Friday, January 2, 2015

Why? Because the man made of body and soul. The body has its needs, and the soul, is the heart and

On this page we have the passages read in programs to one follows them while they are read. In this way, understand more and take more pleasing to hear. This, at the same time, serve as a reading exercise and everything in writing.
fashioned mentioned everywhere,
beautiful and like you I do not see;
Hear who says: And this other than to say its worth Maltese four words in Malta? Maltese room cooler price in karachi does not earn bread; if you travel, room cooler price in karachi the Maltese not jiswilekx room cooler price in karachi to find work. So why wasting room cooler price in karachi time one learns the Maltese?
Who reads answer: Even many of the best British and Italian books, such as Shakespeare and Dante, to earn to eat, and nitgħallmuhom however, waste a lot of time on them and, when we get, we continue to remember them and naqrawhom in time is vacant. Why not jneħħuhomx learning if jagħtuniex bread?
Why? Because the man made of body and soul. The body has its needs, and the soul, is the heart and brain, has its food. And what is the food of the soul? Is learning; and is reading. From books, the brain takes what with his ability room cooler price in karachi can not find; the books, the mind flourishing and leveraging; and if the brain has lead to the body, mind fostered by teaching life means good governance body, means wealth and happiness in body and in soul. Thus we read books and learn which does not rule bread than by selling them and who teach them. Now the overwhelming majority of the Maltese people do not know or can not learn except in Maltese. Why, then should not have x'jaqraw books, or why not be able to read books in Maltese room cooler price in karachi which carried the mind and heart tithenna? So the Maltese cost; if it unfit for the life of the body as other languages, worth life and wealth of the soul, which also brings a wealth of body.
It may be here who has dil view; we do not know. But with so much? Mhawnx who served with Italian and English and other mother tongues to spread wrong teaching? Nonetheless we destroy these languages? Every created thing, even the most good thing, treasured and required, find out who availed bad for his injury and others. What is the best man of the health of the body, from the wealth of the world, from the wisdom of the brain? And yet, how many poorly served by these! And who is to blame? So if the Maltese here who has served it wrong, the fault is of Maltese, and non-offender does not pay for the guilty.
Stqarrejnieh ntennuh several times and again that we want to love the Maltese room cooler price in karachi and disseminate the text of the Maltese, because the Maltese language is homeland, we nħobbuha b'kulma room cooler price in karachi be; because it contains room cooler price in karachi the Maltese enjoy very see the power and the ancient room cooler price in karachi our people; enjoy very Maltese for which we mean by beauty and skill, as we mean other mother room cooler price in karachi tongues, every thought of our minds and every desire of our hearts. Therefore inħobbuh the Maltese, and this love never dennisnieha b'fehmiet curved and mxattra.
Now our words ixtarru good, compared with others words, with the words you hear and read, weigh everything in the balance of righteousness, and see who overcomes. If we see that we are right, joined us, ħobbu the Maltese like us, iktbuh, xerrduh everywhere; if taqblux us, we have nothing to be afraid, not nitħarrkux, keep full like rock and continue until the end cherished, write and commend the Maltese.
"No, no, I was just near you ..," but because weġibtx was asking. Then genes thought. Go take tea. Of course. The bird fly off. And lets not return trejjex.Inżilt hurry down and logged in the dining room. It was still there. "Wow Inferragħlek room cooler price in karachi tea?" Told me.
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And here began another life. It began I like more. Enjoyment room cooler price in karachi without room cooler price in karachi thinking of anything. In the days to Veffa account I get home as early as possible. Kiss from there, we started coming here pinch inward.
But the devil does not milk. Whenever we will get to something serious occurs something. Or call from my mother, or enter misseiri outside. I started to get nervous and Veffa appeared the same like me. Something had to be made. Veffa want, and I will not stupid to miss the occasion like this. But the house could not have done anything.
Genes thought. If we can we meet outside indaħħal car. In the evening, room cooler price in karachi of course not. Meet near the Turkish mill. Inrikkibha there and will continue. Towards the Imtaħleb. To Wardija. Where the devils to be. The best jtellifna not one. Radio dissolved room cooler price in karachi slowly room cooler price in karachi lit: Strangers In The Night ... NITF light, room cooler price in karachi and so easy.

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