Monday, November 10, 2014

Thanks for asking. That

What's the most interesting thing you discovered? | Archeology tedington to the masses
The first question people usually ask me when I say I am an archaeologist is: What is the most interesting thing you discovered so far? And I'm embarrassed tedington I do not know what to say, for all the fun in this business is to seek and find. Once when I was a student, I participated in excavations in Tel Nami, a beachfront Bronze Age in south of Haifa. The delegation was also energetic students who came to the United States armed by any means possible utility as by their clothes in the clothes shop of Indiana Jones. One student especially annoying, do not stop complaining about it condemned to dig two weeks locus (excavation unit) is too bland taste, Since it is not found there findings noisy that will change the face of archeology in the twentieth century. Director of its surface tedington was a man particularly creative, decided to teach her a lesson: He arrived early in the morning and buried in the area where digging a copy cheap board Minoan tedington round bought one of his trips in Greece. The student went to work Yuma grumbling as usual, and now after a short time she began to cry out with joy that she found something wonderful. Director tedington territory came to her with a serious face and told her to put the hammer aside and start working with brushes gently. tedington At the end of hard work and careful in the hot sun, he ordered her to record the exact location of the finds sensational, photograph, draw and write in a notebook all information relating to it. Poor working on it for half a day, while we try hard not to look at her and laugh. It was indeed a bit cruel but her lesson is learned. Another interesting phenomenon beam field conditions, it is necessary Human define clear boundaries between groups on both sides. Beit She'an archaeological site, for example, was divided between the mission of the IAA mission of the university. This arbitrary division was set when most of the site was still hidden beneath the surface. Over time, more and more were discovered ancient buildings which unfortunately only made it harder for everyone: streets, walls and fallen columns found in one area resulted in the second area, without any regard for equitable distribution determined tedington before. As walls or structures in border areas were completely different interpretations, which is not fraught relationship helped them anyway. If you put people in two or more groups, including the contest begins immediately and hatred. Here is something else I learned tedington thanks to archaeological excavations. Check. Excavations at Gamla was such a policy whereby every bucket of dirt removed from the excavation, has filtering and screening to find small artifacts. This work was not who knows what delicious: after a short time leveraging turned completely black and dusty, not to mention the fine dust entering the eyes, nose, ears and any other body openings. As we dug two adjoining houses, each region had its own team of SIFT. And now it turned out that one of the houses was particularly rich in currencies as leverage given the buckets of wastewater from this house, did not stop to rejoice and exult with each new discovery, while apparently lived at home against paupers: Apart from stones and gravel did not find anything. After two days of hard work, a pauper's filters were quite nervous and were hostile right group of filters of the rich. So to make amends, in a pauper excavators decided to do something: they took a 10 cent coin, Acre him with a hammer to deformed, dipping it in the mud and buried him in a bucket. Indeed, not long squeals representative: gold coin, gold coin! The filters were bouncing with rare finds and other staff made obscene gestures clearly expressed their opinion: Here We have won you. Maria Gutman legendary excavator of Gamla, limp up to see what the commotion, and face disapproval tedington and surprise: a gold coin in the Jews during the Second tedington Temple? Does not make sense. What is true, is true. So: if I raised the question at the top: What the most important thing I've discovered in the excavation? A. Preferably something not interesting and authentic across something interesting and false in. Distribution of the surface do not seem to matter when starting to dig deep c. All that glitters is not gold
Winnie On June 17, 2009 at 9:27 pm
Who archaeologist tedington looking for the scoop as a journalist is no more than the man who cleans the fish. Natalie Mesika could take the raw materials and bring us to the lifts, Judah, Polifios, Salome, Elhanan, Paul Smart, Jotapata and Pompey. What a pleasure it was received
Nice list, as conclusions tedington after which, indicate the ideological proximity between archeology archeology mind the times.
Than you. When I was a child I lived in London. And once when I was six, we went for a walk near Cornwall in southern England mountains. And I climbed and I loved looking at the ground to see if I find something. And one day I found an old coin. England always find things like this: or old coins, old stones or old or something else. If you do not discover yourself, tedington then you can always go into a corner and see something Bblodon old. Anyway, since that case ... I always look on the floor and easy to find ... and I even found out twenty shekels. And once I discovered a whole wallet full of credit cards, tedington etc. And when those who had lost wallet came to take him away from me ... He brought me a bouquet tedington of flowers. It also Archaeology? ...
Lsoai- here gave a great idea acclaimed author Dan Brown: tedington For those who take a good look in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of Mcalng'lo can see at certain tedington times of the day the cup illustrated there is not really a cup but something else yet to be ascertained, and enough word to et cetera. Plasma and plasma is not - this broadcast master of aliens tedington built the Hdolmitim Golan. What is not clear?
Thanks for asking. That's really what I meant to say: the search for scoops archeology led to an unrealistic fantasy Afsri- and often unrealized reality on the one hand in front of a gray and boring too full of uninteresting tedington details. There must be a middle way in my opinion.
Rabbi important

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