Monday, January 5, 2015

The duration of the cortege. People imbikkma, kombucha jar others look. Others dressed in black. So

Did you understand what leads to thousands of people stand in the fierce heat of August to isellmu a politician. Not politician common, but Mintoff. kombucha jar So said, so loved, so resented. Mintoff was not political pop. Surprised looking at a photo of Mintoff in today's kombucha jar time where the political named Obama and Monti, wearing ties and suits stretched. Even Fenech Adami seemed so different from Mintoff. Among the icons that most people there are many minds belt and buckle huge. There is a need to tighten the belt, phrase entered the folklore of our country. Or like when we say still time Mintoff and mind old clothes, gray, difficult times where the suffered, suffered even b'demmu.
I do not għextux to Mintoff. Many of those who comment on paragraphs and paragraphs jfajru kombucha jar words, also not yet reached it. Some even are Malta, kombucha jar and seems to have many time to criticize any statement Mintoff, resentful, jiddieħku, jitnejku, such that injurant peoples eyes is running like sheep. kombucha jar Even in these days read that free education is a cause and a result of complacency; that social services nesting of complacency; and usually tired rhetoric against socialism. kombucha jar
Go to the lazy tell them my grandfather George and Grandma to the Twanny kombucha jar (probably would turn jitnejjek bik). Both are earned eggs yard work when the shipyard had work to do. Go tell them those tbażwru work to put bread in front of their family. Go għajjarhom lazy, those who know only sweat and blood - those War.
Go tell them lazy to many of those who emerged welcome to Mintoff. Knowing at least a drive to Cottonera these illuminated air-conditioning? I do strenuous work you have not; and tgħajruni can equally lazy and SORM on a chair.
At the suggestion of my friend who has little to Mintoff at heart - and like many here who have validissimi reasons, because kombucha jar għexuh on the other side of the wall - today inżilt to Cospicua.
The duration of the cortege. People imbikkma, kombucha jar others look. Others dressed in black. Some photo Mintoff kombucha jar happening in hand, the curved foils and discolored. The drawings on a large belly; some mobile iwerżaq, some women wearing mesh shirt. There is an old photo of the architect on the roof of the club. Behind us is speaking, young people with jiftakruhx ... not ċwieċ youth of today ... glory glory Alleluia ... not everyone makes mistakes?
Shore of Cospicua never saw so illuminated. Imn'alla was the Basin project that brought that old and ugly wall that was darkening so much to this city. The progress kombucha jar also arrived here. I look bar named 8 of December, the color green beer commercials which are everywhere. kombucha jar Follow me there HSBC - one was there Rialto slightly above, to the road that leads to the Church. kombucha jar Did you go to school kombucha jar Cospicua, the archpriest did not naħmlu plotted but with the sisters always went well (no easy battuti, please).
Besides school, I cut out a childhood summers long grandparents Cospicua, a dark street down from where it resides Gross (always kombucha jar would stop isellmilna, a man or was). Watch TV and eat the ravioli and all dishes kombucha jar nannti was so aware flavoring. That complacency, ġuvnott cast plays because he found everything ready. Before me, starting with my father, did not have this luxury (always jirrakkontali when he worked a long night shift in a printer, and go back home faħma and black hands with fingers jsakkarlu seqi t hands). And the names of people and places that have lead me daily: Tessie opposite, the horse, the WeFi (child in Parliament) and cheesecakes that it sold everything kombucha jar out cheesecakes. Sometimes grandfather was ITIN "shilling" and 1c and go buy a pack Calciatori, within the world cup 1990.
It coffin on the shoulders sweating and tired. Why is iċapċpu surroundings? What do three carts like Buontempo, and Cuschieri, and Parnis front? So Mintoff was father, or zijuhom? What do here jippuppaw chest?
There were police leaving old man comes to take a photo of Mintoff. For me it was a wooden box wrapped in the colors of the club (if they were of the club. The holidays never ħabbejthom. Neither the resurrection, neither the Immaculate Conception, neither Anne nor anyone). I see some tears. Shouting of "Mintoff, Mintoff!" Like going, Messi, where I know, Liam Gallagher.
More than the story of Mintoff, interest me one of these people. Leħenhom used tens of interviews to earn hundreds of comments deriżorji, bot

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