Wednesday, January 28, 2015

We were stranded in the airport terminal 1D want to fly while at 7.10 am tomorrow. Eyes are very sl

We were stranded in the airport terminal 1D want to fly while at 7.10 am tomorrow. Eyes are very sleepy, but I want to sleep comfortably. New je nak sleep eyes, already how to build a walk in cooler awake. At 5 am mcm tu, we are looking for coffee because how to build a walk in cooler lazy, self-eye. how to build a walk in cooler When the check-in counters open dah, we send the goods and enter the departure hall. India ni Kat airport, security is very tight. If female, they are self-closing special place to check the body.
Kat in the departure hall, because there are a lot more comfortable seating. But the seat can not lie because there are deadlines for each seat. So, I could not sleep well. Feeling tired bodies. Mark here, there is a 'Prayer'. Adjacent to the right place with the toilet. It also had our congregation with India Muslim organization here.
When I've enough time, for boarding, we just went downstairs for DRP queuing out of the building and sent by bus to the plane. Before exiting, again checking for hand carry bag tag is made. So, we have to make sure each hand carry us no tag, for they will hand carry cop confirm we have examined.
DRP exit plane, wahhhh .... sejukkkk. Down DRP air, go for a little walk and entered the terminal building. Because this is only for domestic flights, there is no immigration affairs, continue looking bag and get out from this terminal. Before going out, ask the security of information you know about us fill our presence in Srinagar.
Our driver uncle ni can not say Bahasa Inggeris ...., this is the big problem. I was not mistaken mcm2 request. Patutnya, lg our initial contact with another driver mintak exchange. Communication problems very large to cause the entire holiday in Srinagar be hampeh ...., it'll tell you later lg ...
DRP Srinagar to Pahalgam trip takes 3 hours with a distance of 100 km. Include a short 100 km, but I'm here road mark macm Malaysia. Bawak can not continue because there are always obstacles how to build a walk in cooler je. The sound of horns not think it is deafening je, knowing what things very busy sikit2 want horn. I saw there was org2 mark stupidly je, instead of going to wonder if at dock kuat2 horn. Bete je road. The most absurd, drive cattle, tractors la, buleh dock slow road mark the right side. A lg, if you leave the junction, exit junction org yg no need to see out je tu mcm. Org yg yg kena control through at the tu ..., mark Delhi mcm tu pun ...
Along the way we will pass the village of Kashmir org. Muslim majority. So, in any daughter was wearing hijab shawl ala-ala who deserve this. We will also last in Saffron crop fields. Ni uncle also brought our keeper stopped selling nuts and saffron. But, it is advisable to not buy here because price is placed teramatlah want to strangle the neck, immediately got for less. For 2 gm saffron, he said the price of 400 rp, 350 rp kcg pistashio one package (half kg je kot), and bada 250 rp one package. how to build a walk in cooler If the later mark boat house, there are many sellers of fresh saffron ni and can be much cheaper price, but touched pretend to sell expensive is first. They bg price of 100 rp for 4 gm saffron, lg BYK DRP time that I bought mula2 tu ....
In front of Baisaran Hotel, Pahalgam ... On the left is the uncle once during how to build a walk in cooler our Driver in Kashmir and that no third from left is for hotel bell boy Baisaran, good ni uncle, always call us to chat and eat well-served us mark this time. ...
After 3 hours, we get to the Hotel Baisaran. Rooms were available. Room size ok but worse in terms of cleanliness DRP, got cleaned mcm betul2, BYK dust and the bathroom was not so clean. After the prayer, we went down to the hotel cafeteria for lunch. Tengahri eat, not including in the package tour, so we have to pay yourself. We order biryani rice, 1 chicken and 1 goat. Nurse would not order one, because a large portion is given. For 2 persons has order tu je, we want to spend three saturated. Price, chicken biryani for 200 rp (RM 12.70) and mutton biryani 170 (RM 10.70). Ni Kat India, chicken prices lg expensive DRP goats. Coffee 35 rp (Rm 2:20) cup. If Include, expensive kosher food sold, may be standard hotel. Actually, if you take rice cooker and dry lauk2 lg iPod and worthwhile. When I've hari2 eat the same thing mcm tu, dah tak nak masuk and throat.
After eating, I asked the husband in a horse ride. Instead mark jln2 front of the hotel where many horses tethered. When we last je, is busy talking to persuade them up. Berbincang2 last dah, the price they pay is 550 rp for a horse and 50 rp for rent shoes, he later because our shoes wet snow affected.
We take Oldest package of 2 hours will include Baisaran, Dabi and the Kashmir Valley. First feeling like fall ni je ride horses. During this ride horses, we were accompanied by horse guards, they will always come to our side.
Ni horse riding experience how to build a walk in cooler along with our most sweet in India, which can make us smile. Tak p

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