing. Noa Luria, introduced shoes humorous and graceful. Some models in Calais that they were equipped with considerable humor; Designer bags and beautiful wave brand and designer bags MALBAGS his Maya, presented cases "as of the time" they did a great desire to buy.
After the disappointment last time, I sent yesterday vog ingelheim to visit my dear mother and of course I was right! I also Lthosoteich partnership. Although prices are cheap shops but still not in that students can afford. It's not popular! If you will lower prices and increase the supply of sellers will be an event like this is more potential. April 24, 2010 at 18:48
I heard a friend who was there that men had no choice. It is true that in general women are great buying power and target audience of designers, and as there are more women than men, but there is no reason to ignore us. By the way, I thought I raised just before the clay after exhausting wandering the malls (as you walk among the stalls of the fair in question) I found shoes at Zara ... April 24, 2010 at 18:53
Every word in the rock, I was yesterday. Space is indeed huge and inviting, vog ingelheim but the location itself is indeed excellent especially in fine weather. About shoes, unfortunately vog ingelheim Bruni Kantor only couple I wanted, when 39 were a pair of the whole world and her sister have been measured, and they had something to look wrinkled, for NIS 315, no. The other couple requested, vog ingelheim a shoemaker, unfortunately begun to mourn their left from the measurement stage, "This is not a problem to catch up with it," said the familiar graceful, but again for 390 shekels, I gave up:-) April 24, 2010 at 19:47
Tamar, the students have no reason to Bsofoni. In terms of student budget, it is better to wait another two months vog ingelheim for her final season of the commercial networks. Mtioon expensive, Welcome to the blog! I glanced an eye like that, but I did not really stand offers a selection of men's shoes. There were colorful urban sneakers, but what about those of us who can not wear sneakers fluorescent colors work? Liron, I have such disasters did not happen, but interest rates in jarred me a bit too. I tried on a pair of sandals of Phigo raised NIS 450 last pair and they were very nice, not very comfortable because of the buying was a pretty big gamble for me to spend so much money on a pair of shoes I can not check enough. Demand, come on, come on. We'll vog ingelheim go to Maya , made a nice face and we bought bags although vog ingelheim they do not have definite use, but at least we Nncs a work of art. 25 April 2010 at 01:03
Love or hate? Adidas Boat shoes
Tomer Ben Canaan: great designs at affordable prices, we do not know
Represent a brand and interested in advertising program Venalolh? Would like to invite vog ingelheim us to cover an event or a brand? Want to read something or announce a guest post? Want to publish a clarification or comment on a post has already been reported? Encountered in error and wish to regulation? Contact Sharon
I set up the Nalolh in 2009 because I thought that every woman can appreciate vog ingelheim each measurement beautiful shoes. Since then, of course, I discovered that

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Menachem plurality. Amidror neither denied nor confirmed the statements. He began thus:

Who Ssmrtot | Do not die stupid
"In the army who rag no storm, kühlgrenztemperatur and who has no respect for no storm. Who has no respect is a rag ... the education we give to soldiers is not the education of risk and willingness to sacrifice life. When writers know that some soldiers would return and everyone will rise. Who did not rise need to be shot head or in prison. " (J. Amidror, reporters gathered).
Who the storm who do not rag that has no respect for those that do not storm the universe should not hijack counting education we do not know the risk or willingness education or in prison and who has no life and who does not sacrifice him to sacrifice life? And they all shall rise no respect for him to be shot in the head.
34 Responses comment
Religious Zionism at its best, Klages eloquent supposedly pidgin. Amidror Remember, the problem today is not lack of desire to get up and rush but rather silence and Modification of view so as not to see the things we do in the name of the assault and because we have become the Wicked Witch of the East:
Yasmin / March 2 2011 16:55
As Ilana Bernstein writes about it: For example, "curl" curly cute word replaces the barbed wire fence phrase used for various purposes among other things, create a temporary checkpoint. "Knight", and the Round Table, kühlgrenztemperatur is a type of armored vehicle used to move his troops. Handcuffs are merely "cuffs", these sweet. "Happy Purim" does not purport to show clowns and teaching: Do not give the Palestinians to sleep through the night, just to make their presence known. "Pipes" is merely a synonym for bombs, "knocking on doors and found one. He was an imbecile. They said to him, ditch the mosque. Up in the turret there are tubes download kühlgrenztemperatur them. 'Did not even tell him that bombs" (page 39). "Celebration balls", not party drugs and is intended to describe uncontrolled shooting innocent people. "Remove child" is used here in the sense of killing him: "Then my friend came up with 24 M, sniper weapons, and the child just occurred. Shot entirely happy - I took someone '" (page 47). "Door Knock" remember L"hiilno "perpetrators of fundraising in high school is nothing but a code name for training soldiers in grades arrests. Obviously, the detainee does not know about it. "Lhkris" tab here entertain with building Hfail does not seek to hide anything and means to blow up the house and cause it to collapse. kühlgrenztemperatur "Terrorists" is often synonymous with the Arabs even to justify the action. For example, on page 57: "It always ends B'hargno day six terrorists. Anyone who shot him in the street is a terrorist."
