Friday, January 30, 2015

1,500 Year-Old Gospel Apostolic Justifying Muhammad and Jesus Never Crucified

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NEW DELHI, MAHASISWARIAU.COM - Prime Minister Narendra Modi finally spoke about the decline in gold prices in the international market. He reminded his people to invest their money in the bank rather than buy gold. Although regarded as unproductive investments, saving more secure than buying gold price continued to decline. This call is not without reason. Because the report by the World Gold Council some time ago mentioned India as the world's largest gold consumer. Modi reveals the Indians have good habits in terms of savings, but this practice has been transferred to the gold from time to time. People buy gold because they feel psychologically safe. The challenge for banks is to convince people that the bank will ensure ease of access to their savings when needed, "said Modi. Import of gold has led to India's current account deficit rose to 2.1 percent of GDP during the period from July to September, 2014. lower prices and the prospect of better economic growth boosted demand curchods teddington for gold in India. India's total gold demand totaled 225 tonnes in the third quarter of 2014. The figure beat the purchase of gold in China and Taiwan weighing 194.1 tonnes in the same period. Overall , Indian gold demand rose 60 percent to 182.9 tonnes curchods teddington for the three months to September. And what about the gold price forecast this year? predicted gold prices remained depressed in the first half of 2015 as the market anticipates policy of the United States or the Federal Reserve (The Fed) related to rising curchods teddington interest rates. However, after the policy was taken of the Fed, the price of the yellow metal will sparkle at the end of the year. Market watchers expressed as the Fed revealed plans to raise interest rates, the market is constantly focused attention on how the level of the interest rate hike. Because the higher interest rates will push the price of gold to be a reason for investors to shift money into investments engine that produces a higher profit. curchods teddington And Gold did not go in it. Fed officials last October decided to end the bond purchase program worth US $ 85 billion per month. The provision of the stimulus fund, known as Quantitative is a step taken the Fed to support the US economy after the crisis hit in 2007-2008. Withdrawal of stimulus funding decision was taken after seeing curchods teddington the economic recovery in the land of Uncle Sam. With the recent US economic data, the unemployment rate below 6 percent and growth of gross domestic product (GDP) of 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2014, economists predict the Fed will take a position to raise interest rates in the second half of 2015. Senior analyst at Thomson Reuters GFMS, Erica Rannestad curchods teddington agreed that the gold price will be cheap in the first half of 2015 as the Fed is expected to perform an action that would be the direction curchods teddington of determining the price movement of gold. He considered that the price of gold is likely to consolidate in the next year. Rannestad estimate the average gold price in 2015 of US $ 1,175 per ounce, the highest price was in the second half of 2014. This projection is only lower than the analyst estimate of Commerzbank who called the average gold price of US $ 1,200 per ounce. They also predicted the gold price would be lower in the first half of 2014. Similarly, the research results of Citi estimates the average price of gold in 2015 at US $ 1220 per ounce. TD Securities pegged the average of US $ 1,225 per ounce and Natixis forecasted an average gold price of US $ 1,140 per ounce. source:
1,500 Year-Old Gospel Apostolic Justifying Muhammad and Jesus Never Crucified

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