Friday, January 23, 2015

WOW ... You are not true. Then it is okay. I try. You are from now on my personal wikipedia to the

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There is thus no one here who has actually tried 750 ... Okay. It was with the software insofar interesting and if that stuff that keeps the film firm is as crappy as the 4990 thing I'm not so sure. It's the cheap PLASTIC same cultivar as the one holding blast freezing the toys inside Kinder blast freezing eggs ..... See? It is mildly unimaginable bad, I can not use like a tool. IT is important, at least for me.
WOW ... You are not true. Then it is okay. I try. You are from now on my personal wikipedia to the world of photography gadgets. And you can call yourself sir.
It is no wonder that there are few who have used exactly the scanner you are asking blast freezing for, since it has just reached the market. It has so far as I know only been to obtain a month or so. I currently use a scanner of slightly older model, but the same type and brand. It is fully capable of scanning 120 film with good results. In some cases, one must resort to multpass and other tricks to get the max out of it, and it is a prerequisite with well-exposed film, but it makes a sufficiently good job for me. I use it mostly for scanning of 120 S / H film and prints up to A2. For additional critical issues blast freezing and extra difficult films (like Fuji Velvia) I borrow one Imacon scanner that give slightly better dynamics blast freezing and resolution. Holders are plastic, yes. (It had released you to inquire about if you had followed the link you received earlier). But they are working properly and are solid enough. I use whatever largely a 3-party holder with customized anti newton glass. (It is also mostly made of plastic). Hvid it does not suit you to use up to 8000 on an Epson with plastic holders, then there's always the Nikon LS-9000 (with plastic holders) or perhaps a Imacon (with plastic and metal foil holders). But then you should have a usable blast freezing budget ... The results are still matter most dependent on that you know what you are doing and very little depending on what material film holders are made of.
Okay. Believe me, I looked at the link, thus, but I was so drunk on single malt whiskey when I read it that I did with me that they were in plastic. Sorry about that. Can you elaborate blast freezing on what the hell you mean by that Imacon-scanner provides better dynamics? blast freezing Where crashed there for me, even though I have an IQ of over 130. It pleases me, however, that three-party holders have ANTI NEWTON-glass I have always been thrilled Helmut Newton for had he lived today as we had been revelers and made stings BRODER NEWTON-ANTI-Alkis-GLASS it is namely extra good if you scan while propellers you nose. Busene falls namely not down and sticking on FILM.
You were drunk tydlegvis då you wrote this post as well? It is well therefore you behave like ein jerk to people who actually try to help you? Sharpen you and let be bugging people on this forum.
Andreas ..... HEY, where did you come from? You have not all your on dry either, by the way. How's your cold? Now we have discussed a scanner for three days and what I've gotten out of it is that the film holder is plastic ...:-D
Oh .... Eirik Holmøyvik, yes. Welcome ... It was only you who lacked to get this party perfectly complete. From under the rock you came really creeping up? This is my discussion, it is not something nice as you can see on TV tonight? Moreover you called me jerk, I'm then not unreasonable in the way, am I? I have not called blast freezing anyone for dust since I was really serious drunk - in 2002. It is four years ago. Now I am not distant than that I say smarter things on malt whiskey than you your goof manages to pry out of the munnsårbehengte rap your mouth in sole sober CONDITION. Are we quits now?
Magnus Viken
Vidar Magnus Jacobsen

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