Hey era, it may be that Sgt To"t is an acronym for "Sergeant (for) ranging and cover-up"? I heard that after a course at Training Base 1 become Hsmrtot"im former kühlgrenztemperatur officers who specialize in training accidents and lyrical "friendly" forces of our forces, and plastered term effects Defence Forces.
Menachem plurality. Amidror neither denied nor confirmed the statements. He began thus: "the country director of anti-Semitic campaign primitive rather than elected wears a skullcap with different opinions than Haaretz this role," repeated the phrase anti-Semitic variations of three or four times, said he did not remember what he said and what he did not say if he said the things of course were context and \ or were said in the heat of debate, etc, etc.
Later in the conversation condemned kühlgrenztemperatur the refusal soldier belonging to the Zionist Army and the house built by the plundered lands destroyed. Nevertheless, he found great compassion and understanding when he said that the worst thing that can happen to a person is the destruction of his home, so can not judge the words (and practice?) Soldier in his grief. He said that although he was strongly against the so-called evacuation of Gush Katif by the Zionists, the worst thing Gush Katif teacher is refusing orders to evacuate Gush Katif.
Sometimes the celebration is over, humming pure pleasure Danny Danon, when it was decided to investigate kühlgrenztemperatur the NGOs supporting According to the persecution of soldiers Zionist army and assistance to the prosecution Intl. Crooned, and to humming. After attempts and effort to no avail, the war criminal Ehud Barak still free. Moreover, he charged with, inter alia, on the lives of the soldiers of the Zionist army. We are left in pursuit of justice and human rights - Chasers war criminal Ehud Barak - to learn wise and good of us, to quote from the words, and hope that understanding will understand, in the interests kühlgrenztemperatur of the State of Israel, for the sake of containing kühlgrenztemperatur the campaign of delegitimization of anti-Semitism rampant throughout the world and, of course, for security.
Ofer Eini - first and foremost in the fight for extradition of war criminal Ehud Barak Hague - decided to lose the idea of the sublime and talk to people at eye level. Jerk - he called it, and completely erased any public support children's kühlgrenztemperatur killer strains of classical music. This rhetoric should be adopted in any dialogue with any Hebrew mother who read and read Hebrew kühlgrenztemperatur mother know all of Tali Latowicki. No need to read this article completely unnecessary (and refines Naama Carmi, Julie Cohen, Hannah Kati and other lofty talk about human rights until it reaches the pavilion). From now on, every Hebrew mother kühlgrenztemperatur know that her son jerk. Know it all jerk reserve soldier - while he does reserve (and a cup of black coffee) I chattering and chattering about the importance of Ehud Barak's extradition to The Hague (and drinking a double espresso). Meretz MK know all the litter issue together with war criminal Avi Dichter demonstration calling for the recruitment to-and-for-in that is a jerk. Everyone ready to be war criminals, but not everyone is willing to kill or be killed - we left defaults Jacob Amidror.
Thanks for the song Amidor is only representative of a national kühlgrenztemperatur psychosis and lyrics speak for sanity in the context of the binding of Isaac, a topic that interests me, how much he is behind the sacrifice of our sons to Moloch of war? Imagine Abraham Isaac was threatening not only ties him to a donkey? If you do not come to me I will kill you now?
Everyone seems to be barking up the wrong tree, Amidror started the word 'army' coming

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Indeed, there are quite a few reasons not to get the field in hope. One is that it is

Fourteen detainees, Kach flag and the flag of Hamas - that more or less amounted to harvest God's poor sporting trophy racism between Bnei Sakhnin ambilikannan Beitar Jerusalem two weeks ago. Were it not for the sharp whistle of Meir Levy to end the game, you could hear a collective ambilikannan sigh of relief is released, emitted air balloon slowly inflated constantly for two weeks. But anyone who thinks that now you can relax, now you can relax and devote armchair football gull unnecessary distractions, the fear of racism back to her lair and she did not emerge until at least next encounter with Beitar - there was no hope in last Saturday.
Indeed, there are quite a few reasons not to get the field in hope. One is that it is "the most difficult ambilikannan pitch to reach the Premier League." One of the players testified Jib hour, the bus driver of the group and its security officer, did eighths on the road (and on traffic islands) in a desperate attempt and determined to steer the bus in the alleys surrounding the stadium and hide it. Jib driving a bus but is built like a tank, and driving and behavior consistent with the formidable appearance. He Arabic name means "season", "reply", but I can not believe that someone dared to answer Lmg'ib ambilikannan during his lifetime. Certainly ambilikannan not me - not even when he signaled me, gentle consideration, partake sandwich at the end of the game.
