Sunday, January 4, 2015

Wednesday. Eight in the morning. The driver of the line waiting car on the side of his right pass,

What dil disease ħakmitni? What these eyes watering without reason? What is this dryness of the tongue weird food facts TURTAS teeth? The sky must drop one piece for me. The partners saw escape night red heart that knew no night like her. The car began to shy away from any bend. So! Feeling of fear. Sun is not certain that hot. Cradle not certain that tħajjem. Gawi not entrust ġwenħajh.
There had nintasab. Wind jinks with neckties. weird food facts Luggage stand dismayed, carrying public documents, bogus reserved. Ice cream talking with the money. Of biscuits with boiling oil. And what rama, with umbrellas and some two flags of the World Cup, also because it took me dismantle. That time passed weird food facts and told him; "You do not see that no one is giving kasek". Told me "you just għidtuli Dal words!". "I just gave kasek sign" weġibtu weird food facts I have to get in place. And in the square weird food facts in which the umbrella was thrown, today fall ill with asthma multitude pigeons can no longer afford to sit for a long time in air home. Heart dal mad, dil-ferneżija, where the umbrellas took me, foraging car to another, day, any time. People with pressure disrupted horse. And in the middle of madness dal find carob tree. Anchored in the ground spitting tarmac which were jifgawha workers have sought government, but f'wiċċhom remained.
Harvested. Too late to naħsel teeth. Too late for me swallowed coffee. Unprecedented speed, dance with each qalza, shortness of breath with each braid made bow. The issue gel shot with the palm hand. The fringe was similar to yesterday. The basket where?
Wednesday. Eight in the morning. The driver of the line waiting car on the side of his right pass, and then pass it as required by law. Taxi careful going after me. Truck taqgħalu weird food facts stone chippings from the box; driver detected, signaling weird food facts that will shed with the side and goes collect. I get in the car park and Parker inxommlu scent of Eau de toillette move from under għabtu to get in the car, to combat the smell of air-freshner, and tirbħilha.
Austin-Eleven Hundred, a figurine of the twentieth century. G bachelor rising motor. The motor means for all other means of transport. Black girl calling her brother to b'Malti trimmed from a typical Maltese balcony. Successful integration. Basket to fall by another balcony. Bread takes the money and puts the bread. The basket rises running back. Where picked know; tellagħha who do not know. Saying bread knows? Let go nistaqsih. X'tistaqsih comedian?
Imgerrem child. Come mother from balcony of small size that varies widely. "ITLA from there", weird food facts continues jgara the stones on velestrun. "Għidtlek ITLA from there!" The crushed glass comes in with the stone. "Ar there he goes". Titbissimli, "Sorry mister". Npassi continue, just move away and come back nismagħha. "Neither is joqtlok father." The boy missed the third day infila school.
-The Tajms of bieraħt back armejtha?
The working day has passed. Caller għidnilu inadvertently not qdejnihx. To the secretariat raqqejnilhom the felt with a bald red, usually. Who was lqajnih with tea and four words; a performance of hospitality, nothing more.
Naqbad the way for Msida, I get where the University. Seeing the new hospital. White elephant. I break into Swatar. Going to buy canned paint. I look after the other. Enter one has over sixty. Wanted eighteen. weird food facts Red Hat round, round. White dress red b'ward distributed accurately. Red shoe b'takkuna wide but low. Ċiwawa held the strap comes with it also. Shop seizing biċ- iera c. Make of by itself not notice IT IS.
Left an elderly say puff while to recover it. Out of the shop more red hat that xiddet f'rasha. With xej purchased. Practically, introduced tħorri dog shop. After a quarter to ninqeda, inqdejt.
I came home. Two letters in the box. One of the bank; usually! And the other by parliament. Who thought of me? Luck sninek birthday. Who said l have reached this year? Inqattagħha weird food facts and narmiha. Ħwejġi arise from me, LP turned into living room, the kettle is going naħsel tirvilla and my face from the fatigue of the day. Bob Dylan is sing Hurricane to a hundred weird food facts times in my living room. Monica Bellucci is in my kitchen a hundred times and one courtesy of medjaset. Television remained closed displayed extraordinary reflexes hear Bob Dylan. weird food facts The coffee saw him falling water, and soon the water thought won, saw a cold shower

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