Thursday, November 6, 2014

Patriotism is everyone

Patriotism is everyone's spiritual life. Of patriotism, no one can escape. May only perform conscious lack of patriotism, as well as artificially exaggerated demonstration of patriotism uzspīlētu.
Patriotism belongs to those phenomena and the ideals that are common to all people - society for all social, professional and political groups. coolroom shelving Patriotism therefore considers not only about general human phenomenon, but also about human values. Patriotism is included widespread moral imperative of the group as well as honesty, justice, prohibition of stealing, the prohibition to kill other people, "the golden rule" (calls other do it by yourself you do not want to experience).
Patriotism is an expression of human feelings. So the human emotional process, reflecting the subjective evaluative attitude towards coolroom shelving the external world or abstract phenomena. But this in turn means that patriotism coolroom shelving is highly individual and unique expression of - every time certifying the person's feelings. Just as no two people are identical to one hundred percent, just not two hundred percent identical expressions of patriotism. Identical can only be patriotic theme and quality. Perhaps identical clones can be patriotism.
From the thematic point of view can be divided into personal patriotism patriotism patriotism and the public. Personal patriotism gets people's attitudes to their parents, siblings, wife or husband, children, home town, manor houses, farmsteads.
Personal intimacy patriotism is proof that every man is the closest, most sacred and moral innermost. Personal patriotism was reflected in the person's life imtīmie aspects - trust, sincerity, coolroom shelving intimacy and commitment to support and coherent action at any time and under any circumstances without the slightest selfishness and calculation.
Personal patriotism exist in everyone, and the quality of all human beings are equal expression coolroom shelving to the same extent and intensity. On a personal patriotism qualitative differences is incorrect to speak, and no hierarchy in this respect is not possible. No normal person would never say the least, that he loves his loved ones intensified than other people love their loved ones. Personal patriotism brightness all people have the same degree. Let's say visnelabojamākais recidivist is their parents and other relatives patriot as much as those people who have experienced crime and detective kriminālfilmās only.
If personal patriotism can not in principle be problematic long conversation and there is a great discursive (rational coolroom shelving analytical) consensus, the far more complex and analytical diskutablāka coolroom shelving rational conversation about public patriotism - people patriotic feelings coolroom shelving against his own people, the state and the nation. This area has a wide range of possible variations, starting with a true and sincere patriotism and ending with visrafinētākajām manipulation using patriotism ideological and political intrigues.
Ideally variation of public patriotism is the social feelings, which is based on the love of the homeland and the ability to expose their personal interests peoples, nations and national interests. Public cement patriotism pride for the homeland and its cultural achievements. The nation's full-blooded patriotism considered as national wealth.
Public patriotism Genesis of a very large role in the so-called patriotism cults. Every people and nation can have its own specific cults, which is rooted in the cultural heritage of national historical events, folk traditions of spiritual life. Not rare on the cult of patriotism becomes a radical event symbolisation, which vividly manifested massive coolroom shelving collective interests of patriotism.
Public patriotism may not be combined with hatred against another country, other peoples and nations. Have to respect the universally human "golden rule" of moral principles: not to others what you do not want in their lives the same experience of others; where's all be good to others, then the others will treat us well and we will honor. If the "golden rule" does not comply, then began patriotism and discredit its author.
Public patriotism coolroom shelving can be used for selfish interest. In this respect, the world is a very popular English coolroom shelving literature critic, publicist, linguist, poet Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) aphorism "Patriotism is the last refuge of a Scoundrel." It is in his writings on patriotism often used to replicate Leo Tolstoy. Also, he felt that patriotism is the last refuge coolroom shelving greatest villains.
Public patriotism of mankind, many thinkers coolroom shelving in the context of justice. They believe that patriotism can quickly escalate into one-sided view and patriotism on behalf of people can lose a sense of justice. Albert Camus discussed in this context: "I would love their homeland, while maintaining fairness. I simply displacing native land of grandeur, achieved with the help of lies. " P.Čaadājevs turn before she wrote: "Прекрасная вещь - любовь к отечеству, но есть еще нечто более пре

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