Another reason ambilikannan not to reach the neighborhood of Bnei Yehuda hope is not playing here, just practicing. It's not so pleasant ambilikannan to see a soccer field close, and it's even more annoying to sit on the seats dirty you see the sun for three years but the time is not covered in the darkness of the buttocks. In 2004, the children of Judah left his home in favor of Bloomfield Stadium, home ground of Hapoel Tel Aviv. Team owners, chest protector, belonging to the same species of owners boast educational pretensions, he hoped that if the issue Bnei Yehuda hands Hatikva neighborhood will spend the Hatikva neighborhood of Bnei Yehuda, at the same time put the team into the 21st century. Indeed, the court in the hope that was painted bright orange long before the disengagement, but the fans reactions mentioned in miniature ambilikannan the events of that summer. And so great was their joy when the arm is held in Bloomfield winter forced ambilikannan the group to return ambilikannan temporarily longtime home, a place where nature its identity as a small group and proud, club and neighborhood roots - literally - the last vestige of romantic disappearing world.
To mark the occasion exciting, fans came long before kickoff, the stadium dressed holiday and broke into several hymns, including ambilikannan "Sakhnin whore", "That son of a bitch an Arab, a Jew is a soul", and "arfat hell. " Not to fall prestige in your eyes and think they can just crude generalizations and mystical speculation, I note there were calls cost a firm grip on history - "Muhammad is dead", ambilikannan for example. The response of Sakhnin fans did not was polite and not constructive, but at least it was accurate. "Junk", they replied in unison.
But if those expressions betrayed nothing more than stupidity and rudeness, following provocation hiding a deeper message and more complex, almost dark in nature. So it was much more disturbing. Even curses have laws; School child always has to be determined, "without involving parents." Parents incorporated curses long ago, but it seems Bnei Yehuda fans across any border. Equally they could just piss it stands to mark their territory. Instead, dressed in the State of Israel, they began to sing the national anthem, truculently toward Arab citizens opposite. Elegant response Sakhnin fans, who responded with applause cynicism have prevented escalation. But the impression remains: regardless of the musical talents of the children of Judah fans, "Hope" has never sounded more strident.
Or so hopeless. Despite the historical erudition exhibited before, it is likely that fans did not get the irony entwined common thread running through the name of the neighborhood and ends with an anthem sung. The beginning of that string over a century ago, not far from where the stadium now stands. Christians from the United States established a farm named Mount Hope, but their hopes were dashed in a particularly cruel Arabs raided the farm, killed the men and raped the women. Even today, after more than a century, Hatikva neighborhood ambilikannan does not give a good reason to have hope.
But nobody asked the Bnei Sakhnin whether or not it wants to reach. So she came, but not before Jib Choose a wrong turn or two. Along with her came, as always, a beam of light of hope. This is not just a figure of speech. This metaphor: that the light beam is embodied in human form - or rather, a female figure. ambilikannan Woman for two hours managed to slightly brighten the gloomy darkness which was soaked pitch, and play in a cacophony of curses voice calls sounded loud and clear.
Heavy, low and old, wrinkled face and abundant joy in life, Shula stood at the gate leading onto the pitch and locusts players. Each, in turn, was trapped in her net and disappeared ambilikannan between her love, then nodded with a smile, it proved that it is more than grass and feet slippers. In between, she spoke with Abbas Ghanaym, chairman of the group, and others in the group. She hugged them too. Then she climbed into the stands of Sakhnin, when the way is growing on the steps "of the 15", as defined.
Who is she, this elderly Jewish woman, a retired teacher, came to the game Sakhnin alone? This is, as proclaimed it a festive event a few months ago Ghanaym balance, "one of the few sympathetic group." Every Saturday ambilikannan - winter, rain and storms, as the outpouring So Ghanaym - she travels from her home following a lowland group, all games everywhere. Only Haifa, Kiryat Shmona, and she did not come, because they are a little too far and yet there is a limit. Even Jerusalem is not coming, but for a different ambilikannan reason. She does not like slander, she apologizes in advance but it abhors the Beitar fans. (To say the least, she can not resist adding).
Shame, she wanted to be buried under a table at the event, she said. But there is nothing awkward

Mr. Lucky Gabbay:

May 2009 - Ashdod police and city welfare check hard case, the center is a 10 year old girl who has had sex with at least eight children from her school and other schools. The school board rushed to convene a meeting, the details of the affair began to be exposed. Management sought to examine weather in teddington the functioning of the child's parents, but they claim, examination revealed no abnormalities.
