Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ventilation, especially mechanical, Latvian is a relatively new industry. Formerly built buildings

Ventilation, especially mechanical, Latvian is a relatively new industry. Formerly built buildings and, in particular, was not particularly biomedica laboratorija windows sealed and home "breathing" even through building structures. At best, the kitchen and the toilets were installed in the walls of the ventilation shaft through which air flowed rancid. Nowadays, users often need to vent about the only remembers the last moment, noticing that the plaster is not lost and sweaty windows.
"It is most appropriate and economical ventilation systems should be planned from the very beginning of the construction," explains SIA MJ Partners Chairman biomedica laboratorija Juris Leitāns. Otherwise, the installation costs will increase significantly.
Although every year people an understanding of the need to increase ventilation, there are still a number of false myths. "People often believe that ventilation is required only facilities, others think that it is enough just to vent in the kitchen," the most common of which is accounted J. Leitāns.
The oldest and simplest type of ventilation is natural ventilation - building walls, doors or windows are fitted to the slit through which flows into the fresh air. But the old air in accordance with the principles of natural gravity rises warms up and the flow through the vertical biomedica laboratorija air ducts or chimneys.
In turn, mechanical ventilation to provide air circulation fans. Of course, the installation and operation is more expensive to install than a hole in the wall behind the radiator or just open the window. However, this approach has several advantages.
As the first and main argument in favor of mechanical ventilation are usually biomedica laboratorija referred to the heat savings. Natural ventilation will travel freely inside the outdoor air is admitted. Unfortunately, our climatic conditions, biomedica laboratorija it is mainly about the room freeze. Then have to spend additional resources for heating.
Currently, modern facility is equal to the amount of rotation of the air is able to recover biomedica laboratorija about 85% of heat. As pointed out by SIA "Top Techno Ventilation and conditioning systems project manager Simon Guntis with such efficiency is already quite enough, because the remaining 15 percent of the living space will of the people or the heat generated by household appliances (coffee cup in one room gives 80 watts of heat). If someone, it is not enough, biomedica laboratorija the system can also add an air heater.
First four or five years RTU Assistant Professor Guido Peterson biomedica laboratorija estimated that one cubic meter of air exchange in a natural way costs about EUR 1.20. If the exchange takes place with ventilation equipment, these costs are four times lower, "said Mr Simon.
Ventilation biomedica laboratorija installation costs depend on various factors, such as web design, ventilated area and selected system. Simple louvers behind the radiator will cost only a few hundred lats. But the average mansion mechanical ventilation system biomedica laboratorija with recuperation, coolers, filters and other equipment can cost up to ten thousand lats. Average maintenance cost is 70 to 100 lats. Equipment life span of at least 20 years, and during that time it will have paid for itself several times already, especially at high air volumes.
Approximately 80 percent of the cost is absorbed by air power, but the same hardware biomedica laboratorija and service - only 20 percent. It is therefore often beneficial to buy a more expensive machine that will be fuel-efficient and quieter. For example, this year's Frankfurt "ISH" section of the exhibition Aircontec", which is traditionally the strongest ventilation equipment manufacturers and professional meeting place, the Swedish manufacturer "Swegon" presented their latest solutions "GOLD" series. The smallest and most advanced lines of the ventilation equipment at maximum capacity (1200 cubic meters of air exchange) spends only puskilovatu electricity. Each fan has an installed capacity of 250 watts. It is less than a normal iron.
Ventilation is also important for human health. All modern ventilation systems are equipped with the incoming air filters that prevent dust from entering the room, and even a variety of viruses. It is also the outgoing filtered air, but it happens more with the aim to protect the heat exchanger.
Well-ventilated area, even during an influenza epidemic is likely to develop much smaller. Even if someone sneezes in the room already sick, much more likely that viruses will be caught ventilation before infecting a pile, "says Mr Simon. So too are dust, pet hair and similar allergy agents.
Filter pollution status of modern apparatus is controlled automatically and notify the hardware itself, when the time comes to change them. On average, filters should be changed two or three times a year, and it can be easily done by laymen.
Both the people themselves and a variety of home appliances in the room give off moisture, which is damaging both buildings (mold) and detrimental to human health. biomedica laboratorija But may not make the air too dry. The optimal humidity of 45-55 percent. Therefore, manufacturers offer a variety of humidifiers, the possible

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