Friday, November 14, 2014

South Church bells sounded midnight, how to build a cold room when the heavy wooden door and opened

Rembrandt and Spinoza (excerpts), 2001 | Gideon Efrat's warehouse
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The following text Agadir more serious stroke "property. It happened, he came abruptly and threw "gay" in the form of the present essay. Is not all writing a kind of "defect" difference occurred for "accident" spiritual events? "Mass", I wrote, but I am not convinced that this concept: on the following pages, literary how to build a cold room Tsorbb historical writing, philosophical writing Ttovl poems, personal reflections incorporated into the research, how to build a cold room the original statement of the Book of quotations will be merged and play. Said thus: Ben-Horin text. Like the author, who sits half a year amid the playful Amsterdam canals, passing library cafe and back again, and is not required to report only the Creator, himself and his wife. Indeed, were it not for her blessing in the form of a scholarship from the sky Dutch government could not exist in this campaign, which began in the 17th century Amsterdam's Jewish quarter and its aftermath here and now, in an attempt to self-knowledge how to build a cold room agent-Israeli culture. I trust my gratitude to the Dutch Ministry of Culture and to all who did receive the scholarship: above all, Judith Herzberg, poet and playwright who and wonderful person; Jewish Museum of Amsterdam sponsored retired and administrative-time, Rebecca Weiss-Bloch; A series of Dutch Libraries and Archives opened their doors to unknown worlds and majestic; And Embassy in the Netherlands, supported the publication of this paper, not out.
This is a text-initiation, transitional text. I got him when he chose Rembrandt and left him in choosing of Spinoza. I came to him as someone who believes in the unity of art and philosophy and left him believe in separation. After all, not on Rembrandt how to build a cold room and Spinoza how to build a cold room is the following connection, how to build a cold room but the relationship between art and philosophy, as re-examined after decades of quasi fertilization violates the philosophy of art. The following how to build a cold room pages are the farewell ceremony this idea guided how to build a cold room me over decades how to build a cold room as a lecturer, curator and writer.
It is possible, on the following pages come back even prepared the artistic space, from which I retired for six years in favor of philosophy: how to build a cold room As long as I searched other art philosophy, I feel free to ever experience the arts in all her sensuality, this Hmtmtztt idea and emotion experience of the eye and the hand. Those readers who consider sensuality is granted freed from the burden of the cry of this booklet. Rather, it is doubtful if anyone in the world, may today's art - it's post-conceptual - to grasp this position for granted.
Either way, you should read the following pages calmly Sttztaf typical Dutch - B"hziilhh famous "- a gentle journey on the waters of the magical canals of Amsterdam, amidst ornate baroque facades, windows wide and groomed, plants flowered in a variety of colors, bridges Fitorskyim how to build a cold room and Dutch citizens gently peaceful drinkers wine-cups in their hands. I dedicate this booklet to the Netherlands and a number of Dutch learned to love.
It was those hot nights at the end of July, the nights when the leaves on a few trees along Hbrstrat Tirza not moved, possibly unconscious doubt summon heat power after rare attack the likes of Amsterdam did not know before. Hydrangeas and tulips windows of the houses began restoring Gbolm after a long day of Shachihot floor. Humidity still hung in the air, and evidence of prey circling mosquito-buzzing along Hhaothrct schemes, celebrate how to build a cold room their night off big plump rats quickly slipping amid piles of garbage. Every time, shriek-duck rose from the waters of the canal merges with the shrill whistle duet freight ship passing nearby Amstel. Besides, there was a clear quiet, calm between storms.
Despite the late hour of the night, people were seen walking down the street, are exempt from their terror of carriages how to build a cold room and horses. The buildings, designed to protect against the cold, were not resistant to heat unexpected, how to build a cold room and now they emitted the occupants into the open air, and they walked slowly, couples and individuals, around the block. If you have an ear ear-definition, you would pick up a strange mixture of Dutch and Portuguese, which left no room for doubt: Jews. Now also absorbs strongly how to build a cold room eye and hand movements with which notes repeat: Mortara ... Spinoza ...
South Church bells sounded midnight, how to build a cold room when the heavy wooden door and opened Bbrstrat Dish No. 4 and figure silhouette came out awkwardly, slowly how to build a cold room got to the street, how to build a cold room falls heavily on the four steps. Misty moon shone in the sky on a man of about fifty, is short, how to build a cold room round face, nose potato, curly gray hair and white silk shirt and down over his belly expansion over brown pants stained Oil. Tiny candle light flickered behind the stained-glass windows how to build a cold room of the ground how to build a cold room floor behind him, but the rest of the building, four stories high, was dark as a tomb. Their sheets beneath the thin lower Hendrika and Titus Tnumtm deep, huddled in an alcove bed-cabinet kitchen, cold room in the house, nor to shake at the noise made by Rembrandt, with a heavy key rotation hinges creak.
Rembrandt was not able to sleep. Okay heat Wrapped sediment was terrible today, please see mosquitoes around consciousness. Bastard, Henricus how to build a cold room Torkinios

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