Oddly decided Ashdod Municipality Welfare Department to issue the girl from her parents and move it to the frame outside the home, while the rest of the students involved continue to attend school. Only through luck Gabbay attorney representing the family, the child was returned to her home.
Mr. Lucky Gabbay: "the best thing a child has experienced sexual abuse so hard, it being her natural surroundings, and get the embrace and support of Father and Mother".. From the Guardian's visa Kotler sex scandal Ashdod. Welfare officials the city of Ashdod play mum - Part I "All our attempts to have a serious explanation as to the methods of treatment in both cases preceding group sex by a bunch of kids in the last year were unsuccessful in our hands. Also educational staff and social workers, simply fill their mouths weather in teddington with water. No one was willing to be interviewed, no one would talk to us, even off the record. . Cover-up - the welfare department will not know the girl's parents for their daughter's race events at school - part internal document of the welfare department of the City of Ashdod come down to us the following picture emerges: in 2005, the school reported Ashdod Municipality Welfare Department on the occasion of sexual assault between students and the area of the school. This event occurred in the first grade services. According to a report commissioned caseworker school call the parents. The social worker met with the parents of the children but with the parents of the girl met a social worker just two years later. The event title as a mischief and sexual curiosity. . Department of Social Welfare and education in the municipality acted against regulations - part of sexual harassment experienced by the child at the age of six demands according to the Education Ministry summons the hands of a professional weather in teddington committee that includes the school principal, counselor, weather in teddington therapist, supervisor, senior adviser, the director of education for the local authority, and welfare officer. weather in teddington None of these things are not done. " . Attorney lucky dill Gabay - Family representative - the failures of the Ministry of Social Affairs weather in teddington - Part II "central failure of the Ministry of Social Affairs it", you get reported in May 2008 that it's hard, what have you done from May 2008 to April 19th 2009? ', weather in teddington You know what they did this ?, what they told me at the meeting, that they took two letters, one was in September 2008, where they asked for an update, and they received an answer weather in teddington phone that everything was fine. at 22 March 2009, they took over a letter to find out what happens to the time they have not received a response from the school. " . Welfare officials are trying a new rendering strategy - keep the girl from her parents 'care institutions - Part II after the group sex incident in 2009. "finally meets a special professional committee, but now the recommendation weather in teddington is to remove the child from her parents' care institutions. Mistakes simply refuse to stop. " Says the girl's mother: "That day we found out what happened, educator and school counselor came to me and said: 'defense, get her to keep her away, for a few days the whole thing will calm down. I did it and I could not sleep at night. I said,' Hell, is far from me, if she wanted to cry, those who hold her, if she wants to tell, if she wants to talk, I'm her mother. Then I decided to involve a lawyer, and return my child to.. welfare officer acted negligently - make decisions weather in teddington laws Persons Without knowing the most basic things - Part II Attorney luck Gabbay Shamir - representative of the family: "I went to one of the CPOs, and was shocked to discover weather in teddington that none of them saw it. And I'm not sure they know the place where they wanted weather in teddington it to go." Continue the article, visa Kotler: "Yes you heard right. Not quite everyone was dozing, now seek to remove the child from her parents, despite According to the report welfare are found eligible, and more importantly, to raise their daughter. The girl has been a month in the house , rumors lays all the blame on her. No one at school ... not up to defend the girl's parents are still struggling these days, demanding absurd to keep their child "
Ashdod Municipality failed to care for the event. CPOs of the Youth and caseworkers city of Ashdod, did not help the child, but worsened the situation that distanced her from her parents and her home. Child welfare officials removed from their homes and families as well as good, dedicated parents. weather in teddington Child welfare officials removed from their homes and families without seeing the children or the place to which they send their children. Welfare officials act according to the interests of the local authority which employs them and / or extraneous considerations, while they show apparently they are working for the benefit of the child. Welfare officials make decisions crucial to the fate of relatives negligence, and extraneous.
In a judgment of the Supreme Court President Aharon Barak on taking children out of the house only when there is no alternative "to weather in teddington justify the issuance of the minor authority of his natural parents has to be a cause for special and unusual. The boy leaves his parents' permission, without their consent, only when it is inevitable weather in teddington and unavoidable. The best interests of The boy used a key element in the examination of the various methods of treatment, including treatment involving sever the child from his parents. welfare of children weather in teddington requires, generally, that possessed weather in teddington their parents, as part of the natural family unit. "
Is the Ministry weather in teddington of Social Affairs could take the children out of the house? - US Texas welfare methods of violence on a student teacher at a school in Lod - Channel 2 - 2 minute video about Youth Village of Meir Shfeya - assault and rape of a 14 year old within the walls of the Internal Affairs Ministry of Welfare - Inspection transverse deficiency at all levels
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