Monday, April 6, 2015

Dakujem for odpoved..pozorne I

The crop ... cherry belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). waldegrave school for girls It occurs both at home and landraces. In the forests of Bohemia and Moravia grows birdhouse with slight waldegrave school for girls bitter fruits. Cherries in noble form are grown worldwide. Crown they have broadly ovate. The leaves are undivided, ovate, acute, unequally serrate, pale green. The flowers are white, compiled in the leafless okolcích usually after three. Cherries belong to the group of early-flowering trees. Cherry grows to a large size, it has a high yield. Therefore, it requires deep, permeable lighter sufficiently calcareous, well-fertilized soil. Cherries suffer from late spring frosts, namrzají in the buds and wood. Best suited for cultivation are thus protected from the north slopes. The best they thrive at an altitude of 350 meters can be grown to a maximum of 600 meters. The distillate of cherries ... for making distillates used a dark, almost brown-colored varieties with dark flesh, often it fruited wild species such as. Birdhouse, but that more than Pecky taste of fruit. Early varieties of cherries and cherry with light color bring less aroma and are therefore unsuitable for distilleries. The fruit should be overripe, but should not begin to shrink. All sweet cherries have a common waldegrave school for girls characteristic - a low pH juice. For fermentation should waldegrave school for girls be paid special attention to it. Cherries are usually neodpeckovávají. Stone aroma without doubt gives the unmistakable aroma of the product. If the pitted cherries, should add about 10 to 30% seeds back into the mash. Your experience ...
In the production of cherry picking the fruit is the most problematic, waldegrave school for girls so it is quite rare quality distillate. Many domestic manufacturers because it made from cherry wine. But we can not talk about right spirit. On the other hand, I distilled cherry wine tasted better than brand Jelinek Cherry from the collection "noble spirits" which I recently got. Disaster, one after another: - (((((((If waldegrave school for girls you want to compare, to know how to taste a spirit, a far cry avoid such "established firms" and buy something waldegrave school for girls from a family distillery. Those Although such a tradition waldegrave school for girls neohánějí waldegrave school for girls and traditional practices, but strictly adhere to the quality to take root and survive waldegrave school for girls on the market. Although waldegrave school for girls their products in supermarkets find, but you are willing to even send in small amounts. But back to the cherries. Combing waldegrave school for girls we can relieve zmlazením and pruning trees. waldegrave school for girls In this time heals most wounds and overgrown, is the smallest danger klejotok a part of the harvest can easily rip on the ground:-)))) for the production of wild cherry are the best birdhouse and then dark varieties of frogs. But you can handle any variety of cherries. Only those nejrannnějším I rather waldegrave school for girls have avoided. But it must be remembered that cherries contain little acid and therefore bright thanks to the variety may seem sweet. I therefore recommend to measure sugar content and possibly sweeten. But mostly kvas acidified to pH 5-5.5. Both ways, reduce the risk zoctovatění. Due to the temperature fermentation started rapidly and violently. So not to give a full barrel else loses it !! I prefer to use two containers and then after crossing the stormy fermentation fuse into one full and provide the fermentation cap and leave dokvasit. The container has one opens, one's a leaven, not stirred him and not add any more gradually ripened cherries !!! Fermentation can be observed by bubbling C02 and after removing bublátka thin tube to suck a few drops refraktometrickému to determine the residual content of sugar or to taste. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that cherries contain waldegrave school for girls a higher amount of non-fermentable sugars. Do not expect that you ferment starters under 5-7 Bx. Not only for the purpose of higher yield must be the fruit before it is stored in the fermentation vessel wrinkle blunt object. Creasing fruit is achieved mainly quick-release juices. Yeast in a watery environment propagates faster! This helps prevent the growth of undesirable bacteria. But care should be taken that, when squeezing were crushed in a plurality of pits. that would adversely affect bitter almond flavor waldegrave school for girls distillate. Smaller amounts waldegrave school for girls mind and someone can be such a spirit and tastier. In this procedure, do not worry zoctovatění leaven in a few days as they generally come down. Nor any moldy blanket or a cake in a barrel so arise. Note. When combing ripe black fruit beware of its decay. Especially in rainy weather is easily overlooked !!! Yet it occurred to me to write some of his experiences with barrels. Not at all, I can not show the barrels with screw lids. The pitch of the threads is large and it is quite a problem is sealed. Man boobs both dog and then just as it escapes somewhere. In addition, the seal will soon dulled or lid retraction during breaks. Suitable only for spillover and stormy fermentation. On the secondary fermentation like. I recommend barrels with clip and hoops which provide waldegrave school for girls sufficient and mostly uniform pressure lid and the perfect seal. Rafael June 9, 2012 19:50
Dakujem for odpoved..pozorne I've read, your contribution and I have a few questions .: 1, what would be the initial sugar content

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