Monday, January 5, 2015

Over the years emerged to light any evidence to confirm cool cookie jars where the cave of Bethlehe

Place your mind before-the mirror of eternity! cool cookie jars Place your soul in-the brilliance of glory! Place your heart in The Figure Of The Divine substance! And transform your Entire Into the image of being-the Godhead Itself cool cookie jars through contemplations. 3rd Letter of St. Clare to Agnes of Prague
"In that crash Cesar Augustus issued a decree for a census in the world. This was the first census that was when Kirinu was governor of Syria. And all went to be written, each in his city. Joseph also reflects from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, and went up to Judea, to the city of David - to be registered with Mary, his bride was pregnant. It happened cool cookie jars when they were there, Mary għalqilha time to get rid of, and given birth to her first son, fisqietu and medditu manger, because there was no place in the hotel boil. "(Lk. 2; 1-6)
It was because of this census Joseph and Mary had to leave the shelter of the roof of their home in Nazareth to make this long journey cool cookie jars to Bethlehem, a journey of some 148 km. The road from Nazareth cool cookie jars to Bethlehem was a tortuous path, with fluctuations, which jserrpu valleys and hills or in the open countryside, where other than the shelter of a tree did not expect any help. It was a grueling and hard journey jaqtagħlek heart. And for Mary because of their state which meant a certain amount of unnecessary suffering.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, tired, Mary and Joseph did not find what they liked and hoped: not found the one that jħenn them, who are willing to help or host side, if only for one night only; and all was nothing to beat Joseph door one after the other, had no place for them, even in the hotel there was a place for them. There was no place in the city of David to David lineage. There was no place for Joseph, the chosen by God to be the putative cool cookie jars father of his Son. There was no place for Mary, the Virgin Mother, and Son of David himself: "It was not home and his people laqgħuhx".
The hotel was at the door, and said that while there was no place for them in the hotel, għamlilhom cool cookie jars signal to survive and seek refuge elsewhere to pass the night there. There was no place for them in the hotel. In this small village, the number of hotels was little, more and more when the census was done. This hotel was slightly Bethlehem of place, like a large courtyard surrounded by arches which were shelter for the night travelers. Joseph and Mary did not go further than to go outside cool cookie jars the village to look for a stall to pass the night in it. Finally Mary and Joseph found for the animals and in l'anywhere away from the noise of the world, a place that was of someone and at the same time was anyone, Mary gave birth to the Savior cool cookie jars world; "Fisqietu and medditu manger."
Seeing a baby lying in a manger, the first thought that jiġih mind is that the child is abandoned, there is nobody to take care, that no one cares about it, that no one is happy with it and jobbha. From the other hand the fact that the baby is wrapped with bands shows that in fact there is someone cool cookie jars carer, who is head iħabbel it, which is iħobbha and doing everything possible to produce it this love. Mary assume responsibilities as a mother, taking care of Jesus best you can. In those difficult circumstances of the manger is looking love to her Son! Mary realize what he lacks and carried out.
Can not reflect on the baby Jesus, the Emmanweli, God with us, without tħammem well as his mother Mary treasured. cool cookie jars So certainly not thinking on the story of Bethlehem without also thinking about the building where this event took place in heaven. This is why these thoughts I want to stop to give the necessary importance to nowhere holy hosted Mary and Joseph and the birth of the Savior.
Over the years emerged to light any evidence to confirm cool cookie jars where the cave of Bethlehem where Mary gave birth to her Son Jesus. The first among the writers who talk about for precis is San Ġustinu, martyr. When speaking to the birth of Jesus, St. Ġustinu says: "When the baby was born in Bethlehem, cool cookie jars since there was no place for them in the village, Joseph found for red and nearby. While they were there, Mary gave birth to Jesus and placed it in a manger. "
By Girolamo, biblista lived thirty-six years in Bethlehem, strongly emphasizes cool cookie jars that Jesus was born in a cave

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